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Seldon crysis - EVE 2.0

apanz3rapanz3r Member UncommonPosts: 273

Some folks are working at making what is pretty much eve 2.0. They want to keep pretty much the good ideas from eve and get reed of the spreadsheet factor.


  • IkonisIkonis Member UncommonPosts: 245

    I have to question ripping lore and names directly from Isaac Asimov. As much as I want to find this idea, using that without any indication they got permission sets off many alarms

  • zzaxzzax Member UncommonPosts: 324
    Will it have normal combat or copied from EVE as well?
  • apanz3rapanz3r Member UncommonPosts: 273
    Originally posted by Ikonis

    I have to question ripping lore and names directly from Isaac Asimov. As much as I want to find this idea, using that without any indication they got permission sets off many alarms

    I am not a lawyer but i think they have some writer on board that continued the work. 

  • apanz3rapanz3r Member UncommonPosts: 273
    Originally posted by zzax
    Will it have normal combat or copied from EVE as well?

    i think combat is wasd keys ,nonconsensual pvp , partial loot

  • IkonisIkonis Member UncommonPosts: 245
    Originally posted by apanz3r
    Originally posted by Ikonis

    I have to question ripping lore and names directly from Isaac Asimov. As much as I want to find this idea, using that without any indication they got permission sets off many alarms

    I am not a lawyer but i think they have some writer on board that continued the work. 

    Well if they have the ok to use Foundation lore, then I'm on board funding this. Sounds like what I always wanted out of Eve. Going to try to get more info from the studio to see if they do in fact have the legal rights for this. Don't want tot fund something that could be sued out of existence

  • IkonisIkonis Member UncommonPosts: 245

    So if anyone was curious, I tried to get a straight answer out of the devs about their use of Asimovs work and if they have permission to piggy back off it. All I got was overly defensive answers, side stepping the question, and a bunch of non sense and spin talk that isn't based in reality. The only person they got permission from is some writer of some supposed novel, which they hilariously call non-profit work which sounds suspiciously like fan fiction. They claim they have asked 3 law studios, which sounds suspicious as to why you would ask 3 law studios when you should only be dealing with one lawyer with expertise in copyright and trademark. I find it a lot more likely that when they saw they talked to law studios, what the hell is a law studio anyway, they mean they asked some people on law forums and probably poorly explained the situation they are in.


    So yeah, don't bother with this Kickstarter. If this isn't a scam, if is just doomed to failure. They don't know what they are doing.

  • KazuhiroKazuhiro Member UncommonPosts: 609
    I've been waiting for a solid eve clone for half a decade. Now we may get a eve clone that removes the worst parts of eve.

    I'm doubtful it will be done right, but I wish them luck.

    To find an intelligent person in a PUG is not that rare, but to find a PUG made up of "all" intelligent people is one of the rarest phenomenons in the known universe.

  • iFruitiFruit Member UncommonPosts: 98

    C'mon, it's a universe by Riccardo Simone, they won't get sued (likely).

    Come and support the guys, they're no worst than the flamboyant Roberts.

    5000-pound pledge still available btw.


    PS: if you don't help now I highly doubt the guys will make it by October 8th.

  • FdzzaiglFdzzaigl Member UncommonPosts: 2,433

    I'd love to see a game in the Foundation universe by Isaac Asimov, but I have to wonder whether they got permission from the copyright holders.

    Personally I'd also much prefer to see a strategy game ala Homeworld in his universe (but spanning different time periods) than an MMO tbh.

    Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!

  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,642

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

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