I've been looking through his live letters as of late and I'm having trouble finding anything pertaining to inventory management. Has he said anything that might indicate future plans to help with inventory space? I'm finding that the mix of being able to level every class and gather every kind of gear for vanity is making for a situation where I'm becoming pressed for inventory space. I'd assume they're aware of the issue and just haven't gotten around to saying anything yet.
The moment I read "It's like" or "WoW" is the moment I stop reading your post.
You can buy up to two additional retainers, which results in a ton of extra inventory space.
Not that this service is necessary for anyone but a very small minority. For me, with having 3 classes at 50 and all others 30+ my second retainer is still empty.
I can't find it anywhere on the website other than under Mog Station. You need to log into Mog Station. Click the Account Services Button if you are not already there, then click the Retainer services button.
The moment I read "It's like" or "WoW" is the moment I stop reading your post.
just throwing this out there, did you know that you have armoure in your inn room where u can store event stuff and AF gear?
Yes, already using it. The problem is that I have no reason to throw out any unique armor sets because I could feasibly get any of the jobs to fifty in a short time span. Most of those items cannot be placed in the armory, although they should.
I was never a big fan of the additional retainers thing, since all it will do is punish the people who stick with the game in the long run. World of Warcraft let you buy more bank space in game, or increase the size of your bags. FFXI had gobbie bags. Their concept of inventory is very backwards in FFXIV by comparison.
although not a fan of the extra retainer myself, but I have all jobs and craft at 50, and only using 2 retainers. Never had any issue at all.
Yes, there is no unlockable inventory space....
...Only more inventory space than ever was in FFXI or WoW right from the beginning.
[mod edit]
I'm failing to see the issue here. Unless you fail terribly at inventory management, inventory + 2 retainers is way more than enough even for crafters with a ton of materials. This entire thread is pointless.
The game is not designed for hoarders. You do get plenty of space. You should simply sell what you don't need or aren't using. I've been casually playing since launch and had about 500k gil to my name. Recently started selling all sorts of hoarded things that I'm not using. Now, I'm almost to 1mil gil to my name.
If someone ends up getting all adventuring classes to 50, and he makes a point to collect all the available end game dungeon sets for each class, will the finite inventory space be sufficient in the long run? Please keep in mind that each patch would introduce a new set for each job. Including all accessories, that's a lot of inventory space to handle. Far more than the finite retainers can hold. That also doesn't include potions, food, and other miscellaneous items the player may need to carry with him.
That is all I meant with my above statement that Hyanmen apparently took offense to. Nothing in my post was worth attacking me over, and Hyanmen is taking things personally where he shouldn't.
I'm glad that you are not having inventory issues, but there are people in the game who hoard things. The entire point of a vanity system is to let people hoard items and wear them without impacting future stats.
This game, like every other raiding mmo I've played, gives you plenty of space to carry extra sets around ontop of your used set whether it be for glamour, nostalgia purposes, whatever. No game I've played however, is designed around a player storing every gear piece made available in the game for every class, that is not realistic. This is likely been an issue for you, because the overwhelming majority of people don't try hang onto that much gear, especially from dungeons. Unless this becomes a legit gamebreaking issue, It will not become addressed.
Well, that's because most games do not let you play every single class ever made on a single character and encourage the player to level multiple classes. It is something their design team needs to consider, and I'm hoping they will actually do something to help those players who want to take advantage of the vanity system. Yoshida said himself that it was fairly popular.
Inventory isn't a real issue, I've never struggled. I'm on a break right now, waiting for next patch whilst I play other games, but I am pretty sure you can store set pieces in your armoire in your inn room. Can't remember, you'll have to give it a go. I have all my crafting at max and 4 jobs at max and never had inventory problems.
Although I would like more inventory as I like carrying stuff around with me, just my preference though.
The issue being what exactly? That ARR offers less inventory space than WoW or FFXI? (It doesn't...) That most of the available inventory space in ARR isn't locked behind quests? (Which would change what exactly...)
I'm only trying to understand your point of view the best I can here. From what I can see is that WoW and FFXI solved your problem by locking part of the inventory space behind quests, but I don't see how that changes a single thing if we're playing with the same inventory size as before and the only difference with ARR is that the game gives you everything from the beginning.
Yep know what you mean about inventory space. I'm only gona be whm as far as jobs go. On the flip side I'm leveling all 8 crafts plus 3 gathering classes. That alone will pretty much feel up my inventory space. Even with around level 30 for everything, already more than half full on 2 retainers + myself.
Only thing I havn't really touched is fishing, and that is gona kill my inventory when I get around to it. Well that and cooking /panics.
Beware fishing. There are people who really want others to be fishers, but be prepared to throw a ton of fish overboard to save your skin.