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Shroud of the Avatar Release 9 images and video

I streamed my forray into Shroud of the Avatar on Twitch.

Thorougly enjoyed pvp'ing on the Brave Coast, building/decorating my house, exploring dungeons, and enjoying some good ole RP.

Thanks, Richard Garriott, Starr Long, and all the people who made this happen!

Also got a lot of shots of the game. Very cool!

Played as Leila Kin in SotA

See you all in Release 10! 30 days away!


Leila Kin in Shroud of the Avatar


  • RexKushmanRexKushman Member RarePosts: 639

    I had a great time watching your stream throughout the weekend.  Your house came out really nice, lots of little details in every room. I bet you'll spend days and days decorating once the game goes live.

    Release 9 was my first time testing SotA and i had a blast. The game has a ton of potential and the team behind it is really doing a great job. 

    Looking forward to R 10 :) 

  • FlaviusPetrusFlaviusPetrus Member Posts: 1

    Excellent on-the-ground reporting :)

    I look forward to seeing what's in store for release 10 and what other tomfoolery the community gets up to.

  • Release 9 reopens this Friday! 

    Read it at the Shroud of the Avatar Summary page


    See you guys on Friday, August 29th  Sept. 1st.

    I'll be streaming the entire weekend. Come hang out with me :D

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