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UPDATE 4:30PM EDT / 2230 CET - Pendragon is back online! Happy testing, and please provide your thoughts and feedback here: http://www.darkageofcamelot.com/contact Please review the Patch Notes for Pendragon version 1.115f below!
- Relics have returned to Relic Temples! Read on to find out why you should start planning your next Relic raid today!
- New Frontiers adjustments abound! You spoke and we listened! Get back into the groove with some familiar action in NF!
- Keeps have never looked this good! Keep art has received some truly fantastic updates! This is something you have to see!
*NOTE* - Please make sure that you run the Dark Age of Camelot Patcher prior to logging in. Thank you!
World Changes
Realm vs. Realm Frontiers Relic Changes
- Each realm’s home Relics shrine has been moved back to their respective Relic Temple
- The Scabbard of Excalibur is now stored in Castle Excalibur
- Merlin’s Staff is now stored in Castle Myrddin
- Thor’s Hammer is now stored in Mjollner Faste
- The Horn of Valhalla is now stored in Grallarhorn Faste
- Lug’s Spear is now stored in Dun Lamfhota
- The Cauldron of Dagda is now stored in Dun Dagda
- In order to remove a Relic from a Relic Temple, a realm must first open up the Relic Milegates:
- In Albion:
- Capturing Caer Renaris and any other keep in Albion will open one Albion Strength Relic Gate
- Capturing Caer Renaris and two other keeps in Albion will open both Albion Strength Relic Gates
- Capturing Caer Hurbury and any other keep in Albion will open one Albion Power Relic Gate
- Capturing Caer Hurbury and two other keeps in Albion will open both Albion Power Relic Gates
- In Midgard:
- Capturing Fensalir Faste and any other keep in Midgard will open one Midgard Strength Relic Gate
- Capturing Fensalir Faste and two other keeps in Midgard will open both Midgard Strength Relic Gates
- Capturing Arvakr Faste and any other keep in Midgard will open one Midgard Power Relic Gate
- Capturing Arvakr Faste and two other keeps in Midgard will open both Midgard Strength Relic Gates
- In Hibernia:
- Capturing Dun Ailline and any other keep in Hibernia will open one Hibernian Strength Relic Gate
- Capturing Dun Ailline and two other keeps in Hibernia will open both Hibernian Strength Relic Gates
- Capturing Dun Scathaig and any other keep in Hibernia will open one Hibernian Power Relic Gate
- Capturing Dun Scathaig and two other keeps in Hibernia will open both Hibernian Power Relic Gates
- To capture a relic from a Relic Temple, players will simply have to kill the new Relic Lords guarding the temples
- The Relic pillar mechanic is no longer used
- When captured by an enemy realm, Relics can be stored in any home realm keep except for the Portal Keeps
Keep Changes
- The Ruined Keeps are now able to be captured, claimed, upgraded, and ported to and from by the realm that controls them
- These keeps will remain in a Ruined state
- These keeps will now show the realm that owns them on the /realmwar map
- The Relic Keeps are now normal, defensible and capture-able keeps
- As before, if captured, enemy realms will not be able to teleport to or from these keeps
Porting Changes
- Coastal Keeps can now only be teleported to and from by enemy realms that own them and all of their towers
- Ruined Keeps can now captured, and players may teleport to and from them, provided that all ruined towers are captured as well
Dock Changes
- All 1.115 Dock locations and capture mechanics have been removed with the exception of the Agramon Docks
- Docks and Boat Destinations have been restored to pre-1.115 locations
- There are now 4 docks in each realm
- These docks cannot be captured
- One dock near the Ruined Keep
- One dock near the Center Keep
- One dock at the river near the Strength Relic Milegate
- One dock at the river near the Power Relic Milegate
- All docks will take players to the other realm’s Ruined Keep and the 2 Coastal Keeps
- Players will still not be able to boat to Caer Berkstead, Nottmoor Faste, or Dun Crimthainn
Keep Art
- All Keeps in the New Frontiers have had their art updated and improved!
- Light-mapping has been added or updated in all Keeps and towers in NF
- Keeps will no longer appear as fully lit during night hours
- Textures have been improved in various areas throughout Keeps and towers in NF
Quests New Frontiers
- The Supplies For the Cause quests are now given out by Commander Wentworth, Commander Hrurdin, and Commander Locke in each realm’s Portal keep instead of by the, now-defunct, captured Dock Guards
- The player kill and guard kill quests must now be turned into the Commanders at the Portal Keep before beginning the next quest. These quests have had their Champion Level experience reward increased
- Several new RvR quests have been added to the Commanders inside each realm’s Portal Keep. These quests will reward players with 250 Bounty Points and a chunk of Champion Level experience. These quests are repeatable
- Scouting Agramon
- Scouting the Beachhead of Hibernia
- Scouting the Beachhead of Midgard
- Scouting the Beachhead of Albion
- Scouting the “Relic” keeps of Hibernia
- Scouting the “Relic” keeps of Midgard
- Scouting the “Relic” keeps of Albion
- The Oceanus Hesperos Atlantean Glass one-time only quests have had the amount of mobs required to complete them reduced
- Wicoessa’s Research, Astoissi’s Favor, and When Harpies Attack now only require 8 mob kills instead of 15
- The amount of mobs involved in each of these quests have also been increased
- The repeatable versions of these quests have also been reduced from 15 to 8
- The Mesothalassa Atlantean Glass one-time only quests have had the amount of mobs required to complete them reduced.
- Noula’s Bounty, Sirina’s Bounty, and Mylia’s Bounty now only require 20 mob kills instead of 25.
- The repeatable versions of these quests still remain at 25 mob kills.
Bug Fixes
- (Gaheris Only) Minotaur Relics in the Frontiers should once again provide their buffs.
- (Gaheris Only) The Pict mobs in Raumarik, Cursed Forest, and Llyn Barfog should no longer be friendly to players.
- (Gaheris Only) The Summons to Vindsaul Faste quest will now step properly when being teleported by Channeler Felna.
- Warlock’s instant constitution debuff line of spells in the Hexing Specialization should no longer share a timer with some Champion Level buffs.
- The Into the Fire quest should now be able to be completed more consistently.