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Interview with B&S NA/EU Product Manager

AmbrosiaAmorAmbrosiaAmor Member Posts: 915


Aari over at B&S Dojo had the chance to meet with the product manager of BnS EU/NA. Key points:


  • Release date is aimed at 2015
  • Client based off of the Chinese client.
  • Fatigue system might not be present (she strongly dislikes it but as I understood there are no concrete plans yet)
  • Warlock class will not be included initially.
  • They will most likely have PvP and PvE servers.
  • Plans are that you will still choose your faction on PvP server but there won't be a need to equip PvP dobok to attack players.
  • You will most likely not be able to change faction on PvP servers.
  • Edit: Game will be a F2P model but not entirely free (Most likely using a freemium model)



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