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I've played a lot of games in my hay-day. I am looking for an MMORPG that provides a challenge from the beginning. Much like FFXI was -prior- to the nerfs to make the game more "western." I am not looking for an Asian grindy-mmorpg, and I don't mind a sub fee.
Are there any games that provide a challenge - one that brings players together to conquer the worst foes and enemies? Or must I wait until the genre gets past the clonecloneclone stage?
Sorry man, there really aren't any mainstream games anymore that provide a challenging leveling experience. They're all just tedious grindfests. The most rewarding end game content in my OPINION would have to be Rift at the moment. I have not gotten to end game in Wildstar because although it was fun, the quest hub grind system made me want to vomit by level 30.
Ranked online chess?
MMOs just aren't designed to be challenging.
a yo ho ho
Help get Camelot Unchained made, a old-school MMORPG, with no hand holding!
Not really hard, just grindy,
(I still miss it though, just can't stand how it is now)
As for the post..
Not sure if you're referring to PvP difficulty or PvE.
For PvE, I would have to say Wildstar. While not exactly hard from the gets pretty brutal. Dungeon and Raid wise. Not to mention the game is just very well crafted. The leveling could use an overhaul though...
For PvP you have a few options that come to mind. Darkfall and EVE, though both take a certain type of person to enjoy it.
Age of Wushu currently has eating mandatory. They will be changing this in the near future with an eat, drink, and maintain body temperature management. If you start to have a low amount on one of these you have a chance to become sick.
The open world combat is not challenging, but the instanced combat is significantly harder.
Players are also interdependent on other players through its crafting system. You can only choose 1 craft at a time and each one has its place in the game. The monetary system separates trade and personal income, so the only way you can get some goods like food is by trading your crafted goods with other players.