Not sure if its sarcasm or someone being serious....
its a bit sad they are charging large sums of cash for ships for a game not even released yet (and if it was released still would be sad). Its a shame my expectations for this game keep dropping.
Also it seems that will beat out the previous fighter ships like hornet, accordingly to devs:
"The big deal is that unlike the Aurora, the 300i or even the civilian Hornet, the Gladius is a dedicated dogfighter. Where these other ships have been designed or modified for a variety of possible roles, the Gladius is pretty solidly designed for fighting".
Look, I bought a couple ships, and am a fan of what they are trying to do with the game, but the blatant money grabbing that continues to go on after 50 MILLION dollars were given to them makes me want this game to fail.
I'm not even joking. Will not see another red cent from me.
Originally posted by BTrayaL Someone should actually report you for advertising.. real bargain, lmfao.
LOL If 80$ ship is better thang 2 times more expensive ships is a bargain !!!
Also it saves you at least 10 hours of playing in game , which is quie a good deal
LOL, P2W games crack me up. Saves me 10 hours of playing in game? Awesome. Pay money so I don't have to play the fricken game. Am I the only one that thinks something is wrong with that?
Do not forget you will be able to buy in game cash for real money, limited to "small" amounts.
This whole thing screams cash grab. Correct me if I am wrong, heard this many months ago so do not quote me on the statement.
How good would a triple A MMO with a publisher be if they spent only 45 mill?
I get that they get to make the game they want to make, and do not WANT to take shortcuts. But how far does 45 million really go?
It does not magically make the game be great. This one has a lot of promises to hold, I fear a storm coming when it actually launches with so many people heavily invested in it.
New meta, invest in ships rather than stocks.
This is not a flame post, I am just very critical with all the news about new ships all the time. I have not followed the game closely so I might have a biased opinion due to the only things I hear about are new ships and people whining about it taking so long.
I said this a year ago, this game can single handedly kill the gaming kickstarter community.
All those promises, all that money, if they dont deliver nobody will trust kickstarter devs again.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
If they were actually forcing you to buy them, I could see the point of this thread. I check my bank account at least twice a week. CIG hasn't gotten anymore then the money I gave them for my pledge. Maybe it's different for some of you? Then of course I look at the topic creators name. Yep, that explains a lot. I remember when you use to put some effort into your post. Now they just make you seem really butthurt. /shrug
In War - Victory. In Peace - Vigilance. In Death - Sacrifice.
Quickly, buy the 80$ starter ship, true bargain and only one week available !
Hahaha this made my day. $80 for vaporware. I certainly hope there is a lawsuit involved when the proverbial crap finally hits the fan with this game. $80 a bargain? In what world? I wouldn't pay that for an entire brand new game, let alone a ship in a game that will probably never see the light of day.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV Have played: You name it If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
free 7 day sub and unlocks for swtor new accounts and 90+ day inactive subs click here to get it!
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Not sure if its sarcasm or someone being serious....
its a bit sad they are charging large sums of cash for ships for a game not even released yet (and if it was released still would be sad). Its a shame my expectations for this game keep dropping.
Also it seems that will beat out the previous fighter ships like hornet, accordingly to devs:
"The big deal is that unlike the Aurora, the 300i or even the civilian Hornet, the Gladius is a dedicated dogfighter. Where these other ships have been designed or modified for a variety of possible roles, the Gladius is pretty solidly designed for fighting".
Gah Im $400 into this game already and frankly starting to find a new ship for sale every week a bit offensive.
Especially considering the hanger and dogfighting module are so buggy for me they don't work for crap.
I lol every day at all your people that keep buying ships. Theres a guy in my guild thats spent £1000 alreday...
Crazy people.
LOL If 80$ ship is better thang 2 times more expensive ships is a bargain !!!
Also it saves you at least 10 hours of playing in game , which is quie a good deal
Look, I bought a couple ships, and am a fan of what they are trying to do with the game, but the blatant money grabbing that continues to go on after 50 MILLION dollars were given to them makes me want this game to fail.
I'm not even joking. Will not see another red cent from me.
The Deep Web is sca-ry.
LOL, P2W games crack me up. Saves me 10 hours of playing in game? Awesome. Pay money so I don't have to play the fricken game. Am I the only one that thinks something is wrong with that?
Spending money in a game that isn't out yet seems a bit risky. To quote Fanboys last line "what if it sucks"?
Nah, I will spend my 80 bucks tonight by getting drunk at the local pub instead.
But .... the money are just to support the game ..... the more money we donate the better the game will be ...
Why are you so picky ?
At least tell your friends about this amazing limited offer
Because then what would be the point of playing the game
(beside the insanity of paying 15k)
This is like the potato salad guy after he started posting ads to places.
Hopefully this game doesn't jump its own shark with all the pay ships.
Do not forget you will be able to buy in game cash for real money, limited to "small" amounts.
This whole thing screams cash grab. Correct me if I am wrong, heard this many months ago so do not quote me on the statement.
How good would a triple A MMO with a publisher be if they spent only 45 mill?
I get that they get to make the game they want to make, and do not WANT to take shortcuts. But how far does 45 million really go?
It does not magically make the game be great. This one has a lot of promises to hold, I fear a storm coming when it actually launches with so many people heavily invested in it.
New meta, invest in ships rather than stocks.
This is not a flame post, I am just very critical with all the news about new ships all the time. I have not followed the game closely so I might have a biased opinion due to the only things I hear about are new ships and people whining about it taking so long.
I said this a year ago, this game can single handedly kill the gaming kickstarter community.
All those promises, all that money, if they dont deliver nobody will trust kickstarter devs again.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
This. I wasn't impressed by the dog fighting module. I want to see the game before I throw money away at pixels.
You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
Yeah sadly it's a tad too late for you now. CIG already has $400 of your money.
If their other modules are the quality of what they did to the DFM then I'd start mourning now.
(Yes I know it's alpha, it's still rather crap even for an alpha)
I tried the dfm for 20 minutes, it felt lagy , probably because how physics works and then i went back to StarConflict .
Also the graphic didn;t look good enough to bother trying again. I am wondering is smth wrong with my comp or is really laggy because of physics?
Mourning where ? You get trolled and banned
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
Hahaha this made my day. $80 for vaporware. I certainly hope there is a lawsuit involved when the proverbial crap finally hits the fan with this game. $80 a bargain? In what world? I wouldn't pay that for an entire brand new game, let alone a ship in a game that will probably never see the light of day.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
Have played: You name it
If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.