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didnt know this was an mmo.

TaiphozTaiphoz Member UncommonPosts: 353
topic says it all really.. wow an mmo???


  • TheQuietGamerTheQuietGamer Member Posts: 317
    Originally posted by Dvalon
    topic says it all really.. wow an mmo???

    yes, wow is one of the most famous mmo's.  

    So is Star Citizen, and quite sandboxy by all accounts.  It is looking very promising, not that I want to get too hyped for it.        

  • KuviskiKuviski Member UncommonPosts: 215

    At the moment it looks to me like any game with the slightest hint multiplayer elements is capable of being called an MMO.

    I don't know about Star Citizen specifically because I never was interested in the game, but having seen the introductionary KS video, I never had any idea it was supposed to be an MMO of any sort.

  • The structure is somewhat different from most MMOs, but there will be a persisent universe with lots of players in it.

    There will also be a single player/coop campaign more akin to the old Wing Commander games.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,251
    As much as the term is watered down these days, sure it can be called an MMO.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

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    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

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  • korent1991korent1991 Member UncommonPosts: 1,364

    to be honest, it's not your every day mmo... it'll be a "persistant" world because you'll be able to explore every bit of the universe but there won't be servers like you're used to. As far as I'm aware players which are close to eachother will create a link and they'll be able to see eachother and the one who has better PC and faster internet will be the host of that link. I'm not sure how many people will be able to see eachother at the same time but I'm guessing that it won't be more than 64. 

    So I'm really disliking that part of the game and just because of that I'm not really interested in it. Something might've changed in the meantime but I highly doubt it.

    "Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."

  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150

    I will just go back to the first question on the FAQ from the devs, they make it sound like it is NOT because it is even  BETTER!

    To me it is more of an extended multiplayer option with a 24 hour server running.  The definition of MMO has become, as others stated, very watered down but also more complex and people try to do more with games.  I am a little worried that by trying to be 'all things' it will do each of them "well". . . I am looking for more of a stellar experience using one aspect.  I am looking forward to enjoying it as a single player game and playing multiplayer when the mood strikes me.  

    Here is a decent article on it:


    Is Star Citizen an MMO?
    No! Star Citizen will take the best of all possible worlds, ranging from a permanent, persistent world similar to those found in MMOs to an offline, single player campaign like those found in the Wing Commander series. The game will include the option for private servers, like Freelancer, and will offer plenty of opportunities for players who are interested in modding the content. Unlike many games, none of these aspects is an afterthought: they all combine to form the core of the Star Citizen experience.

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • Colt47Colt47 Member UncommonPosts: 549
    It's not really a massive multiplayer experience in the sense that most people on this forum think of and it's the same thing with project Destiny from Bungie.   Both of the previously mentioned titles are using a hub system to allow skirmishes against a controlled sized group of players, only in this case Star Citizen has a dynamic economy that can be controlled partially by the player base in addition to the fighting and the random quest system.   So, it's somewhere in the muddied middle between a Call of Duty or Battlefield style game and a MMORPG in terms of multiplayer interaction.
  • Geebus80Geebus80 Member Posts: 92
    From what I gather only the official server/s will have high population caps, the user hosted servers will have a much smaller pop cap.
  • screecwescreecwe Member UncommonPosts: 128

    Lot's of misinformation in here...


    Originally posted by korent1991

    to be honest, it's not your every day mmo... it'll be a "persistant" world because you'll be able to explore every bit of the universe but there won't be servers like you're used to. As far as I'm aware players which are close to eachother will create a link and they'll be able to see eachother and the one who has better PC and faster internet will be the host of that link. I'm not sure how many people will be able to see eachother at the same time but I'm guessing that it won't be more than 64. 

    So I'm really disliking that part of the game and just because of that I'm not really interested in it. Something might've changed in the meantime but I highly doubt it.

    There will be a master server that spins up shards on the fly depending on needs. If you fly into a sector of space (very large area) you will be put into a server cluster that is near your location. It will be populated by players (anywhere from 60-100, they're not sure yet) and NPCs. It takes things into account like whether or not you're friends with someone, your ping, your PVP slider, the security of the space you're in, and whether or not you are tracking a specific target ship.


    As for the persistence, being able to explore has nothing to do with persistence. Things that happen in the PU affect the entire universe. If you get into a major firefight with people and npcs, missiles and repair costs might go up in that sector while supply meets demand. You attack and takeover a space station, everyone will know.

    Originally posted by Aethaeryn

    I will just go back to the first question on the FAQ from the devs, they make it sound like it is NOT because it is even  BETTER!

    To me it is more of an extended multiplayer option with a 24 hour server running.  The definition of MMO has become, as others stated, very watered down but also more complex and people try to do more with games.  I am a little worried that by trying to be 'all things' it will do each of them "well". . . I am looking for more of a stellar experience using one aspect.  I am looking forward to enjoying it as a single player game and playing multiplayer when the mood strikes me.  

    Here is a decent article on it:


    Is Star Citizen an MMO?
    No! Star Citizen will take the best of all possible worlds, ranging from a permanent, persistent world similar to those found in MMOs to an offline, single player campaign like those found in the Wing Commander series. The game will include the option for private servers, like Freelancer, and will offer plenty of opportunities for players who are interested in modding the content. Unlike many games, none of these aspects is an afterthought: they all combine to form the core of the Star Citizen experience.

    That question has been clarified. That was when Chris Roberts was trying to prevent people from thinking this game had RPG elements like character progression. The problem is, too many people use MMORPG and MMO interchangeably. This game absolutely will be an MMO. You're playing with hundreds of thousands of people at the same time, with seamless transitions between shards and the ability to interact with any of them whenever you want. The PU is always evolving from player interaction with it. 

  • NitthNitth Member UncommonPosts: 3,904

    Originally posted by screecwe
    This game absolutely will be an MMO. You're playing with hundreds of thousands of people at the same time 

    By your own definition this is not the case as you will be put into 60-100 player clusters.

    TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development

  • Dreamo84Dreamo84 Member UncommonPosts: 3,713
    Why would a space MMO need instances of 60-100 people?!?! IT'S SPACE!!!!! I can't imagine it would be terribly hard to make an endlessly procedurally generated space MMO... hmm...

  • AzothAzoth Member UncommonPosts: 840
    Originally posted by Nitth


    Originally posted by screecwe
    This game absolutely will be an MMO. You're playing with hundreds of thousands of people at the same time 


    By your own definition this is not the case as you will be put into 60-100 player clusters.

    How often in your mmo normal days do you actually play with more than 10-20 people. It might not be the usual definition of an MMO as you cannot actually have more than 100 or whatever the number will be on your screen at any given time. But it also is not as simple as an fps match making game with 12 vs 12.

    I would say it's in between. A huge persistent universe where you can meet anyone you want. Kinda like ESO with there 1 server and phasing mechanics. Except that Star Citizen won't use phasing to restrict area based on quest but on number of people you can have in the same phase at a given time.

  • ApraxisApraxis Member UncommonPosts: 1,518
    Originally posted by Robokapp
    There'll be a lot of dissapointed people expecting an MMO in this MMO if we go by the watered down definition...

    Yeap.. because it is not another WoW clone. A lot of nowadays MMO players are only familar with WoW and all WoW like MMOs released afterwards.. when they get the first time somthing completely different, they will not believe that it is a MMO. ;)

    Originally posted by Colt47
    It's not really a massive multiplayer experience in the sense that most people on this forum think of and it's the same thing with project Destiny from Bungie.   Both of the previously mentioned titles are using a hub system to allow skirmishes against a controlled sized group of players, only in this case Star Citizen has a dynamic economy that can be controlled partially by the player base in addition to the fighting and the random quest system.   So, it's somewhere in the muddied middle between a Call of Duty or Battlefield style game and a MMORPG in terms of multiplayer interaction.

    Hmm.. Star Citizen is not exactly like Destiny. It is not really a hub system.

    It is more akin to what Elder Scroll Online is doing or Age of Conan did. That every Zone is more or less a instance, and will be limited player wise. In Age of Conan the limit was 99 or 100 players per instance, and in Star Citizen they aim for something like 60-100 players, which is more or less the same. I don't know how the limit in ESO for every instance/phase except Cryodil is.

    Although in Star Citizen a lot of things happening in any of those instances will affect the complete world and all other instances(like supply and demand), unlike in AoC or ESO, where nothing happening in any Instance affected the complete world.

    I really don't know how World Objects like a Space Station will be handled. Can it be attacked? And if so.. what happens when it is attacked and destroyed in Instance 101 to all other Instances "showing" that Space Station? And similar problems. With other words what is with the consistency of the world with hundreds of instances and all affecting it?

    And about beeing a MMO? As much as i know the offical FAQ states Star Citizen is not a MMO. And i think it is a good decision. Though technically it is as much a MMO like ESO and AoC(but not a RPG).. but the question would remain.. or those really MMOs?

    But as already said with the very loose used term MMO almost everything is nowadays a MMO.

    The more important question would be.. does it really matter, if it is a MMO or not?

  • Colt47Colt47 Member UncommonPosts: 549
    Originally posted by Apraxis
    Originally posted by Robokapp
    There'll be a lot of dissapointed people expecting an MMO in this MMO if we go by the watered down definition...

    Yeap.. because it is not another WoW clone. A lot of nowadays MMO players are only familar with WoW and all WoW like MMOs released afterwards.. when they get the first time somthing completely different, they will not believe that it is a MMO. ;)

    Originally posted by Colt47
    It's not really a massive multiplayer experience in the sense that most people on this forum think of and it's the same thing with project Destiny from Bungie.   Both of the previously mentioned titles are using a hub system to allow skirmishes against a controlled sized group of players, only in this case Star Citizen has a dynamic economy that can be controlled partially by the player base in addition to the fighting and the random quest system.   So, it's somewhere in the muddied middle between a Call of Duty or Battlefield style game and a MMORPG in terms of multiplayer interaction.

    Hmm.. Star Citizen is not exactly like Destiny. It is not really a hub system.

    It is more akin to what Elder Scroll Online is doing or Age of Conan did. That every Zone is more or less a instance, and will be limited player wise. In Age of Conan the limit was 99 or 100 players per instance, and in Star Citizen they aim for something like 60-100 players, which is more or less the same. I don't know how the limit in ESO for every instance/phase except Cryodil is.

    Although in Star Citizen a lot of things happening in any of those instances will affect the complete world and all other instances(like supply and demand), unlike in AoC or ESO, where nothing happening in any Instance affected the complete world.

    I really don't know how World Objects like a Space Station will be handled. Can it be attacked? And if so.. what happens when it is attacked and destroyed in Instance 101 to all other Instances "showing" that Space Station? And similar problems. With other words what is with the consistency of the world with hundreds of instances and all affecting it?

    And about beeing a MMO? As much as i know the offical FAQ states Star Citizen is not a MMO. And i think it is a good decision. Though technically it is as much a MMO like ESO and AoC(but not a RPG).. but the question would remain.. or those really MMOs?

    But as already said with the very loose used term MMO almost everything is nowadays a MMO.

    The more important question would be.. does it really matter, if it is a MMO or not?

    I think they are hinting that stations can be attacked and taken over, but there's going to be set points where people can actually board said stations.  We'll probably know more later on.

  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    Originally posted by Azoth
    Originally posted by Nitth


    Originally posted by screecwe
    This game absolutely will be an MMO. You're playing with hundreds of thousands of people at the same time 


    By your own definition this is not the case as you will be put into 60-100 player clusters.

    How often in your mmo normal days do you actually play with more than 10-20 people. It might not be the usual definition of an MMO as you cannot actually have more than 100 or whatever the number will be on your screen at any given time. But it also is not as simple as an fps match making game with 12 vs 12.

    I would say it's in between. A huge persistent universe where you can meet anyone you want. Kinda like ESO with there 1 server and phasing mechanics. Except that Star Citizen won't use phasing to restrict area based on quest but on number of people you can have in the same phase at a given time.

    This is a great point.  I am not sure if I would notice the difference other than "knowing" ahead of time.  Would it actually play differently for me. .  not likely.  

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • binkusbinkus Member Posts: 57

    do we know if there is a an offline or online simulator so you can try all the different ships and loadouts?

    just thinking back to my happy Jumpgate days where you could experiment with everything so you knew what you were aiming for or leveling for etc


    I have not seen anything about a sim in game 

    (p.s jumpgate is back if you need a space fix until this comes fully onboard - been playing on a freebie server for the memories)

    nerf scissors! rock is fine...
    yours paper

  • MothanosMothanos Member UncommonPosts: 1,910

    Give Mr Roberts a few hundred million more and its everything you want it to be.
    Release date 2019 or close.

    Seriously tough This game needs tons and tons and tons of more work before it realy becomes an mmo.
    So far its just a single module that barely works with spacestation walking and a alpha module.

    It might take many many years before it becomes a real mmo, but people call everything an mmo these days so whatever suits their point of vieuw.

  • Aren't they releasing Squadron 42, the single player/coop part before the MMO part?

  • Originally posted by binkus
    do we know if there is a an offline or online simulator so you can try all the different ships and loadouts?just thinking back to my happy Jumpgate days where you could experiment with everything so you knew what you were aiming for or leveling for etc I have not seen anything about a sim in game (p.s jumpgate is back if you need a space fix until this comes fully onboard - been playing on a freebie server for the memories)
    I never played Jumpgate, but was very interested in Jumpgate: Evolution until development sadly stopped.
  • AmbrosiusAmbrosius Member Posts: 75
    Poor old Jumpgate.  No space-game has ever compared to it.   Still playing in my ever-dwindling free time.

    -- Ambros.

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