The final installment of the community Q&A with apologies for the delay in posting:
Will you be adding more item slots now that builds will potentially need more weapon types to be viable?
We have added weapon slots to all skills and we will look into adding more quick slots later on.
If I want to play the current pure 140 Dex Duelist type playstyle, am I able to tie both a bow and a 1her to Dex, or am I now forced to pick one?
You will need to pick one, as bows are in a different weapon group than 1 handed weapons. The upside to this is that you can now use the best 1handed weapon with the best shield as a “duelist”.
How will the cost and cooldown bonuses of skills that are leveled to 100 now function since there is no longer a primary school? Will all abilities be increased in effectiveness if leveled up?
Yes, all skills within the school are affected.
Will armor protections be more normalized much like stat pools are? Dread/Imperious closer in line, and Intricate/Extravagant closer in line?
We think that with the addition of the new armor attributes they are more in line. The lighter the armor the more the damage output. We hope that they will be all desirable and we will be monitoring the usage so we can adjust any values needed in the future.
Are the epic continent monsters still in the making and planned you were talking about during beta?
There has been development progress on several of those monsters but they have been put on hold due to AI issues. We will pick them up again once we have the time.
Is it thinkable to have a new (and this time realistic) roadmap for upcoming content during 2014?
Right now we're working on developing and communicating our immediate plans. Once we've optimized our operational workflow and we've regained community trust through consistent timely delivery , we'll be happy to communicate our long term plans as well.
With the ability to link an armor type and a weapon type to stats will skills now inherit their power from the stat the associated weapon is linked to?
No, skills retain their current attribute links. That system is only used for the required prerequisite stat.
Will daggers be reworked in game so they are more viable for PvP?
Yes, daggers have been tweaked with this in mind, their damage, speed and especially their reach has been increased.
How will the auto weapon swap work with skills that allow several weapon choices?
If there is a weapon linked to a skill, when the skill is activated the weapon will also be unsheathed. You can leave the weapon slot empty to make a manual selection.
Example: If you have a sword unsheathed, and you select fireball(magic staff assigned), the magic staff will replace the sword. Your next click will cast fireball.
Will we be able to bind two types of weapons to one skill, ie vamp strike with one hander and 2hander or dash with melee weps or bows?
No, only one weapon can be be assigned to the skill slot. You can leave the slot empty and equip the weapon you want though.
I assume that the time to kill aspect will be significantly improved, but if you were to wear the lowest protection armor will you still have an improved time to kill compared to today or will we just be looking at another glass cannon? In short, how big is the difference In protections from heavy armor to the lightest armor.
For now we did not change the total armor protections. As stated before, we tweaked heavily the skills and also the vital stats pools. So compared to today, you will have more vital stats overall.
If you mix and match your boosters will wearing i.e. studded instead of intricate be a worthwhile sacrifice for the mix? and if not are stat requirements on gear such as dread, imperious, etc being lowered to compensate.
We expect in particular situations, some combinations to be making more sense than others.
So you can decide to wear a lower-tier armor but that means you will have more boosters in an off-stat, and therefore some of your skills will be more effective, because they will benefit from the increased attribute. Stat requirement on gear has not been changed for the time being, but this can easily change depending on how the system will play out.
How the knock back effect will work out vs heavy armors, till we already know, that they will have some kind of resistance on gravity/ push based powers. Is the full light armor will mitigate the resistance by its magnitude bonus, are self knock back will be lowered as well by the amount of resistance?
Any physics vector magnitude applied on a character will be reduced by the set reduction percent the armor will provide. Also keep in mind the higher quality heavy armor you are wearing the higher your knockback resistance is going to be.
My second question would be around stat regeneration and primalist gear, would it be stack with food effect? Would it's HP part will stack with invigoration? And will invigoration stack with int mana regeneration effect?
Every regeneration bit stacks and it always did. As for invigoration, we lowered it’s effect of course, as it now can be combined with the other regeneration sources.
How much of my prowess am I going to get back to spend.?
All the prowess that has been spent on purchasing and leveling combat skills, common skills, attributes and boosters. Basically, everything except crafting skills buying cost.
How much impact will "stats boosters" have on skills compared to "normal stats" (not boosted).
As much as they had before.
Keep in mind that we did not change how skills are affected by attributes and/or boosters. They follow the same rules as before. Elementalist spells benefit from Intelligence, Skirmisher skills benefit from Dexterity and so on.
Thank you for reading

Currently playing:Nothing
Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
Past games:
Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
Xpiher's GW2
GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
Warhammer - Xpiher