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Darkfall Offically Screwed Over

SnakexSnakex Member UncommonPosts: 317

There has been a massive epidemic on a Duping Bug. Massive duping, and people handing out duped goods like Welfare and Foodstamps. The game is gone to shit.

Check this out.

Sorry they took down the post someone made that was an inside duper coming out with what was truly going down. AV was talking to him in game trying to get him to expose the rest of the dupes they dont know about, finally they took down his post, yet again to hide the truth of the matters. AV has been ignoring this Auction house dupe for 4 months now. Now that it became an epidemic they are trying to act like its something new.

BUT, as the poster warned people to screenshot the post before it gets taken down, he was right, but the truth shall be revealed.

Here is the link:


Pic's here showing the duping and welfare process in action, cuz it DID happen.

This information is something for you to keep in mind if you are thinking about resubbing to Darkfall.



  • xpiherxpiher Member UncommonPosts: 3,310
    There was not any evidence prior to this weekend of the duping. If it had gone on prior to the economic patch, then it wasn't negitvely impacting the game (prices were stable, people were still going out in crappy gear). I'm going to call BS as the guy who posted this only did so after MLP, a clan who had duped MASSIVELY over the weekend and will be banned, was outed by me. 

    Currently playing:Nothing
    Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
    Past games:
    Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
    Xpiher's GW2
    GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
    Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
    AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
    Warhammer - Xpiher

  • Ket_VilianoKet_Viliano Member UncommonPosts: 271

    To the OP: took you this long to figure it out?


    To Xipher: sup, you post too much :P


    To everyone else: Why don't these companies just use a traditional RDBMS with transactions engaged? Is it really too much overhead?

  • MaejohlMaejohl Member UncommonPosts: 126

    And perhaps another thing to bear in mind is that Aventurine (the developers) have been investigating and tracking the duping:

    so have some fun in the next few days watching some new names pop up here:


    Let me make it clear that I am no fanboy of Aventurine.  Check out my posts on these forums between October and 2 or 3 months ago to see that I was all for that company going down like the sack of shit they were acting like at that time (and all the previous year).

    Most (if not all) MMOs have had dupes at one point or another.  Most MMOs stay relatively silent on the issue and they most certainly do not post lists of names of those who have been subsequently banned.

    In the last few months Aventurine has become a changed company.  Their output and outlook is unlike anything it has been before, including things like:

    • their developers have been allowed to start replying directly in forum threads
    • their comms team is closely watching threads and responding to them or passing them up the chain to the devs when needed
    • for the last ~3-4 months (ie since the change occurred) they have been patching on time and have brought in (and are bringing in) major, positive changes to the game
    • their devs also, when needed, hotfix quickly after a patch based on their own ingame experiences and player feedback ingame and on forums.

    All of this (and more) is causing people to return and the game to feel completely alive to where it was when the gaming community I'm in left it in October 2013.  And more people are continuing to return as well as new players trying out the game for the first time.

    Heck, even the notoriously caustic official forums ('Forumfall') has changed.  Of course some people continue to troll, but the number of positive threads and comments on Forumfall these days compared to half a year ago tells me that this change is not just at the dev level, but also at the community level too.

    So - don't just bear in mind what the drama queens like the OP say about the game if you are considering re-subbing or trying it out for the first time.  Check out the official forums and check out articles like this one* too!  



    *Shameless plug image



  • SnakexSnakex Member UncommonPosts: 317

    Im just going to add in another experience i witnessed with AV.

    My friend got angry dealing with AV, because he reported duping and nothing was done. He then proceeded to play another game and forgot about his House in Darkfall. He forgot to pay the tax and lost his house. He then proceeded to Bullshit AV saying he made payments but it still removed his House from his ownership. A GM then asked him a bunch of questions, exessive questions that made the GM sound like they really dont log most of the information on the game. After these questions, my friend got his house back.

    It is questionable if AV actually logs their game information, to the extent of giving someone their house back even after they legit lost their house. I witnessed this all, true story, no BS.

  • LustmordLustmord Member UncommonPosts: 1,114
    Originally posted by Snakex

     I witnessed this all, true story, no BS.

    cool thanks for the true story, anonymous internet guy.

  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818
    Originally posted by Snakex

    Im just going to add in another experience i witnessed with AV.

    My friend got angry dealing with AV, because he reported duping and nothing was done. He then proceeded to play another game and forgot about his House in Darkfall. He forgot to pay the tax and lost his house. He then proceeded to Bullshit AV saying he made payments but it still removed his House from his ownership. A GM then asked him a bunch of questions, exessive questions that made the GM sound like they really dont log most of the information on the game. After these questions, my friend got his house back.

    It is questionable if AV actually logs their game information, to the extent of giving someone their house back even after they legit lost their house. I witnessed this all, true story, no BS.

    Looking into game logs isn't like doing a google search. The GM probably didn't even look because there was no need to. If he searched and found that your friend didn't pay his tax and rejected him what would have happened ? He'd probably quit the game.

    Who would have lost more there. Your friend losing his house or Av losing a customer over a missed tax payment ? Giving him his house back cost them nothing and I'm sure your friend was happy to have it back and kept paying for the game.

    In customer service some battles are not worth winning.

  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,189
    Your friend probably impressed them with his answers. He probably knew more than the GM did and since it cost them nothing to give him back the house they did it because he made an effort to get it back even though he had missed a tax payment. It's called discretion.

  • Zontas_HierospiritZontas_Hierospirit Member UncommonPosts: 57
    This sort of thing used to happen all the time decades ago. The fear is that the players will allow unforgiveness into their hearts towards the game dev's faults, and then lose money. But remember that it is the player's (our own) faults too. I've done my fair share of cheating, so I know I'm not a saint either. One time I found a bug in a game that has encumberance. I found that if I stack too much heavy things, that I could go over a maximum variable by creating lots and lots of plasma turrets. Once the encumberence went over the maximum value, it turned negative, rather than positive. This allowed the carrying of infinite items. Reported the bug immediately, but had a little fun too. We're always so quick to blame others, which is not wrong either, but just remember ourselves are also to blame. Just because it is possible to blatantly cheat, and that the devs were too slow getting to fixing it, does not mean that the dark logic we are thinking in this advantageous position is right. Remember it's just a game, and the devs might just be observing, in hopes we will do the right thing. When the game is over, we're supposed to shake each other's hands, not continue hating the other players. And I'm not saying that it's right for the devs to experiment on us like that either. Anyway, if you find a bug, report it, and don't use it. If you're tempted, then do it in secret and not too much after reporting it. That way no one can put you to shame. And forgive the devs and the game.
  • MaejohlMaejohl Member UncommonPosts: 126

    SO AV has dealt with one part of the dupe by effecting a rollback to last Thursday.

    In return, AV has compensated players with:

    1) 3 days' extra subscription for free; and

    2) a double drop-rate weekend from server maintenances Friday through to Monday.

    This is a great step by AV and was the most efficient way that a small, independent dev team could correct a massive dupe that was set to destroy the newly-restarted economy.  This has allowed AV to spend minimum dev time on correcting a dupe and maximise their time on getting the next patch ready!

    Now they will focus on punishing the wrongdoers... image!

  • flizzerflizzer Member RarePosts: 2,455

    I left Neverwinter Online during the Caturday fiasco. They spent ages refusing to acknowledge the problem and only when it blew up big time did they shut the game down.  No roll backs.  Oh,yeah, you got a shirt or cloak that said you survived the Caturday fiasco.  That is when i left the game. It sounds like AV is handling this better than Cryptic.

  • revenoffrevenoff Member Posts: 43

    the game's economy was already COMPLETELY DESTROYED from allowing everyone to harvest dread gear off trees for a full year.

    this duping epidemic is just icing on the cake. RIP darkfall when people get bored of the class patch in 4-6 weeks after its out.

  • CopperfieldCopperfield Member RarePosts: 654

    the previeus game had a  much better ecomomy..

    Currnelty uw is a harvesting game a true competitor to xyson..


    The dupe has been around for month's it just never been reported..


    But dupe or not the game is already going down


    bring back razorwax!! all hail the champion of pvp darkfall 1.0!!

  • IcyWaveIcyWave Member Posts: 21

    It was a bug.


    We are working towards fixing everything that isn't working properly.


    Offenders will find their way on the banhammer. We had to rollback the servers, in order to delete any item that players created by exploiting the market system. We apologize for that but it was mandatory in order to eradicate the unfair advantage of some players that decided to exploit.



  • MaejohlMaejohl Member UncommonPosts: 126
    Originally posted by Copperfield

    the previeus game had a  much better ecomomy..

    Currnelty uw is a harvesting game a true competitor to xyson..


    The dupe has been around for month's it just never been reported..


    But dupe or not the game is already going down


    bring back razorwax!! all hail the champion of pvp darkfall 1.0!!

    And if people believe this then sadly they will believe anything.

    Firstly, DFUW is a game that is years ahead of MO in all of its aspects, PvP, PvE etc.

    Secondly, there is a large amount of great PvP going on in DFUW right now precisely because everyone is out there either PvEing for gear or ganking for gear.


    Turning to the obviously silly points this guy I have quoted makes on the dupe, if the dupe has been in for months, then why has it not been seen until now?  Why also is the economy not in price freefall when there would (according to this person or people like him) be a game with peoples' whose banks are swimming with billions.

    The obvious and logical answer (and thus the most likely to be correct answer) is that there was a dupe, it was spotted last week and has had its impact  neutralised, following today's rollback.

    No doubt there will be glitches and things that need resolving as a result of the rollback, but those will get sorted.

    The double drop-rate long weekend coming up will also go a long way to resolving the issues.

  • LahuzerLahuzer Member UncommonPosts: 782
    They need to make a full bank wipe. That's the only solution in my book to this debacle. If it's been going on for months, one week rollback is pathetic. It won't solve jack or shit. As many as possible that used this dupe, that they can link to it, needs to have the Banhammer hit them and alts, hard. Then a item wipe. Followed by 2-3 months of tripple or more loot/drop rate. Problem solved.
  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,735
    Originally posted by Lahuzer
    They need to make a full bank wipe. That's the only solution in my book to this debacle. If it's been going on for months, one week rollback is pathetic. It won't solve jack or shit. As many as possible that used this dupe, that they can link to it, needs to have the Banhammer hit them and alts, hard. Then a item wipe. Followed by 2-3 months of tripple or more loot/drop rate. Problem solved.

    A full bank wipe will not happen and you know that. 


    A rollback to the patch, followed by bans and PUBLIC outing of the offenders and guilds is the right way to address. 

    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

    "I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator

    Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017. 

    Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018

    "Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018

  • NiburuNiburu Member UncommonPosts: 402

    many angry nerds will come to these boards now or to the DF public boards because the accounts got banned.


    many lies will be told now that they are banned.

  • RaapnaapRaapnaap Member UncommonPosts: 455

    Originally posted by Slapshot1188
    Originally posted by Lahuzer They need to make a full bank wipe. That's the only solution in my book to this debacle. If it's been going on for months, one week rollback is pathetic. It won't solve jack or shit. As many as possible that used this dupe, that they can link to it, needs to have the Banhammer hit them and alts, hard. Then a item wipe. Followed by 2-3 months of tripple or more loot/drop rate. Problem solved.
    A full bank wipe will not happen and you know that. 


    A rollback to the patch, followed by bans and PUBLIC outing of the offenders and guilds is the right way to address. 

    With Unholy Wars, Aventurine does publicly list banned accounts on the banhammer website. The list continues to be updated with what appears to be only NA server players...

  • xpiherxpiher Member UncommonPosts: 3,310
    Originally posted by Lahuzer
    They need to make a full bank wipe. That's the only solution in my book to this debacle. If it's been going on for months, one week rollback is pathetic. It won't solve jack or shit. As many as possible that used this dupe, that they can link to it, needs to have the Banhammer hit them and alts, hard. Then a item wipe. Followed by 2-3 months of tripple or more loot/drop rate. Problem solved.

    If it had been going on for months the economy was barely affected. Then AV completely changed the economy this past week and more economic changes are to follow. I'm in a favor of a wipe, but IMO, its not needed to deal with a dupe that may have existed for months. That had already been pratically taken care of.

    Currently playing:Nothing
    Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
    Past games:
    Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
    Xpiher's GW2
    GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
    Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
    AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
    Warhammer - Xpiher

  • LahuzerLahuzer Member UncommonPosts: 782
    Originally posted by Slapshot1188
    Originally posted by Lahuzer
    They need to make a full bank wipe. That's the only solution in my book to this debacle. If it's been going on for months, one week rollback is pathetic. It won't solve jack or shit. As many as possible that used this dupe, that they can link to it, needs to have the Banhammer hit them and alts, hard. Then a item wipe. Followed by 2-3 months of tripple or more loot/drop rate. Problem solved.

    A full bank wipe will not happen and you know that. 


    A rollback to the patch, followed by bans and PUBLIC outing of the offenders and guilds is the right way to address. 

    Apperantly some MVP-players like Uzik is debating a full bank wipe with AV, so even if it's unlikely, the chance is still there, and I personally would love to see it happen. I couldn't care less bout losing my stuff when there is so much duped items floating around. 

    So I would like them to ban the living daylights outa the cheaters, wipe the banks, and do a quadruple loot/harvest drop or something for 2-3 months. 

  • BadaboomBadaboom Member UncommonPosts: 2,380
    Originally posted by Caaahl

    There you go:


    GJ, AV.

    Good riddance. 

  • Deerhunter71Deerhunter71 Member Posts: 527
    Just wow......
  • SnakexSnakex Member UncommonPosts: 317
    Sadly in their "Fix" for the dupe, they left pot holes that made dupes because of the roll back. Solving a problem with a problem making solution. Meh. This is typical AV.
  • redbugredbug Member UncommonPosts: 175
    Originally posted by Snakex
    Sadly in their "Fix" for the dupe, they left pot holes that made dupes because of the roll back. Solving a problem with a problem making solution. Meh. This is typical AV.

    [mod edit[

    I would like to mention that in all the games I played, the only problem I had with people duping was the fact that I always knew at least one of them and no one told me. Hell, when EQ1 progression servers came out there was a alchemy dupe and the shaman were making mad money. Did anyone tell me? Hell no, da bastads just sat in Freeport all day making some crappy 200ish trivial item, selling it back to the vendor for mega plat. Where was the love? It's like hitting the lotto when you find one of these things, and unless your an idiot the first thing you do if make a crap load of alternate accounts so when the ban hammer hits, it's not hitting you. I seriously doubt a lot of real people got banned here, they didn't in EQ.

  • HolophonistHolophonist Member UncommonPosts: 2,091
    Can we stop with the doom and gloom threads about this?
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