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Harvesting philosophy changed

mmoesportsmmoesports Member UncommonPosts: 161

This is a 180 shift.   Darkfall was known as AFKfall!  I am glad to see them encouraging active game  play.


As a follow-up to our harvesting patch yesterday we would like to shed some light into our reasoning behind the changes and our intended direction with the economy as a whole. We would have explained our reasoning before the patch but these changes were exploitable with prior knowledge.

First of all we would like to clarify that there were some bugs that are being addressed with the patch today which:

  • Severely affected the drop rates of materials in the normal harvesting nodes and also
  • Resulted in the tools not providing the appropriate rewards.
We closely monitored your reaction to the patch and we would like to thank you for all the constructive feedback. Here we will attempt to address the most popular of these concerns and present our thoughts.
Many of you are understandably concerned about:
  • The new conversion materials: The purpose is to offset the diminished market impact of new players because of the new higher tier and value resources as well as the new harvesting tools. There is a valid point that these resources need to be relatively abundant so we have added them to monsters accessible to new players, as well as to small treasure maps.
  • The introduction of a new step in the processing of materials from raw state to finished product. This has been done for a couple of reasons: First, it allows us to introduce new materials that are of higher value than the essences exactly because they allow players to omit this extra step. Secondly it’s our way to devalue the passive harvesting and hoarding of the past, and promote active harvesting.
  • The whole crafting process becoming more tedious. This is partially true and intended, although the bugs mentioned above affected it adversely. We classify the concern as partially true because it really depends on which step in the crafting process you choose to step in at. If you are harvesting at low danger zones and you get inferior materials, you enter the process at the lowest possible level. Killing monsters of the 3 highest ranks however provides materials that allow you to skip all intermediate steps and go straight for the end product. Our intention is for the order of efficiency in production to be: normal nodes (depending on danger area) -> clan holding nodes -> super nodes -> monsters. This is because want players to have multiple routes to reach the end result. Going through the long path, which we intentionally made longer, means that you can do things at your own time, diminish your risk but your reward will take longer to come. This is ideally intended for people that actually want to craft or enjoy this slow pace way of playing. The fast route, through monsters, means more risk, more equipment decayed but a more active and fun way to play.

We are aware that there are more actions required to fix the economy. A player driven economy is a complex system and we need to make what steps we can every time. Our goal is a sound system with proper offer and demand correlations that is also in line with our sandbox strategy. What we can promise you is that the additions and changes will not stop until you and we are all happy with the state of the economy.

Thank you for reading.

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