Originally posted by darkedone02 I hope Zenimax loses as they been harassing people left and right recently this year and last year.
What if they have a legitimate complaint? Should they just lose on principle or something?
If they had a legitimate complaint they should have made it after the kickstarter (or during) or maybe when the grape vine started buzzing with the FB purchase...Not long after the purchase happens and the dust settles.
That was before ESO failed though, now they have investors with 'issues' to deal with. Money changes everything.
looks to me like Zenimax deserves at least some compensation
It also looks like people cant handle the fact they didnt like a solid game and now Zenimax is somehow the devil.
Yes, ESO is a solid game. Deal with it. If you don't like it, don't play it. I don't play it. But stop treating it as some insult to mmorpgs because you make yourselves look ridiculous doing that.
Originally posted by BMBender You guys don't get out much do you? News almost a month old.... http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/411735 What couldn't figure out how to get animated cleavage on the news ticker?
Actually, that is from when they stated their intention to sue. It's hitting the circuit again today, and considered news, because they actually sued (filed the papers and such). Shit just got real, so to speak.
As an update to an existing story sure; Zem said they intended to pursue legal action in back early May. A story by the WSJ, witch most game rags carried (except MMORPG). This story is merely a "yup they did it like they said they would" not something out of the blue like MMORPG is presenting it as.
You're perception of "out of the blue" must be very different than most people's.
Originally posted by darkedone02 I hope Zenimax loses as they been harassing people left and right recently this year and last year.
What if they have a legitimate complaint? Should they just lose on principle or something?
If they had a legitimate complaint they should have made it after the kickstarter (or during) or maybe when the grape vine started buzzing with the FB purchase...Not long after the purchase happens and the dust settles.
The two companies have been working towards settling the issue for about 2 years now...
Here's a copy of an NDA signed by Luckey, for example. What people don't seem to realize is that Zenimax has been working on VR tech for something like 10 years now. They brought Carmack and got him working on their VR projects and stuff, and then he left the company to go work for OR doing VR tech.
I know that doesn't mesh well with the popular opinion here, but Zeni actually does have a case.
Originally posted by darkedone02 I hope Zenimax loses as they been harassing people left and right recently this year and last year.
What if they have a legitimate complaint? Should they just lose on principle or something?
If they had a legitimate complaint they should have made it after the kickstarter (or during) or maybe when the grape vine started buzzing with the FB purchase...Not long after the purchase happens and the dust settles.
The two companies have been working towards settling the issue for about 2 years now...
Here's a copy of an NDA signed by Luckey, for example. What people don't seem to realize is that Zenimax has been working on VR tech for something like 10 years now. They brought Carmack and got him working on their VR projects and stuff, and then he left the company to go work for OR doing VR tech.
I know that doesn't mesh well with the popular opinion here, but Zeni actually does have a case.
I'll side with you.
At very least, the case has more substance than some that I've seen over the years (aka McDonald's Made Me Fat cases)
That is a good breakdown of the situation. I'd like to think it will mean people stop just assuming Zenimax is trolling the little guy with a lawsuit, but most people here don't seem to care about anything beyond their initial, emotional reaction.
That is a good breakdown of the situation. I'd like to think it will mean people stop just assuming Zenimax is trolling the little guy with a lawsuit, but most people here don't seem to care about anything beyond their initial, emotional reaction.
It's only a good break down if you take zenimaxs word at face value, you also have the other side of the coin where those being sued claim they didn't violate any terms. We can't really take either side at face value I think.
Will be interesting to see how this goes, will facebook pay off zenimax, if not who will win and by what degree. How the courts interpret this thing will decide it I guess.
I just hope this doesn't stretch out too long and hurt VR in general.
Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.
That is a good breakdown of the situation. I'd like to think it will mean people stop just assuming Zenimax is trolling the little guy with a lawsuit, but most people here don't seem to care about anything beyond their initial, emotional reaction.
It's only a good break down if you take zenimaxs word at face value, you also have the other side of the coin where those being sued claim they didn't violate any terms. We can't really take either side at face value I think.
Will be interesting to see how this goes, will facebook pay off zenimax, if not who will win and by what degree. How the courts interpret this thing will decide it I guess.
I just hope this doesn't stretch out too long and hurt VR in general.
You're right. But my point this whole time is that people are just assuming Zenimax is being a troll, and attacking the little guy. You get people claiming random shit like "I'm unsubbing from ESO because of this" as if there is any connection. And when you try and bring actual information to the argument, they just shrug it off and make some hyperbolic statement about how "ESO failed and now Zeni needs to make money."
The misinformation is what I'm tired of seeing.
Odds are, this won't even go to court, and if it does, it won't stay there long. Facebook will settle with Zenimax for an undisclosed sum, and we'll never hear anything from it again, because the last thing Facebook wants is to risk having a jury reach some huge infringement fine and spend the next 2 to 5 years in appeals court. They couldn't realistically release any kind of product until the matter is settled, and I doubt they bought OR with the intention of doing nothing for 5 years.
So unless OR/Facebook has some very well-documented smoking gun type evidence that somehow invalidates the apparently very well-documented contracts, NDA's, and email communication that Zenimax has, we can expect to see this settled by the end of the year.
But yeah, in the mean time, Facebook will of course deny everything Zenimax claims, because that's what you do when you are sued. Nothing more.
You're right. But my point this whole time is that people are just assuming Zenimax is being a troll, and attacking the little guy. You get people claiming random shit like "I'm unsubbing from ESO because of this" as if there is any connection. And when you try and bring actual information to the argument, they just shrug it off and make some hyperbolic statement about how "ESO failed and now Zeni needs to make money."
The misinformation is what I'm tired of seeing.
Odds are, this won't even go to court, and if it does, it won't stay there long. Facebook will settle with Zenimax for an undisclosed sum, and we'll never hear anything from it again, because the last thing Facebook wants is to risk having a jury reach some huge infringement fine and spend the next 2 to 5 years in appeals court. They couldn't realistically release any kind of product until the matter is settled, and I doubt they bought OR with the intention of doing nothing for 5 years.
So unless OR/Facebook has some very well-documented smoking gun type evidence that somehow invalidates the apparently very well-documented contracts, NDA's, and email communication that Zenimax has, we can expect to see this settled by the end of the year.
But yeah, in the mean time, Facebook will of course deny everything Zenimax claims, because that's what you do when you are sued. Nothing more.
For someone who is tired of misinformation you're making a whole lot of assumptions about Zenimax and their evidence. You're accepting and promoting that the story is how Zeni is telling it. We don't know that. That's what the court will decide.
Do you really think this won't go to court after a lawsuit has just been filed? It would really surprise me. Pointing out again that this isn't a patent claim. Zenimax is filing suit and unless FB/Oculus files countersuit they have nothing to prove. It's up to Zenimax to prove that their claims are legitimate. It's up to Oculus to show them to be insubstantial, exaggerated, and/or false.
Has a trial date been set?
Can I take this to mean you have also been critical of people publicly defending Oculus Rift, on the basis of their official denial alone? And if so, why do you think the general opinion of people in various comments and forums is that Zenimax is trolling? Should they not also be more open-minded to finding out the truth, rather than simply condemning one side?
Sad but probably true
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor
looks to me like Zenimax deserves at least some compensation
It also looks like people cant handle the fact they didnt like a solid game and now Zenimax is somehow the devil.
Yes, ESO is a solid game. Deal with it. If you don't like it, don't play it. I don't play it. But stop treating it as some insult to mmorpgs because you make yourselves look ridiculous doing that.
You're perception of "out of the blue" must be very different than most people's.
You make me like charity
The two companies have been working towards settling the issue for about 2 years now...
Here's a copy of an NDA signed by Luckey, for example. What people don't seem to realize is that Zenimax has been working on VR tech for something like 10 years now. They brought Carmack and got him working on their VR projects and stuff, and then he left the company to go work for OR doing VR tech.
I know that doesn't mesh well with the popular opinion here, but Zeni actually does have a case.
You make me like charity
I'll side with you.
At very least, the case has more substance than some that I've seen over the years (aka McDonald's Made Me Fat cases)
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Very interesting articel on Gamasutra about this:
That is a good breakdown of the situation. I'd like to think it will mean people stop just assuming Zenimax is trolling the little guy with a lawsuit, but most people here don't seem to care about anything beyond their initial, emotional reaction.
You make me like charity
It's only a good break down if you take zenimaxs word at face value, you also have the other side of the coin where those being sued claim they didn't violate any terms. We can't really take either side at face value I think.
Will be interesting to see how this goes, will facebook pay off zenimax, if not who will win and by what degree. How the courts interpret this thing will decide it I guess.
I just hope this doesn't stretch out too long and hurt VR in general.
Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.
You're right. But my point this whole time is that people are just assuming Zenimax is being a troll, and attacking the little guy. You get people claiming random shit like "I'm unsubbing from ESO because of this" as if there is any connection. And when you try and bring actual information to the argument, they just shrug it off and make some hyperbolic statement about how "ESO failed and now Zeni needs to make money."
The misinformation is what I'm tired of seeing.
Odds are, this won't even go to court, and if it does, it won't stay there long. Facebook will settle with Zenimax for an undisclosed sum, and we'll never hear anything from it again, because the last thing Facebook wants is to risk having a jury reach some huge infringement fine and spend the next 2 to 5 years in appeals court. They couldn't realistically release any kind of product until the matter is settled, and I doubt they bought OR with the intention of doing nothing for 5 years.
So unless OR/Facebook has some very well-documented smoking gun type evidence that somehow invalidates the apparently very well-documented contracts, NDA's, and email communication that Zenimax has, we can expect to see this settled by the end of the year.
But yeah, in the mean time, Facebook will of course deny everything Zenimax claims, because that's what you do when you are sued. Nothing more.
You make me like charity
Can I take this to mean you have also been critical of people publicly defending Oculus Rift, on the basis of their official denial alone? And if so, why do you think the general opinion of people in various comments and forums is that Zenimax is trolling? Should they not also be more open-minded to finding out the truth, rather than simply condemning one side?
You make me like charity