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More classes would have significantly improved this game

crysentcrysent Member UncommonPosts: 841



A couple things:  First I currently have a VR4 Sorcerer and actually enjoy ESO.  I tend to play ANY type of MMO that comes out, as long as I enjoy it.  Furthermore, I enjoy almost all aspects of MMOs from raiding to pure pvp, and everything in between.

The title of my post basically says it all, and I mean it.  Had they added 3 or so more classes, this game would have been so much better than it currently is, especially pvp.  Particular emphasis could/should have been on support classes, I was thinking Bard, Shaman/druid and then hybrids: Monk, Ranger, Dark-knight type.

The biggest problem I have is lack of support and utility based classes, which would completely change the dynamic of PvP and raiding.  Currently fight strategies are extremely limited, because of the lack of support/utility classes.  I don't want them just adding more skill lines, as I believe that only pushes for more cookie cutter builds.  Right now, there just isn't enough classes for a game of this type, which leads to a lack of creativity in PvP.  One of the major aspects that made DAOC PvP so great in it's heyday was the variety of classes and their various roles.


Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest.



  • rodingorodingo Member RarePosts: 2,870

    They should have used the same the same class system (which is basically a classless system) found in the Elder Scrolls IP.   Let the players make their own classes like it has always been.   /shrug

    edited to reflect more of what I mean.

    "If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor

  • azarhalazarhal Member RarePosts: 1,402
    Originally posted by rodingo
    They should have used the same amount of classes found in the Elder Scrolls IP.   None.  Let the players make their own classes like it has always been.   /shrug


  • EnterTheWombatEnterTheWombat Member UncommonPosts: 112

    I think it was a fine mix of classes/unlocked skills. I don't think adding more skills or classes would be beneficial at the moment simply because they can't balance the synergy with some skills/class skills already. I assume more skills/base classes will get released in the future if the game is successful enough to warrant it, which is in question right now. 

    I am still enjoying the game, although I just now hit Veteran 1 so time will tell with that level of the content, hopefully Craglorn will alleviate some of the supposed grind that is Veteran leveling. 

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Originally posted by azarhal
    Originally posted by rodingo
    They should have used the same amount of classes found in the Elder Scrolls IP.   None.  Let the players make their own classes like it has always been.   /shrug


    Agreed, although this is something that was said a long time ago, whilst the game was still in development. One of many in factimage

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,250
    Originally posted by rodingo
    They should have used the same amount of classes found in the Elder Scrolls IP.   None.  Let the players make their own classes like it has always been.   /shrug

    All depends on what you are trying to create, for a PVP centric MMORPG a la DAOC having a plethora of classes with clearly defined and limited roles is a good way to go, in fact the current omni-class approach hinders the gameplay. 

    Strong Trinity supporter here, in fact, it should be expanded to 5 or 6 roles like it used to be to include CC, Puller, Speeders etc.

    Single player, solo centric  RPG, sure, no classes is just great.

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  • tixylixtixylix Member UncommonPosts: 1,288

    No classes would have improved the game, having an open world would have, having world PVP where you could see the enemy faction would have improved the game.


  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,101
    Originally posted by rodingo
    They should have used the same amount of classes found in the Elder Scrolls IP.   None.  Let the players make their own classes like it has always been.   /shrug

    The problem there is that everyone would eventually be the best melee fighter, best thief, best mage or best archer.

    Then everyone will have the same skills. Not very intriguing.

    I would have preferred a system where you can choose from everything but would have to make hard choices about which skills can advance to the higher levels.


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  • MothanosMothanos Member UncommonPosts: 1,910

    Its just another one of those facepalm decisions made at ZOS HQ.

  • udonudon Member UncommonPosts: 1,803

    As a person who plays a support toon raiding in EQ2 and has tried most of the new MMO's released in the last 10 years my feeling is support classes have not been very popular with game developers for a long time now.  What people pass off these days as a support class isn't even close to what I think of and I would blame smaller group sizes.  With a 5 person and especially 4 person group size there just isn't room for a dedicated support class anymore so at best we get these hybrids where main roles can also flavor in some support here and there.  You see this in pretty much all the newer big MMO's although I have not dug into Wildstar deep enough to see if it's viable to have dedicated support classes or not.  By that I mean it both has to be possible to build a pure support class and it has to be desirable to fill that slot over a pure DPS class in groups.  Most of the time these days more DPS solves all problems with group makeup and even EQ2 has been headed that way for some time.

    I don't think ESO needs more classes but more skill lines wouldn't have hurt.  A support based skill line could add a lot of variety to ESO if done right but I imagine they would need to do something like make ability synergies with each other so that the more of the line you slot the more useful they become so everyone doesn't feel they have to take one ability off the skill line.

  • rodingorodingo Member RarePosts: 2,870
    Originally posted by Sovrath
    Originally posted by rodingo
    They should have used the same amount of classes found in the Elder Scrolls IP.   None.  Let the players make their own classes like it has always been.   /shrug

    The problem there is that everyone would eventually be the best melee fighter, best thief, best mage or best archer.

    Then everyone will have the same skills. Not very intriguing.

    I would have preferred a system where you can choose from everything but would have to make hard choices about which skills can advance to the higher levels.


    Assuming that everyone would pick the exact same skill loadouts is the same as saying that the majority of their current skills are useless.  Some might be broken for now, as what usually happens with MMOs, but  I'm sure that there are enough variety of skills to accommodate various playstyles.  However, those are restricted to classes.  If they opened skill access to everyone then even more variety would show up. If they had a small amount of skills to choose from then yeah, you would see more of the "best" selections.   However, if they kept the skill bar limited to 5 skills with a weapon swap like they do now there would still be hard choices and you would still see variety.  In fact a lot more.  I guess it boils down to if you want more Elder Scrolls or more MMO in the game.  This is the identity crisis that is hurting this game at the moment.


    EDIT:  If what you said is true, then EVE wouldn't be very intriguing and I'm sure the fans and players would disagree with that.  I mean it isn't for me anyways, but not becuase of the skill system but for other reasons.  Yes the two games are apples and oranges, but the idea of a classless system is what I'm talking about.

    "If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor

  • BetaBlockaBetaBlocka Member Posts: 222
    Imo something along the lines of SWG Pre CU with its 32 professions and 52 points to spend between them would have been perfect for ESO. That system did lead to some hard and meaningful choices and provided almost limitless variations in class customization :)
  • alterfenixalterfenix Member UncommonPosts: 370
    Originally posted by Sovrath
    Originally posted by rodingo
    They should have used the same amount of classes found in the Elder Scrolls IP.   None.  Let the players make their own classes like it has always been.   /shrug

    The problem there is that everyone would eventually be the best melee fighter, best thief, best mage or best archer.

    Then everyone will have the same skills. Not very intriguing.

    I would have preferred a system where you can choose from everything but would have to make hard choices about which skills can advance to the higher levels.


    Not exactly same setting but still EvE has no classes, everyone has same access to same tools. Does everyone fly same ships with same equipment? Granted if you choose to fly particular ship class then there is one or two fits better than anything else and so on but then not everyone enjoys destroyers, some prefer cruisers or even battleships (not to mention there is no universal ship).

    Also there is this awfully managed and developed game called Mortal Online. Screwed game, granted, but skill system there was quite fun, just underdeveloped. Mixing it with EvE skill system and adding proper combat mechanics? You can have your holy trinity and others can have still freeform character development. It's really shame that they just went for the simpliest and most obscure solution (just put in new cloths).

  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Originally posted by rodingo
    They should have used the same amount of classes found in the Elder Scrolls IP.   None.  Let the players make their own classes like it has always been.   /shrug

    You mean twentysomething pre-made classes like in all games in the IP except for Skyrim?


    When did Skyrim become "the ES IP"?

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  • asmkm22asmkm22 Member Posts: 1,788
    Originally posted by Iselin
    Originally posted by rodingo
    They should have used the same amount of classes found in the Elder Scrolls IP.   None.  Let the players make their own classes like it has always been.   /shrug

    You mean twentysomething pre-made classes like in all games in the IP except for Skyrim?


    When did Skyrim become "the ES IP"?

    Yeah, I wondered that as well.  I think it just shows the age group of gamers that post here.  I wonder how much outrage there would be if you had the option of answering some questions for the game to determine your class...

    You make me like charity

  • ReklawReklaw Member UncommonPosts: 6,495

    So OP you need more handholding where the game tells you what class you are playing?

    Sorry but I love the freedom ESO provides me with. On the EU server I have a sorcerer in heavy armor with a 2handed weapon/sword and axe. I love this way because that's closer to Elder Scrolls then having pre-made classes.

    While one can choose to run with the pre-made builds, one can also choose not to.

    Unfortunaly it seems that those who complain about it choose the run with the traditional builds instead of experimenting within their class. I also feel it's the lack of creativity among current gen. players in this genre to is holding them back as they often resort to what they know and if it's different they need the game to tell them that.

  • oldboygameroldboygamer Member Posts: 139
    Originally posted by crysent



    A couple things:  First I currently have a VR4 Sorcerer and actually enjoy ESO.  I tend to play ANY type of MMO that comes out, as long as I enjoy it.  Furthermore, I enjoy almost all aspects of MMOs from raiding to pure pvp, and everything in between.

    The title of my post basically says it all, and I mean it.  Had they added 3 or so more classes, this game would have been so much better than it currently is, especially pvp.  Particular emphasis could/should have been on support classes, I was thinking Bard, Shaman/druid and then hybrids: Monk, Ranger, Dark-knight type.

    The biggest problem I have is lack of support and utility based classes, which would completely change the dynamic of PvP and raiding.  Currently fight strategies are extremely limited, because of the lack of support/utility classes.  I don't want them just adding more skill lines, as I believe that only pushes for more cookie cutter builds.  Right now, there just isn't enough classes for a game of this type, which leads to a lack of creativity in PvP.  One of the major aspects that made DAOC PvP so great in it's heyday was the variety of classes and their various roles.


    Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest.



    You're not trying hard enough. It's possible to play any class in several different ways. I have a Templar, heavy armour, 2h sword, dps tank essentially. I have another Templar, light armour, heals, and a regen staff, almost unkillable, and one of those support classes you were talking about. Both my Templars are completely different because of the skills sets and choices I've made.


    This game doesn't need more classes, it does need brighter players though obviously.

  • BetaBlockaBetaBlocka Member Posts: 222
    I think at this stage the devs are just thankful to have some players...bright or otherwise.
  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,967
    With the skill system they have, why would you NEED more classes? Each class is just a unique skill line among many skills lines and options. I wish more MMOs copied this idea.
  • TalemireTalemire Member UncommonPosts: 844
    Originally posted by tixylix

    No classes would have improved the game, having an open world would have, having world PVP where you could see the enemy faction would have improved the game.


    You pretty much nailed it, IMO.

    Love the sinner, hate the sin.
  • crysentcrysent Member UncommonPosts: 841
    Originally posted by Reklaw

    So OP you need more handholding where the game tells you what class you are playing?

    Sorry but I love the freedom ESO provides me with. On the EU server I have a sorcerer in heavy armor with a 2handed weapon/sword and axe. I love this way because that's closer to Elder Scrolls then having pre-made classes.

    While one can choose to run with the pre-made builds, one can also choose not to.

    Unfortunaly it seems that those who complain about it choose the run with the traditional builds instead of experimenting within their class. I also feel it's the lack of creativity among current gen. players in this genre to is holding them back as they often resort to what they know and if it's different they need the game to tell them that.

    I like the immediate attack on my character for posting my opinion.


    Call me old school, but I like defined classes in MMOs, this is something I enjoy, none of your insults are likely going to change this opinion of mine.


    I feel like when everyone is special, no one is.  In ESO, everyone can do nearly everything that the game offers, furthermore this game significantly lacks any utility/or support skills outside of a few limited ones that are mostly confined to unique skill lines (undaunted, fighter's guild, etc..).


    I don't know why you are calling me a "current gen of player" since you don't know anything about me, and the new  classless model that most new age games are following is anything but what the past generation of MMO players would have experienced in all games except Ultima Online (WHICH HAD A SKILL CAP) and Ahseron's call.


    Insulting me isn't going to change my opinion..

  • crysentcrysent Member UncommonPosts: 841
    Originally posted by oldboygamer
    Originally posted by crysent



    A couple things:  First I currently have a VR4 Sorcerer and actually enjoy ESO.  I tend to play ANY type of MMO that comes out, as long as I enjoy it.  Furthermore, I enjoy almost all aspects of MMOs from raiding to pure pvp, and everything in between.

    The title of my post basically says it all, and I mean it.  Had they added 3 or so more classes, this game would have been so much better than it currently is, especially pvp.  Particular emphasis could/should have been on support classes, I was thinking Bard, Shaman/druid and then hybrids: Monk, Ranger, Dark-knight type.

    The biggest problem I have is lack of support and utility based classes, which would completely change the dynamic of PvP and raiding.  Currently fight strategies are extremely limited, because of the lack of support/utility classes.  I don't want them just adding more skill lines, as I believe that only pushes for more cookie cutter builds.  Right now, there just isn't enough classes for a game of this type, which leads to a lack of creativity in PvP.  One of the major aspects that made DAOC PvP so great in it's heyday was the variety of classes and their various roles.


    Anyway, just wanted to get that off my chest.



    You're not trying hard enough. It's possible to play any class in several different ways. I have a Templar, heavy armour, 2h sword, dps tank essentially. I have another Templar, light armour, heals, and a regen staff, almost unkillable, and one of those support classes you were talking about. Both my Templars are completely different because of the skills sets and choices I've made.


    This game doesn't need more classes, it does need brighter players though obviously.

    Again, personal insults are not really needed and are not likely to change my opinion.


    Furthermore (and I assume you are referring to me as the less than bright player, obviously not you) - you seem to have missed the entire point of my post (which of course is on me, not you).  Having one player play every single role is exactly what I am against in general.


    I won't expand any further on this,because I'm guessing you will continue to tell me I don't try hard enough, or am not nearly as "bright" as you.  I guess this game isn't for less than bright individuals like myself.

  • rodingorodingo Member RarePosts: 2,870
    Originally posted by Iselin
    Originally posted by rodingo
    They should have used the same amount of classes found in the Elder Scrolls IP.   None.  Let the players make their own classes like it has always been.   /shrug

    You mean twentysomething pre-made classes like in all games in the IP except for Skyrim?


    When did Skyrim become "the ES IP"?

    Ahh yes, the pre-defined classes from th ES IP. The ones that gave you bonuses to certain skills but didn't force you into using any of them.  You mean those classes?  Or how about the ability to custom make your own classes, did you include that in your "twenttysomething" as well?

    However, even using 20 some odd pre-defined classes that gave you bonuses to certain skill lines would have been better than the 4 classes that have locked skills.  I'm glad you reminded of their old class system. Thanks image

    "If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor

  • BetaBlockaBetaBlocka Member Posts: 222
    Dont worry OP you know have made a solid point when all they have is personal attacks ;)
  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by rodingo

    Ahh yes, the pre-defined classes from th ES IP. The ones that gave you bonuses to certain skills but didn't force you into using any of them.  You mean those classes?  Or how about the ability to custom make your own classes, did you include that in your "twenttysomething" as well?

    However, even using 20 some odd pre-defined classes that gave you bonuses to certain skill lines would have been better than the 4 classes that have locked skills.  I'm glad you reminded of their old class system. Thanks image

    Actually morrowind's classes  pretty much did force you to use the skills you were majored in. Minor skills couldn't level up in the same manner they were governed by attributes..

    As for the OP

    I don't see how this would change much as you can pretty much be whatever you want to be with their system.


    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • ReklawReklaw Member UncommonPosts: 6,495
    Originally posted by crysent
    Originally posted by Reklaw

    So OP you need more handholding where the game tells you what class you are playing?

    Sorry but I love the freedom ESO provides me with. On the EU server I have a sorcerer in heavy armor with a 2handed weapon/sword and axe. I love this way because that's closer to Elder Scrolls then having pre-made classes.

    While one can choose to run with the pre-made builds, one can also choose not to.

    Unfortunaly it seems that those who complain about it choose the run with the traditional builds instead of experimenting within their class. I also feel it's the lack of creativity among current gen. players in this genre to is holding them back as they often resort to what they know and if it's different they need the game to tell them that.

    I like the immediate attack on my character for posting my opinion.


    Call me old school, but I like defined classes in MMOs, this is something I enjoy, none of your insults are likely going to change this opinion of mine.


    I feel like when everyone is special, no one is.  In ESO, everyone can do nearly everything that the game offers, furthermore this game significantly lacks any utility/or support skills outside of a few limited ones that are mostly confined to unique skill lines (undaunted, fighter's guild, etc..).


    I don't know why you are calling me a "current gen of player" since you don't know anything about me, and the new  classless model that most new age games are following is anything but what the past generation of MMO players would have experienced in all games except Ultima Online (WHICH HAD A SKILL CAP) and Ahseron's call.


    Insulting me isn't going to change my opinion..

    Really didn't mean to "attack"  or "insult" you, as I asked a question. So sorry if it came over that way.

    Perhaps the thing that strikes is both being old school yet both percieving ESO differently, there for I asumed you where new but I was wrong you just persieve things different then I do even if we are both old school. And I also made a mistake in thinking old school gamers would take their time due to past experiance with other games. Again I was wrong.




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