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Interview with DF Dev Tasos tomorrow May 21st, 2014

mmoesportsmmoesports Member UncommonPosts: 161


Hey guys n gals! I'm now able to finally confirm that tomorrow, at 1400 EST (1900CET) I will be interviewing the one and only Tasos, live on stream.

I have a bunch of questions ready to ask him about various states of the game and direction of AV themselves. But where would I be with out you guys!

So for the next 24ish hours I want YOU to post what you would like to ask Tasos, I will then field the question to him myself, saying who it has come from.

I will pick and choose the questions so if you really like an idea maybe it would be worth your time vouching for it so I can see that it's an important one.

I wont be afraid to ask the "hard" questions and the interview will have a slightly different tone then the 1V1 tournament interview, still light hearted and fun, but with a serious purpose.

So have at it NA, you've got 24 hours to be heard because it's going down like china town tomorrow.




  • BadaboomBadaboom Member UncommonPosts: 2,380

    Edit:  Removed my questions and posted on darkfall site.

  • boris20boris20 Member RarePosts: 404
    After sitting on the sidelines for some time now and watching game updates as a spectator I am rather pleased with the future updates that are to be implemented. There is one thing that is left that I have yet to read much on that I would like to see before I make a return to the game.

    Are there plans to tweak the over all feel of character responsiveness in regards to combat such as how swing arch works, character "sliding feel" and te delay with weapon swapping? I miss the crisp feel when performing an action.
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