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Hey guys,
Sorry for the question, but i never had time to test or read nothing deep about DF , couple weeks ago i heard that the game was friendly to PVE players too and some guys on forum told me that too. I´ve another question, i don´t if i´m crazy but the first time i heard about DF were an review saying : " DF , then new UO " , and i love Ultima , so , will i find UO features in DF ? like tame, build house, etc.
Darkfall is not UO. It is not a spiritual successor, nor is it an improvement to UO. Darkfall is a giant ffa pvp arena, not an rpg with open world pvp. This game is built around pvp. UO was a living breathing world that pvp sometimes happened in, but was just as fun without.
tldr: No.
It's closer to UO then most games.
It's not ffa pvp ... You have clans/sieges/territory control (politics is very important). Without team play, you can do shit.
+ pve:
anniversary vid
Point being it is a PVP game. Pure and simple. It doesn't have an inch of the depth a Sandbox like UO has.
Here's a good way to put it.
You log on Darkfall to go kill people. You log in, group up with some people, and go hunt other people who are grouped up.
In a sandbox game, you log on to do 1000 different things. Sometimes pvp happens while you are doing it. It happens generally as emergent gameplay. Two people arn't playing nice in a dungeon. Someone took an opportunity while you were weak. Ect. UO had dedicated pk'ers, but the game was very harsh towards them.
UO was a sandbox because you could do anything. Want to make a casino? You can. Want to spend your entire time working a blacksmith in town? You can. You could do thousands of different things in UO. PvP was a danger, not a focus. If Darkfall removed pvp it would be over. There would be no redeeming qualities. UO practically removed pvp and has lasted 10 years because it has enough game mechanics and features that you still have a decade worth of content.
Not really accurate. It has extensive crafting, gathering, exploration, fishing, sailing, and dungeon diving. There's more to this game than just PvE. It's a lot closer to UO than a lot of MMOs are, but its still pretty far off.
Sounds like Darkfall.
I can log on and do "1000 different things".
I don't just log on and get a group for pvp... I also pve, I do dungeons, I do treasure maps, I farm, I craft, I repair my city, I collect pigments for dyes, I duel in my city, I capture resource levies, I capture village control points, I requisition villages, I trade my goods, I capture the Sea Tower, I scrape the ocean floors for loot...
.... And sometimes pvp happens while I do it.
Agree. Darkfall have very little similarities with UO. It is a ffa PvP arena, nothing else.
This patch has succeeded in making people actively farm.
With every patch, Darkfall gets closer and closer to usurping the UO throne.
This guy hasn't played the game if he sees it as just a giant PvP arena.
But its not UO. It closer to Shadowbane. No game will be UO like in the modern scene because the player base is too segmented.
Currently playing:Nothing
Will play: Darkfall: Unholy Wars
Past games:
Guild Wars 2 - Xpiher Duminous
Xpiher's GW2
GW 1 - Xpiher Duminous
Darkfall - Xpiher Duminous (NA) retired
AoC - Xpiher (Tyranny) retired
Warhammer - Xpiher
It was pvp that made UO fun, because the PVE in UO was shite.
If you think decorating your house, grow plants or banksitting in your colored armor is sandbox, then UO was better. But why not try minecraft, second life or sims online if that`s your fix.
Darkfall is far far better in the PVP area, but sadly not even the pvpers play it. The reason is that Darkfall is an ultra grind. In UO you could kill rats (npcs) for an hour and then have enough mats to pvp for a week. You could PK, be an anti-pk, fight other guilds, order/chaos and at the end play faction wars.
In Darkfall you have to kill rats(npcs) for months just to get to a decent level. Then you have to kill rats for hours just to get a gearbag you can lose in a few minutes. PVPers don`t like to spend hours grinding on rats just to have some fun and pvers don`t like pvp, so Darkfall doesn`t have any core players. That`s why only a few thousand play this game.
It is sad Darkfall doesn`t focus on the pvpers. If enough players played this game it would have been an awesome game. The large scale pvp in Darkfall dwarfs anything UO had to offer.
The recent patches largely address this complaint.
You still have to kill rats (npcs) for resources, but the amount you have to kill is much less for a gearbag now.
Certain Terror spawns can drop up to 8 or so Neithal Ingots/Wood/Cloth Leather at a time now, and the Daily Dungeon rewards give 50+ of each common mat.
It's not a 100% pvp all the time GOGOGO game, but it has definately reduced the amount of time it takes to get a gear bag from active play.
Av made a terribad mistake concerning the design of unholy wars..
most of the harcore pvp'ers of 1.0 dont even play this game.. because of the limitation to pvp/skills and utilities and lower skill ceiling..
I dont get it tho.. i would rather have a playerbase with customers that stick with you then try to get new players who stick for 2 months
The core design of holy wars was directed to mainstream by developing more carebear systems to this game.. now av is scratching their head and ask themselves what is wrong with their game because of the low population..
You can see this by Av posting on the their foum about true vision of darkfall and so forth while they completly destroyed the best part of their game which was the pvp and combat system.
Now they are trying to revert everything back in the hope they will get their old playerbase back..
Talking about waisting resources and development time..
This company simply dont get, and this is going on for years..
Today they will set a goal A, Tomorrow it will be B