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spiritual successor to Ultima Online


  • madazzmadazz Member RarePosts: 2,115
    Originally posted by Bidwood
    This looks great... Backed it.

    I can't express enough how tired I am of the way this game is being forced upon us in forums and on reddit. This game is going to most likely bomb as the population will be split up into a ton of different servers. 


    Plus clicking this link just gives the op a referral.

  • MumboJumboMumboJumbo Member UncommonPosts: 3,219

    Yup I think this looks awesome. There was a previous game called topia online that was also big on scripting  (JS) but that seems to have limped along with not so great graphics but the idea of rescripting stuff is awesome along with mods and gm events and private shards...

    Their latest update teased the idea of a greco-roman theme with gladiatorial arena for example of what perhaps players can create.

    This is all really positive the only snag is their timing of the ks and the build up to it launching I think they should have worked a following up before going to ks.

    A lot of ks projects are risky and have burnt but this already has an experienced team and a full pre-alpha show piece with some gameplay and lots of art assets all running. I think as a project it is a winner but as a campaign they need to work on that to make it a winner!

  • LazyDazedLazyDazed Member UncommonPosts: 166
    This game would have been cool like 10 years ago.
  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775

    UO-like *and* KS?

    Pass ...

  • DamonVileDamonVile Member UncommonPosts: 4,818
    Originally posted by nariusseldon

    UO-like *and* KS?

    Pass ...

    lol +1

  • Ramonski7Ramonski7 Member UncommonPosts: 2,662
    Originally posted by Bidwood
    This looks great... Backed it.

    Thanks for the heads up but you cannot post referrals in links you provide.

    "Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140

    Another kickstarted promising to bring us the thrill of UO (or SWG or DAOC or whatever) filled with lots of buzz words and a great 'plan'.

    I wish KS would go die in a fire at this point.

  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    Originally posted by Jacxolope

    Another kickstarted promising to bring us the thrill of UO (or SWG or DAOC or whatever) filled with lots of buzz words and a great 'plan'.

    I wish KS would go die in a fire at this point.

    why? I think KS is great. I won't put a dime into it ...

    But others risking their money so that i may have a game to play? Priceless ...

    Almost as good as whales .. but not quite.

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by nariusseldon
    Originally posted by Jacxolope

    Another kickstarted promising to bring us the thrill of UO (or SWG or DAOC or whatever) filled with lots of buzz words and a great 'plan'.

    I wish KS would go die in a fire at this point.

    why? I think KS is great. I won't put a dime into it ...

    But others risking their money so that i may have a game to play? Priceless ...

    Almost as good as whales .. but not quite.

    LOL- Right.

    I am just tired of clicking on every 10th thread for a game and seeing "KS"... Do people not finish their games before selling them anymore?

    Its getting to the point that if things dont slow down we will be reaching 90% of all threads on gaming sites everywhere being about projects that we might be able to play in 5 years (but wont...)

    Its like when a bum finds a prosperous street corner in a few months it will be 100's of bums holding their cups out as you pass. I am watching the neighborhood go to hell. =P

  • CalexCalex Member UncommonPosts: 99
    Originally posted by Jacxolope
    Originally posted by nariusseldon
    Originally posted by Jacxolope

    Another kickstarted promising to bring us the thrill of UO (or SWG or DAOC or whatever) filled with lots of buzz words and a great 'plan'.

    I wish KS would go die in a fire at this point.

    why? I think KS is great. I won't put a dime into it ...

    But others risking their money so that i may have a game to play? Priceless ...

    Almost as good as whales .. but not quite.

    LOL- Right.

    I am just tired of clicking on every 10th thread for a game and seeing "KS"... Do people not finish their games before selling them anymore?

    Its getting to the point that if things dont slow down we will be reaching 90% of all threads on gaming sites everywhere being about projects that we might be able to play in 5 years (but wont...)

    Its like when a bum finds a prosperous street corner in a few months it will be 100's of bums holding their cups out as you pass. I am watching the neighborhood go to hell. =P

    9 of those 10 threads are people just bitching and moaning about other games, not much out there to discuss. I would much rather see games that people are trying to make than some clone AAA game that will turn out to be nothing but a 1-2 month fling. The next few months is going to Wildstar vs AA, neither will become anything before everyone is on to the next thing.

  • SephrosSephros Member UncommonPosts: 429
    I dont see the connection to UO.

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  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by Calex
    Originally posted by Jacxolope
    Originally posted by nariusseldon
    Originally posted by Jacxolope

    Another kickstarted promising to bring us the thrill of UO (or SWG or DAOC or whatever) filled with lots of buzz words and a great 'plan'.

    I wish KS would go die in a fire at this point.

    why? I think KS is great. I won't put a dime into it ...

    But others risking their money so that i may have a game to play? Priceless ...

    Almost as good as whales .. but not quite.

    LOL- Right.

    I am just tired of clicking on every 10th thread for a game and seeing "KS"... Do people not finish their games before selling them anymore?

    Its getting to the point that if things dont slow down we will be reaching 90% of all threads on gaming sites everywhere being about projects that we might be able to play in 5 years (but wont...)

    Its like when a bum finds a prosperous street corner in a few months it will be 100's of bums holding their cups out as you pass. I am watching the neighborhood go to hell. =P

    9 of those 10 threads are people just bitching and moaning about other games, not much out there to discuss. I would much rather see games that people are trying to make than some clone AAA game that will turn out to be nothing but a 1-2 month fling. The next few months is going to Wildstar vs AA, neither will become anything before everyone is on to the next thing.

    Yes, I dont disagree.


    Just tired of hearing a sales pitch.


    The state of MMO gaming sucks. Maybe one of these projects will work. Right now there are approx 4-5 other games claiming to be "UO-Like".  HOw many are going to be like "SWG"? How many do you think we are really ever going to see? How many scammers are in this mix along with people who have good intentions but will most likely fail?

    I am asking to have something more than an idea before begging for money- And no, bought assets and concept work isnt enough. Everyone has that... Make a demo- Then let the pubic play it and decide what to do. I mean, obviously people will do whatever they want and its not my place to say someone CANT post... But, I will give my opinion if they do.


    My opinion? Stop this madness. Every one of you making a "UO" clone need to get together and make something viable or you will all fail.


    EDIT- By the time the first "UO clone" releases (if ever) there will be 20 more being made and 9,765 other Kickstarter MMOs going. Over Saturation is not a good thing. Especially when we are over saturate with beggars right now and under saturated with actual working games.

  • AmjocoAmjoco Member UncommonPosts: 4,860
    Originally posted by Sephros
    I dont see the connection to UO.

    Well, it has a lot of the same aspects as UO. Classless system and housing would be a good start. It looks a bit like the game also. 

    Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.

  • aattssaattss Member Posts: 40

    Private servers with their own rules? Reminds me of Minecraft or Second Life. Or even Roblox.

    Note: If a niche can be filled by either a mmorpg or a server in another mmorpg, 9.999/10 people will pick the standalone game.

  • UtinniUtinni Member EpicPosts: 2,209
    As annoyed as I am with Kickstarter, this is the only way we will see niche MMO's in the current market. No publisher is going to fund a game for 10-50k players so let's all just be grateful that kickstarter exists and engines are becoming more affordable.
  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by Utinni
    As annoyed as I am with Kickstarter, this is the only way we will see niche MMO's in the current market. No publisher is going to fund a game for 10-50k players so let's all just be grateful that kickstarter exists and engines are becoming more affordable.

    In theory that sounds great- Back when they wee pimping Greed Monger the same was said...Again and again...


    And there IS truth to what you say- But the evidence is that there has been 0 completed KS MMOs so far and many that funded long ago (Greed Monger comes to mind again) are still not in alpha. So I am no lover of AAA MMOS but at least I can play the games. We are discussing these ideals as if they are GAMES- They are not. They are ideals.


    So if we compare AAA ideas to Kickstart ideas. The KS ideas win everytime. If we compare game to game? There are no KS games to compare yet so we have no clue - Only promises.

  • mcrippinsmcrippins Member RarePosts: 1,643
    As much as I want a spiritual successor to UO - I really don't see this being it. They're just making it look similar with some ludicrous changes. 
  • UtinniUtinni Member EpicPosts: 2,209
    Originally posted by Jacxolope
    Originally posted by Utinni
    As annoyed as I am with Kickstarter, this is the only way we will see niche MMO's in the current market. No publisher is going to fund a game for 10-50k players so let's all just be grateful that kickstarter exists and engines are becoming more affordable.

    In theory that sounds great- Back when they wee pimping Greed Monger the same was said...Again and again...


    And there IS truth to what you say- But the evidence is that there has been 0 completed KS MMOs so far and many that funded long ago (Greed Monger comes to mind again) are still not in alpha. So I am no lover of AAA MMOS but at least I can play the games. We are discussing these ideals as if they are GAMES- They are not. They are ideals.


    So if we compare AAA ideas to Kickstart ideas. The KS ideas win everytime. If we compare game to game? There are no KS games to compare yet so we have no clue - Only promises.

    Obviously you understand that a lot of this is due to the fact that MMO's take years to create especially on a small budget. It's been 2 years since The Repopulation KS and they are on schedule to launch this year. It's unfortunate that some of the projects flop or take 10 years to create, but in my opinion and countless others it seems to be worth the risk. I'd rather risk the money on a small company willing to also take risks on gameplay than play the same ol dribble churned out by large companies. 

  • YoungCaesarYoungCaesar Member UncommonPosts: 326
    Id say Mortal Online is the closest 3d spiritual sucessor to UO, altho they dont have the budget to make it as deep yet..

  • Originally posted by nariusseldon
    Originally posted by Jacxolope Another kickstarted promising to bring us the thrill of UO (or SWG or DAOC or whatever) filled with lots of buzz words and a great 'plan'. I wish KS would go die in a fire at this point.
    why? I think KS is great. I won't put a dime into it ...

    But others risking their money so that i may have a game to play? Priceless ...

    Almost as good as whales .. but not quite.

    I use a similar approach. Btw I think you guys reading this thread should pledge. A lot.
  • HolophonistHolophonist Member UncommonPosts: 2,091
    I mean I'm totally interested in the game, I'm just so sick of all the "in development" games. Maybe once they actually start the come out I'll get more excited for them. It said the estimated delivery date for the rewards was like late 2015? No thanks.
  • MumboJumboMumboJumbo Member UncommonPosts: 3,219

    Quick drive-by here:-

    1. Choose people: Crowdfunding, niche budget mmos for innovation and you being a part of that or the old dying themepark AAA mega-budget conservative title that has finally run out of investment confidence in the West.

    2. Poorer graphics, less marketing, more modest starts to games, more niche titles for smaller audiences and more emphasis on rules/design and community contribution.

    3. A lot of KS are going to crash and burn fewer are going to change the genre for the better as above.

    4. Is a trade secret...

    tl;dr: I think the simpler graphics has more possibility combined with scripting/modding hosting servers etc even if a smaller market.

  • obiiobii Member UncommonPosts: 804

    Connection to UO is that a few ex UO devs work on it. Though by now who hasn't worked on UO yet? :P

    Supreem, Draconi, Logrus, Phoenix?.


    And yay you can actually put stuff on the ground a feature most new games don't have. :P

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