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Getting a refund on star citizen

apanz3rapanz3r Member UncommonPosts: 273

Does anybody know if it is possible to get a refund on star citizen ? I want to refund all the ships over the minimal package, or everything.




  • movros99movros99 Member UncommonPosts: 125

    You want a refund on a donation?  Yeaaaaa.

    I'll bite.

    What is the cause of this decision?

  • grndzrogrndzro Member UncommonPosts: 1,163

    Why dont you use google > Star Citizen refund

    Info is on the first page.

  • apanz3rapanz3r Member UncommonPosts: 273
    Originally posted by movros99

    You want a refund on a donation?  Yeaaaaa.

    I'll bite.

    What is the cause of this decision?

    When I gave them money they looked *to me*  like a small indie that wanted to make a space  game with community support.

    Now it looks *to me* that this changed, the timelines are pushed, the code is quite buggy (compared to ellite dangerous for example) and also they looks quite light on programing . The engine and ai was bought, network code was bad in december etc. Any complain you have on their forum is automatic trolled by (payed ?) evangelists and you get banned etc. They are focusing on DLC/ships/game_shop. 

    All in all there are better options TODAY to support in a space game : Elite dangerous and StarConflict . I can play them today, community is good .


  • grndzrogrndzro Member UncommonPosts: 1,163
    Originally posted by apanz3r
    Originally posted by movros99

    You want a refund on a donation?  Yeaaaaa.

    I'll bite.

    What is the cause of this decision?

    When I gave them money they looked *to me*  like a small indie that wanted to make a space  game with community support.

    Now it looks *to me* that this changed, the timelines are pushed, the code is quite buggy (compared to ellite dangerous for example) and also they looks quite light on programing . The engine and ai was bought, network code was bad in december etc. Any complain you have on their forum is automatic trolled by (payed ?) evangelists and you get banned etc. They are focusing on DLC/ships/game_shop. 

    All in all there are better options TODAY to support in a space game : Elite dangerous and StarConflict . I can play them today, community is good .


    You did know the game was in pre alpha right?

    When did you pledge? right in the begining?


    Elite and Star Conflict are pretty much MMO flight sims.

    Not an MMORPGFPS flight sim, space trader, virtual reality, AAA, next gen, universe/economic simulator, space/ground assult, super multi hybrid big budget behemoth like STAR CITIZEN

    Compare apples to apples please.

  • apanz3rapanz3r Member UncommonPosts: 273
    Originally posted by grndzro
    Originally posted by apanz3r
    Originally posted by movros99

    You want a refund on a donation?  Yeaaaaa.

    I'll bite.

    What is the cause of this decision?

    When I gave them money they looked *to me*  like a small indie that wanted to make a space  game with community support.

    Now it looks *to me* that this changed, the timelines are pushed, the code is quite buggy (compared to ellite dangerous for example) and also they looks quite light on programing . The engine and ai was bought, network code was bad in december etc. Any complain you have on their forum is automatic trolled by (payed ?) evangelists and you get banned etc. They are focusing on DLC/ships/game_shop. 

    All in all there are better options TODAY to support in a space game : Elite dangerous and StarConflict . I can play them today, community is good .


    You did know the game was in pre alpha right?

    When did you pledge? right in the begining?


    Elite and Star Conflict are pretty much MMO flight sims.

    Not an MMORPG, FPS, flight sim, universe/economic simulator, space trader, virtual reality, AAA, next gen, space/ground assult, super multi hybrid behemoth.


    Compare apples to apples please.

    I am sorry but you clearly haven't played elite in your life.  Just copy paste from the  book  does not make it true.

  • Dr_ShivinskiDr_Shivinski Member UncommonPosts: 311
    Originally posted by grndzro
    Originally posted by apanz3r
    Originally posted by movros99

    You want a refund on a donation?  Yeaaaaa.

    I'll bite.

    What is the cause of this decision?

    When I gave them money they looked *to me*  like a small indie that wanted to make a space  game with community support.

    Now it looks *to me* that this changed, the timelines are pushed, the code is quite buggy (compared to ellite dangerous for example) and also they looks quite light on programing . The engine and ai was bought, network code was bad in december etc. Any complain you have on their forum is automatic trolled by (payed ?) evangelists and you get banned etc. They are focusing on DLC/ships/game_shop. 

    All in all there are better options TODAY to support in a space game : Elite dangerous and StarConflict . I can play them today, community is good .


    You did know the game was in pre alpha right?

    When did you pledge? right in the begining?


    Elite and Star Conflict are pretty much MMO flight sims.

    Not an MMORPG, FPS, flight sim, universe/economic simulator, space trader, virtual reality, AAA, next gen, space/ground assult, super multi hybrid behemoth.


    Compare apples to apples please.

    Star Citizen is none of those things currently though. Sure that may be what Roberts wants to make, but so far its just a hangar module and a super delayed dogfighting module. Lets stop assuming that Star Citizen is going to be as ground breaking as everyone is dreaming it will be and wait for the actual game to release before singing its praises.

  • grndzrogrndzro Member UncommonPosts: 1,163
    Originally posted by apanz3r

    I am sorry but you clearly haven't played elite in your life.  Just copy paste from the  book  does not make it true.

    What does that have to do with Elite VS Star Citizen?

  • apanz3rapanz3r Member UncommonPosts: 273
    Originally posted by grndzro
    Originally posted by apanz3r

    I am sorry but you clearly haven't played elite in your life.  Just copy paste from the  book  does not make it true.

    What does that have to do with Elite VS Star Citizen?

    HUGE procedural universe for start. I am sure there are better reviews already than the one i could do now.

    Only thing i can see as a + on star citizen is heavy physics but  i am not really sure i will enjoy that.

    The heavy graphic is of-course a plus but i really hate to use my dedicate gaming machine (600-700w on wall) in summer. I am happier with lighter graphic and 2-300w from socket.  

  • grndzrogrndzro Member UncommonPosts: 1,163
    Originally posted by apanz3r
    Originally posted by grndzro
    Originally posted by apanz3r

    I am sorry but you clearly haven't played elite in your life.  Just copy paste from the  book  does not make it true.

    What does that have to do with Elite VS Star Citizen?

    HUGE procedural universe for start. I am sure there are better reviews already than the one i could do now.

    Only thing i can see as a + on star citizen is heavy physics but  i am not really sure i will enjoy that.

    The heavy graphic is of-course a plus but i really hate to use my dedicate gaming machine (600-700w on wall) in summer. I am happier with lighter graphic and 2-300w from socket.  

    So you are comparing a procedural space flight sim with Star Citizen.

    That is apples and oranges. It's like comparing Double Dragon with Aion.

  • OmaliOmali MMO Business CorrespondentMember UncommonPosts: 1,177
    I was charged an incorrect amount or I would like a refund
    Please send an email describing the issue to [email protected], include RSI email, User Name, Payment method and payment email address.


  • darker70darker70 Member UncommonPosts: 804
    Originally posted by grndzro
    Originally posted by apanz3r
    Originally posted by movros99

    You want a refund on a donation?  Yeaaaaa.

    I'll bite.

    What is the cause of this decision?

    When I gave them money they looked *to me*  like a small indie that wanted to make a space  game with community support.

    Now it looks *to me* that this changed, the timelines are pushed, the code is quite buggy (compared to ellite dangerous for example) and also they looks quite light on programing . The engine and ai was bought, network code was bad in december etc. Any complain you have on their forum is automatic trolled by (payed ?) evangelists and you get banned etc. They are focusing on DLC/ships/game_shop. 

    All in all there are better options TODAY to support in a space game : Elite dangerous and StarConflict . I can play them today, community is good .


    You did know the game was in pre alpha right?

    When did you pledge? right in the begining?


    Elite and Star Conflict are pretty much MMO flight sims.

    Not an MMORPGFPS flight sim, space trader, virtual reality, AAA, next gen, universe/economic simulator, space/ground assult, super multi hybrid big budget behemoth like STAR CITIZEN

    Compare apples to apples please.


    Well now I think I've seen it all firstly I think the OP is Bloody bonkers mad as in insane just because a project is now not in his mind considered indie he deems it to commercial so a full dedicated web community design series to with a prize of 15k dollars is not community,enough or the great work actively made by the SC community and actively encouraged by CIG is not active enough plus live streams and various live events one RSVP event that CIG spent money on the fans as well !!

    Even though there is full transparency with every aspect of the development process and as the game is pre pre pre alpha state and just because it has 41 million he feels it should have no bugs this would be a first in the history of computing you could throw a billion at something and it will still never be bug free that is a stone cold fact.

    And has the people with common sense point out SC will have many more features than Elite and for Frontiers progress which is amazing Braben has had a skunk team working on the game for years this was not thrown together in months those devs are AAA developers from a veteran team.

    Chris Roberts had 3 people and had to start  from scratch he now has over 200 on the team 100 odd core staffers and the rest are satellite teams from around the world  so I expect they will get some buggy code it's inevitable this is one of the largest projects in coding history after all said and done.

    Honestly todays gamers are spoiled little kids anything to moan about and it's toys out of the pram time I suppose you will even moan that a ship a such as the Idris brought as a corvette is now for no extra charge a frigate,and no I'm not a paid evangelist just somebody with common sense which seems to be sadly lacking in todays society oh and if you pay 300 quid you can get in on the ED alpha I'm a ED backer at 20 quid,I'll be to busy having fun in the DFM and eventually full game  that I only paid 60 dollars for with ship LTI and a hanger full of goodies and not a stupidly high entry point for the Elite Alpha unlike SC which in comparison is peanuts which you seem to want to throw away. image



  • grndzrogrndzro Member UncommonPosts: 1,163
    Originally posted by wucks

    Facts are facts, correct.

    You've yet to actually produce any facts with any of your accounts.

    Yea too many last minute heroes with the same verbal manerism's.

    All miraculously finding the largest MMORPG forums on the planet for the first time by virtue of the origonal poster who each time mysteriously dissapears and leaves the crusade to the newcommer who just happens to have the exact stance.

    Yup pretty sure we got the same keyboard warrior over and over spreading his hate.

  • Agent_JosephAgent_Joseph Member UncommonPosts: 1,361
    Originally posted by apanz3r

    Does anybody know if it is possible to get a refund on star citizen ? I want to refund all the ships over the minimal package, or everything.


    I am so sorry ,WE are make  mistake & we must deal with it !



  • GruugGruug Member RarePosts: 1,794

    Actually, the only "facts" I have seen are unfounded and undocumented FEARS by the OP. Being a long time backer myself, I have yet to see CIG, RSI or SC in general to promise anything and not deliver. Yes, there are delays, which were addressed and have been repeatedly addressed. However, the OP's claim of delays of several "years" is an over exaggeration of what has actually happened. Chris Roberts and team had said that the DFM would PROBABLY be ready around Christmas of 2013. They also said that it could slip due to things like SERVER issues and such. If you have ever watched a game that was previously announced and followed that game, you would notice that 9 times out of 10 that the development cycle has problems and DELAYS built into their schedules as well. In fact, most of those games do not even announce until they have their game closer to 75% complete (or more) just to avoid the pitfalls of bad public opinion. Chris Roberts and company have taken a much more open approach allowing backers to see the entire development process....warts and all.

    Now, if you really do not wish to participate in this open process, then simply don't. If you don't understand that a game will run into problems or simply be delayed for GOOD reasons...then don't participate. But, I also caution you to be more honest and factual about the posts you make.


    Let's party like it is 1863!

  • Agricola1Agricola1 Member UncommonPosts: 4,977
    CIG state clearly that there are no refunds on pledges. At least that is what I read when making my pledge. The problem isn't CIG, it's just people that refuse to read what they're signing up to. Then they whinge about it later upon changing their mind.

    "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"

    CS Lewis

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by Agricola1
    CIG state clearly that there are no refunds on pledges. At least that is what I read when making my pledge. The problem isn't CIG, it's just people that refuse to read what they're signing up to. Then they whinge about it later upon changing their mind.

    No..The problem is the Devs in KS can say anything and then change their mind.


    Havnt been following SC but look at Greed Monger. People pledged (some THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS) for a game which was completley changed from what they initially pledged for- I am not talking small things either. People pledged for a F2P game that is now P2P (among many things) and there is zero consumer protection.

    A dev can promise anything and once you hand over the money its THEIRS to do with as they please.


    So even if you carefully read everything- Once your money is in hand the dev has the right to change or even cancel the entire thing and you are legally screwed as there was no binding contract only empty words on paper.

  • Agricola1Agricola1 Member UncommonPosts: 4,977

    First of all CIG never promised a F2P game to my knowledge. Second if you pledge $30 you get SQ42 and SC along with a ship and hangar. If you don't want to pledge yet desire a F2P game, then I'm afraid you never were looking in the right place.


    BTW: SC will be B2P not P2P.

    "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"

    CS Lewis

  • AwDiddumsAwDiddums Member UncommonPosts: 416
    Originally posted by Agricola1
    CIG state clearly that there are no refunds on pledges. At least that is what I read when making my pledge. The problem isn't CIG, it's just people that refuse to read what they're signing up to. Then they whinge about it later upon changing their mind.


    Take a look at the Greenlight alpha games you can now buy access to via Steam, all of them have clear warnings of the state of the game that you will enter. However we all know no matter what ppl are told they will still come to forums like this and blatantly lie to those less informed, and try to garner some sympathy for their plight.

    Thank heavens I've 2 brain cells floating around my head, 1 to read and the other one asking "Is that really all true?"



  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by Agricola1

    First of all CIG never promised a F2P game to my knowledge. Second if you pledge $30 you get SQ42 and SC along with a ship and hangar. If you don't want to pledge yet desire a F2P game, then I'm afraid you never were looking in the right place.


    BTW: SC will be B2P not P2P.

    Yeah...But if you responding to me I said I havnt been following SC- MY comment was the fact that a dev can say "We will have 546 Ships for Free in your hangar with a $30 pledge" and after getting everyones $30 they can then say "Well, you actually get a hanger with zero ships. Ships are now $100/each"


    I brought up greed monger because they broke EVERY promise they made... When people asked for refunds they were tol "fuck off- Our money"

    I am saying the devs from any crowdfunding can take all the money pledged and buy hookers. Post the pics to their twitter with a big middle finger and a "HA HA Sucker" and never release the game...And you can do nothing about it.

    So your whole "read what was promised" is moot- 100%...The ONLY thing you need to undertand in crowd funding is that you are GIVING money for nothing in return.There are NO promises. Nothing is legal binding. Your money can be burned in a pile and posted on youtube and you can do NOTHING regardless of the fact they promised you something.


    -Thats all I am saying.


    Again, havt been following THIS game. But reading what you "pledge" gets you in any crowdfunding venture means jack hit.


  • Agricola1Agricola1 Member UncommonPosts: 4,977
    Originally posted by Jacxolope
    Originally posted by Agricola1

    First of all CIG never promised a F2P game to my knowledge. Second if you pledge $30 you get SQ42 and SC along with a ship and hangar. If you don't want to pledge yet desire a F2P game, then I'm afraid you never were looking in the right place.


    BTW: SC will be B2P not P2P.

    Yeah...But if you responding to me I said I havnt been following SC- MY comment was the fact that a dev can say "We will have 546 Ships for Free in your hangar with a $30 pledge" and after getting everyones $30 they can then say "Well, you actually get a hanger with zero ships. Ships are now $100/each"


    I brought up greed monger because they broke EVERY promise they made... When people asked for refunds they were tol "fuck off- Our money"

    I am saying the devs from any crowdfunding can take all the money pledged and buy hookers. Post the pics to their twitter with a big middle finger and a "HA HA Sucker" and never release the game...And you can do nothing about it.

    So your whole "read what was promised" is moot- 100%...The ONLY thing you need to undertand in crowd funding is that you are GIVING money for nothing in return.There are NO promises. Nothing is legal binding. Your money can be burned in a pile and posted on youtube and you can do NOTHING regardless of the fact they promised you something.


    -Thats all I am saying.


    Again, havt been following THIS game. But reading what you "pledge" gets you in any crowdfunding venture means jack hit.



    I agree that CIG could spend all the donations on cocaine and hookers rather than provide a game. But isn't crowd funding and Kick Starter completely Risk VS Reward when making a pledge for a game package?

    It's not like it's some big secret, anyone old enough to make a pledge should take responsibility for their own decisions. It's stated plainly that nothing is legally binding and anything can change between now and release ... if it releases. So really people who complain only have themselves to blame.

    I have noted no deception from CIG, as for other crowd funded games I cannot comment, since SC is the only one I've pledged towards ... and therefore the only one I educated myself on before donating money!

    "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"

    CS Lewis

  • LobotomistLobotomist Member EpicPosts: 5,981
    Originally posted by movros99

    You want a refund on a donation?  Yeaaaaa.

    I'll bite.

    What is the cause of this decision?

    Hehe. Good one.


    I admit. I donated (minimum) at original kickstarter because I really wanted to see the game done and Elite was still not announced.

    Now I am also skeptical. But except that you can not refund donation - I also know that C Roberts never delivered sub par space game. In fact all his games were excellent. So no need to fear.

  • JacxolopeJacxolope Member UncommonPosts: 1,140
    Originally posted by Agricola1
    Originally posted by Jacxolope
    Originally posted by Agricola1

    First of all CIG never promised a F2P game to my knowledge. Second if you pledge $30 you get SQ42 and SC along with a ship and hangar. If you don't want to pledge yet desire a F2P game, then I'm afraid you never were looking in the right place.


    BTW: SC will be B2P not P2P.

    Yeah...But if you responding to me I said I havnt been following SC- MY comment was the fact that a dev can say "We will have 546 Ships for Free in your hangar with a $30 pledge" and after getting everyones $30 they can then say "Well, you actually get a hanger with zero ships. Ships are now $100/each"


    I brought up greed monger because they broke EVERY promise they made... When people asked for refunds they were tol "fuck off- Our money"

    I am saying the devs from any crowdfunding can take all the money pledged and buy hookers. Post the pics to their twitter with a big middle finger and a "HA HA Sucker" and never release the game...And you can do nothing about it.

    So your whole "read what was promised" is moot- 100%...The ONLY thing you need to undertand in crowd funding is that you are GIVING money for nothing in return.There are NO promises. Nothing is legal binding. Your money can be burned in a pile and posted on youtube and you can do NOTHING regardless of the fact they promised you something.


    -Thats all I am saying.


    Again, havt been following THIS game. But reading what you "pledge" gets you in any crowdfunding venture means jack hit.



    I agree that CIG could spend all the donations on cocaine and hookers rather than provide a game. But isn't crowd funding and Kick Starter a completely Risk VS Reward when making a pledge for a game package?

    It's not like it's some big secret, anyone old enough to make a pledge should take responsibility for their own decisions. It's stated plainly that nothing is legally binding and anything can change between now and release ... if it releases. So really people who complain only have themselves to blame.

    I have noted no deception from CIG, as for other crowd funded games I cannot comment, since SC is the only one I've pledged towards ... and therefore the only one I educated myself on before donating money!

    Yes. We are saying the same thing.

    People need to understand that no matter what the website/page states on the day you give money- Everything can change (even the rewards) and the money is no longer yours or is there any implied and guranteed purchase that has happened. But most people dont get this.

    I personally think that at the time of pledge it SHOULD be legal binding in some way. I was honestly amazed to actually see what was happening here after a few scams started going down. I mean you can blatantly flaunt it in peoples faces that you robbed them and they get nothing and there is nothing you can do- Like the "artist" who made a bunch of books and then burned them and posted the video and sent nothing- Even an Attorney who had pledged money was attempting a lawsuit on that one adnd if my memory is correct- There is none.


    When I saw the greed monger situation go down I was less surprised but surprised by the blatant was a dev can say "You gave me this money regardelss, mine to do with as I want and you can do nothing" (paraphrase)

    Now- I too use KS and have gotten some good games. I know there are good companies. This game may have one (I havnt followed it- Not my thing) but the misconception about KS is what I am touching on- MANY people think they are buying something. They are not. They are giving money. Period. 

    SO thats where alot of the bitching and misconception comes in. People just need to get that whatever is on that website when you "pledge" (i.e. GIVE your money with no strings attached) means nothing.

  • PumaClipperPumaClipper Member Posts: 52

    Elite and Star Conflict are pretty much MMO flight sims.

    Not an MMORPG, FPS, flight sim, universe/economic simulator, space trader, virtual reality, AAA, next gen, space/ground assult, super multi hybrid behemoth.


    Compare apples to apples please.

    So you are comparing a procedural space flight sim with Star Citizen.

    That is apples and oranges. It's like comparing Double Dragon with Aion.

    Elite: Dangerous isn't just a procedural space flight sim, it has RPG elements an extensive persistent universe with an extensive dynamic economy full scale freeform atmospheric flight and FPS mode with boarding and walking around on full scale planets next year.

    See FAQ for more details

  • irpugbossirpugboss Member UncommonPosts: 427

    If they give you a refund it is likely pure customer service because I am fairly certain you are not entitled to a refund through crowdfunded donations. You are not paying for any goods at all, you are donating to a project. On top of that as others have mentioned the project is PRE-ALPHA, and lets not even consider games are buggy POST-LAUNCH so your expectations are fairly unrealistic at this point in time and are at best reasonable a few months after launch.

    All in all, the complaints seem like knee jerk reactions, much like the OR getting bought out by Facebook. Good luck getting a refund, and avoid crowdfunding in the future, it doesn't seem like you fully grasp the concept of crowdfunding and will do nothing but harm your wallet and the projects you donate to.

    I have not donated to Star Citizen, I am on the fence until I see more gameplay...I posted in reply to this because of the OPs misconception of what crowdfunding is.


    IV. Charges & Billing

    RSI reserves the right to change its prices, fees, or billing methods at any time.

    A. Fundraising & Pledges

    RSI is raising funds for its roleplaying universe of “Star Citizen” and the space combat game “Squadron 42” (collectively, “Game”). You may select one or more of the pledges offered on the Website, or through RSI’s customer service, and pay the indicated amount(s) in accordance with the following terms agreed between you andRSI:

    • Your payment is a deposit to be used for a) the production and delivery cost for the pledge items (“Pledge Item Cost”), and (b) the development and production cost of the Game, including the Website cost, , and RSI’s corporate expenses associated with the foregoing (the “Game Cost”).
    • The deposit shall be earned by RSI and become non-refundable to the extent that it is used for the Pledge Item Cost and the Game Cost, with your deposit being applied as follows: first to the Pledge Item Cost, and then to the Game Cost in a percentage equal to the total applied Game Cost in relation to the total deposits of all contributors remaining after the Pledge Item Cost.
    • RSI agrees to use its good faith business efforts to deliver to you the pledge items and the Game on or before the estimated delivery date. However, you acknowledge and agree that delivery as of such date is not a promise by RSI since unforeseen events may extend the development and/or production time. Accordingly, you agree that any unearned portion of the deposit shall not be refundable until and unless RSIhas failed to deliver the pledge items and/or the Game to you within 12 months after the estimated delivery date.
    • For the avoidance of doubt, in consideration of RSI’s good faith efforts to develop, produce, and deliver the Game with the funds raised, you agree that any deposit amounts applied against the Pledge Item Cost and the Game Cost as described above shall be non-refundable regardless of whether or not RSI is able to complete and deliver the Game and/or the pledge items. In the unlikely event that RSI is not able to deliver the Game and/or the pledge items, RSI agrees to post an audited cost accounting on its website to fully explain the use of the deposits for the Game Cost and the Pledge Item Cost. In consideration of the promises by RSI hereunder, you agree to irrevocably waive any claim for refund of any deposit amount that has been used for the Game Cost and Pledge Item Cost in accordance with the above.
    • Once RSI has made all pledge items available to you and the Game has been commercially released to the public, all your payments for any RSI Services until such time shall become, and any payments thereafter shall be non-refundable in whole or in part.
    • For the avoidance of doubt, subscriptions for premium access to Website Content are not covered by this Section IV.A, but by Section IV.B below.

  • grndzrogrndzro Member UncommonPosts: 1,163
    Originally posted by Jacxolope

    I thought the same as you until following this...

    You could try to obtain refunds through kickstarter or paypal, through your bank or credit card company. You could try to harass me or inconvenience me or tell other people negative things about me or this kickstarter in the hope that this will affect me negatively. Be aware that each attempt to contact me about this book will individually result in the burning of a book until the books are gone.....

    There is probably a lot more good being done on KS than bad. This is a prime example of a shady project that people should have seen through.

    A fool and his money are easily parted.

This discussion has been closed.