I have not seen anything about Landmark on PS4, it is certainly possible but I doubt it. When you talk to people in game most of them are older or have interests other than console gaming. Yesterday there was a Frank Lloyd Wright discussion in a channel. I do not think Landmarks target group owns consoles.
“Although we haven’t specifically made any announcements, we will be bringing our major stuff over there [on PS4], including Everquest," Sony Online Entertainment president John Smedley told IGN. "We’re not talking exactly about what it would be, but let’s just say it would closely resemble Everquest Next.”
Its ForgeLight Engine, Smedley says, is running plenty fine on PS4, and has been for some time. SOE recently revealedEverQuest Next Landmark, a tool set separate from the MMO proper -- perhaps we'll see (Landmark), or something similar, make its way onto PS4.
Chi puo dir com'egli arde é in picciol fuoco.
He who can describe the flame does not burn.
not sure
but i expect to see both EQN and Landmark on PS4
Smed hinted at PS4 Landmark
“Although we haven’t specifically made any announcements, we will be bringing our major stuff over there [on PS4], including Everquest," Sony Online Entertainment president John Smedley told IGN. "We’re not talking exactly about what it would be, but let’s just say it would closely resemble Everquest Next.”
Its ForgeLight Engine, Smedley says, is running plenty fine on PS4, and has been for some time. SOE recently revealed EverQuest Next Landmark, a tool set separate from the MMO proper -- perhaps we'll see (Landmark), or something similar, make its way onto PS4.
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