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Thinking of Playing EvE? Perhaps reconsider.



  • zekeofevzekeofev Member UncommonPosts: 240

    EVE has a lot more freedom than most MMOs. CCP takes a hands off approach and lets people be people and the ruleset is the game rules. Don't trust someone right away in eve.


    Its completely ok if you dislike the game and the mechanics. But there are many who like the freedom EVE gives you. I find it way better than the treadmill MMOS of modern development. Every PVP flight can cause financial loss which makes every flight meaningful.

  • IkonoclastiaIkonoclastia Member UncommonPosts: 203
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Originally posted by RavingRabbid

    Eve in unfortunately what it is, a griefing sandbox game.  Every game has good and bad players, but not all the community are horrible players.  However with that said IMHO CCP allows things to go too far and does need to reign things in. 

    It's only a matter of time before something does happen and CCP is sued. It's EuLA can't hide from federal, state, and local laws especially with cyber bullying.

    Sez who?  They are based out of Iceland, practically like having diplomatic immunity.  There's actually  nothing any government or court that can do anything to them outside of one in Iceland. 

    Sure, a government could ban their game from being played, but outside of that, not much else.


    Hate to break this to you but Iceland has a functioning government with functioning consumer, tort and criminal law. If CCP through its own neglect or vicarious liability can be sued under those laws it does not matter if the person harmed lives outside of the EU, in the EU or in Iceland itself, that person may take legal action against CPP either in their country of origin or the EU or Iceland.


    The idea that CCP is somehow immune through some form of "diplomatic immunity" is nonsense.


    I would also like to add that my post was not about nasty in game actions that are to be expected in EvE a Online. While the post centers around a player following me around I would point out the in the area of null I lived we had multiple perma camping cyno droppers. One had been there for over 6 months, 23 / 7.  The main difference is those other campers did not follow me around specifically to harass me. They didn't rant non stop in local sick personal attacks only aimed at me. They didn't have a personal sick vendetta that cause them to use 3 subscriptions to harass one player over 4 months  continuously. 


    This was never about the harshness of EvE, this and the other things I mention are distinct in that they were aimed at harassing and harming the person behind the keyboard. That is not MMO play. That is sick weird and sociopathic behaviour out of game.

  • HazelleHazelle Member Posts: 760

    There is no griefing inside eve online.

    The rules of the game are well defined and players are required to play by them.

    Sometimes a player takes the game too seriously and does something that that can have serious real world repercussions.

    There has been griefing outside of eve online and when it happens within CCP's realm they need to and often do take action.

    Mittens was kicked off the csm and if he didn't distance himself as far as he could from his statements when he sobered up he probably would of been banned from the game aswell.

    Erotica1 in contrast didn't and was unapologetic about it.  If Erotica1 is playing eve on an alt then CCP needs to take action: the player was banned not just his character.

    Sorry to hear about the cancer guy but the player and player's character are not the same:  Although his character suffered a terrible loss, the only injury the player suffered are injuries he inflicted on himself.

    Did you try blocking the player in your instance?

    Click on their character name in chat and goto the block option. (I thinks it's called block I'm not ingame and I really can't remember)

  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297
    Originally posted by MamasGun
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia

     Recently a coalition (NC Dot) invited a person whom they knew was recovering from cancer to join their coalition.  They invited him to put all this stuff into a carrier and provided him with a cynosaural jump point into their null sec space.  They then proceeded to blow everything he had up and pod him.  A guy with cancer? This is the sort of depravity that should never exist in any game.  What did CCP do? Nothing.  

    Wow... this is probably going to give me nightmares.  That is so amazingly fucked up.... Someone with some fucked up disease just trying to find some comfort and distraction from their life.  Wow... another notch for the hope of humanity has sadly been taken from my soul just by reading this.

    If I had a time machine, I'd go back and kick their mothers straight in the clam.  Hard. 

    This is exactly why -most- people don't want a FFA Sandbox.  You leave people to their own devices, and they are just the worst kind of worst you can imagine.  The Devil ain't got SHIT on some human beings.  And I don't believe in his ass, because humans scare me more.

    I've heard some pretty terribad things about EVE.  That paragraph right there is the worst thing I have ever heard about anyone in any game- legion of WoW trolls considered.

    Thank you, I guess, for drawing this to my attention.  Never planned on playing, but I like to know fucked up shit like that.  Wish there was some way to un-know it.

    "in real life you can punch these ppl in the face :)"

    This is exactly why people grief and BM online- no repercussion.  I guarn-got-damn-tee you they don't treat people like that in real life because of the threat of someone being able to do something about it.  I'd bet my bottom dollar and last breath that all the people that call other people fa**ots or n***ers, or fa**ot  n***ers online would never in a million years say it to someones face.  And that is the true problem with... the internet, or people?


    *claims moral high ground

    *expresses intent to brutally sexually assault a woman because he disagrees with a member of her family

    *is you


    If people like you are a "good community", then I think I'd prefer the company of the cess-pit.


    Incidentally I have considerable knowledge of the affair that the OP is using to stir up feeling against CCP and EVE - and a look at his posting history reveals that he's concerned with little else. I lack the energy to go through the issues all over again, so I'll just say that his version of events is biased, misleading, hysterical and on a couple of points of fact, simply untrue.

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

  • AvsRock21AvsRock21 Member UncommonPosts: 256
    Player driven events like Burn Jita give New Eden character! Burn Jita is a tradition, and I don't know any active players who dislike the event. Yes it can be annoying if you're trying to do business in Jita, but most are smart enough to relocate their business elsewhere during the event. Those of us not looking to do industry work, usually have a blast flying small frigates into Jita and watching the hilarious carnage. Small ships aren't even really targetted, and you can roam around salvaging/looting expensive player ships. It's a funny event altogether, and spices up New Eden. If you're not the PvP type, it's extremely easy to avoid it in EVE. You can easily avoid ever being ganked. 
  • IkonoclastiaIkonoclastia Member UncommonPosts: 203
    Originally posted by Malcanis
    Originally posted by MamasGun
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia

     Recently a coalition (NC Dot) invited a person whom they knew was recovering from cancer to join their coalition.  They invited him to put all this stuff into a carrier and provided him with a cynosaural jump point into their null sec space.  They then proceeded to blow everything he had up and pod him.  A guy with cancer? This is the sort of depravity that should never exist in any game.  What did CCP do? Nothing.  

    Wow... this is probably going to give me nightmares.  That is so amazingly fucked up.... Someone with some fucked up disease just trying to find some comfort and distraction from their life.  Wow... another notch for the hope of humanity has sadly been taken from my soul just by reading this.

    If I had a time machine, I'd go back and kick their mothers straight in the clam.  Hard. 

    This is exactly why -most- people don't want a FFA Sandbox.  You leave people to their own devices, and they are just the worst kind of worst you can imagine.  The Devil ain't got SHIT on some human beings.  And I don't believe in his ass, because humans scare me more.

    I've heard some pretty terribad things about EVE.  That paragraph right there is the worst thing I have ever heard about anyone in any game- legion of WoW trolls considered.

    Thank you, I guess, for drawing this to my attention.  Never planned on playing, but I like to know fucked up shit like that.  Wish there was some way to un-know it.

    "in real life you can punch these ppl in the face :)"

    This is exactly why people grief and BM online- no repercussion.  I guarn-got-damn-tee you they don't treat people like that in real life because of the threat of someone being able to do something about it.  I'd bet my bottom dollar and last breath that all the people that call other people fa**ots or n***ers, or fa**ot  n***ers online would never in a million years say it to someones face.  And that is the true problem with... the internet, or people?


    *claims moral high ground

    *expresses intent to brutally sexually assault a woman because he disagrees with a member of her family

    *is you


    If people like you are a "good community", then I think I'd prefer the company of the cess-pit.


    Incidentally I have considerable knowledge of the affair that the OP is using to stir up feeling against CCP and EVE - and a look at his posting history reveals that he's concerned with little else. I lack the energy to go through the issues all over again, so I'll just say that his version of events is biased, misleading, hysterical and on a couple of points of fact, simply untrue.

    I have posted screenshots with evidence of my claims.  One only needs to google the other claims to find that they're also verifiable and true.  

    I was forced to come to this forum because the "wonderful EvE community" spent the last 36 hours continously attacking, harasssing, insulting and being asses towards my in game harassment.  The ISD's, whose job it is to enforce the rules of the forums engaged in a little war of thread locking which is still ongoing and even joined in the harassment at one point.  

    You can come here and claim this is all lies but they're just claims from another well known Goon who will do anything to protect their precious "meta-game" which is just a label for anti-social, disrespectful and abusive behavior engaged in by a vocal core group of players who are friends of devs, devs themselves, ex-devs and CSM members.

    So go back to CCP and tell them you're little attempt at damage control failed because I don't think anyone really believes anything you say Malcanis.

    If CCP wants to get the trust of its community and the respect of the general MMO community back, they should start by removing themselves from Goonswarm, removing Goonswarm members from its staff, removing Goonswarm members from the CSM and removing Goonswarm members from the ISD.

    The stated intent of the Goons was to ruin EvE online and they've done an extremely good job so far in that respect.


  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,263
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia
    Originally posted by Malcanis
    Originally posted by MamasGun
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia

     Recently a coalition (NC Dot) invited a person whom they knew was recovering from cancer to join their coalition.  They invited him to put all this stuff into a carrier and provided him with a cynosaural jump point into their null sec space.  They then proceeded to blow everything he had up and pod him.  A guy with cancer? This is the sort of depravity that should never exist in any game.  What did CCP do? Nothing.  

    Wow... this is probably going to give me nightmares.  That is so amazingly fucked up.... Someone with some fucked up disease just trying to find some comfort and distraction from their life.  Wow... another notch for the hope of humanity has sadly been taken from my soul just by reading this.

    If I had a time machine, I'd go back and kick their mothers straight in the clam.  Hard. 

    This is exactly why -most- people don't want a FFA Sandbox.  You leave people to their own devices, and they are just the worst kind of worst you can imagine.  The Devil ain't got SHIT on some human beings.  And I don't believe in his ass, because humans scare me more.

    I've heard some pretty terribad things about EVE.  That paragraph right there is the worst thing I have ever heard about anyone in any game- legion of WoW trolls considered.

    Thank you, I guess, for drawing this to my attention.  Never planned on playing, but I like to know fucked up shit like that.  Wish there was some way to un-know it.

    "in real life you can punch these ppl in the face :)"

    This is exactly why people grief and BM online- no repercussion.  I guarn-got-damn-tee you they don't treat people like that in real life because of the threat of someone being able to do something about it.  I'd bet my bottom dollar and last breath that all the people that call other people fa**ots or n***ers, or fa**ot  n***ers online would never in a million years say it to someones face.  And that is the true problem with... the internet, or people?


    *claims moral high ground

    *expresses intent to brutally sexually assault a woman because he disagrees with a member of her family

    *is you


    If people like you are a "good community", then I think I'd prefer the company of the cess-pit.


    Incidentally I have considerable knowledge of the affair that the OP is using to stir up feeling against CCP and EVE - and a look at his posting history reveals that he's concerned with little else. I lack the energy to go through the issues all over again, so I'll just say that his version of events is biased, misleading, hysterical and on a couple of points of fact, simply untrue.

    I have posted screenshots with evidence of my claims.  One only needs to google the other claims to find that they're also verifiable and true.  

    I was forced to come to this forum because the "wonderful EvE community" spent the last 36 hours continously attacking, harasssing, insulting and being asses towards my in game harassment.  The ISD's, whose job it is to enforce the rules of the forums engaged in a little war of thread locking which is still ongoing and even joined in the harassment at one point.  

    You can come here and claim this is all lies but they're just claims from another well known Goon who will do anything to protect their precious "meta-game" which is just a label for anti-social, disrespectful and abusive behavior engaged in by a vocal core group of players who are friends of devs, devs themselves, ex-devs and CSM members.

    So go back to CCP and tell them you're little attempt at damage control failed because I don't think anyone really believes anything you say Malcanis.

    If CCP wants to get the trust of its community and the respect of the general MMO community back, they should start by removing themselves from Goonswarm, removing Goonswarm members from its staff, removing Goonswarm members from the CSM and removing Goonswarm members from the ISD.

    The stated intent of the Goons was to ruin EvE online and they've done an extremely good job so far in that respect.

    I'll take Malcanis' word over yours I'm afraid, and it appears you are clearly over the edge in this situation.  You chose to appeal to the MMORPG community, which probably is the most EVE friendly forum anywhere on the web outside of CCP's own site, might want to rethink that.


    CCP does not care what the rest of the MMO community thinks, the rules of the game are very clear when you join, buyer beware and all that.   They are not responsible for cyberbullying, anymore than Facebook is.  Take care of your own problems, or don't play games such as EVE.



    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • IkonoclastiaIkonoclastia Member UncommonPosts: 203
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia
    Originally posted by Malcanis
    Originally posted by MamasGun
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia

     Recently a coalition (NC Dot) invited a person whom they knew was recovering from cancer to join their coalition.  They invited him to put all this stuff into a carrier and provided him with a cynosaural jump point into their null sec space.  They then proceeded to blow everything he had up and pod him.  A guy with cancer? This is the sort of depravity that should never exist in any game.  What did CCP do? Nothing.  

    Wow... this is probably going to give me nightmares.  That is so amazingly fucked up.... Someone with some fucked up disease just trying to find some comfort and distraction from their life.  Wow... another notch for the hope of humanity has sadly been taken from my soul just by reading this.

    If I had a time machine, I'd go back and kick their mothers straight in the clam.  Hard. 

    This is exactly why -most- people don't want a FFA Sandbox.  You leave people to their own devices, and they are just the worst kind of worst you can imagine.  The Devil ain't got SHIT on some human beings.  And I don't believe in his ass, because humans scare me more.

    I've heard some pretty terribad things about EVE.  That paragraph right there is the worst thing I have ever heard about anyone in any game- legion of WoW trolls considered.

    Thank you, I guess, for drawing this to my attention.  Never planned on playing, but I like to know fucked up shit like that.  Wish there was some way to un-know it.

    "in real life you can punch these ppl in the face :)"

    This is exactly why people grief and BM online- no repercussion.  I guarn-got-damn-tee you they don't treat people like that in real life because of the threat of someone being able to do something about it.  I'd bet my bottom dollar and last breath that all the people that call other people fa**ots or n***ers, or fa**ot  n***ers online would never in a million years say it to someones face.  And that is the true problem with... the internet, or people?


    *claims moral high ground

    *expresses intent to brutally sexually assault a woman because he disagrees with a member of her family

    *is you


    If people like you are a "good community", then I think I'd prefer the company of the cess-pit.


    Incidentally I have considerable knowledge of the affair that the OP is using to stir up feeling against CCP and EVE - and a look at his posting history reveals that he's concerned with little else. I lack the energy to go through the issues all over again, so I'll just say that his version of events is biased, misleading, hysterical and on a couple of points of fact, simply untrue.

    I have posted screenshots with evidence of my claims.  One only needs to google the other claims to find that they're also verifiable and true.  

    I was forced to come to this forum because the "wonderful EvE community" spent the last 36 hours continously attacking, harasssing, insulting and being asses towards my in game harassment.  The ISD's, whose job it is to enforce the rules of the forums engaged in a little war of thread locking which is still ongoing and even joined in the harassment at one point.  

    You can come here and claim this is all lies but they're just claims from another well known Goon who will do anything to protect their precious "meta-game" which is just a label for anti-social, disrespectful and abusive behavior engaged in by a vocal core group of players who are friends of devs, devs themselves, ex-devs and CSM members.

    So go back to CCP and tell them you're little attempt at damage control failed because I don't think anyone really believes anything you say Malcanis.

    If CCP wants to get the trust of its community and the respect of the general MMO community back, they should start by removing themselves from Goonswarm, removing Goonswarm members from its staff, removing Goonswarm members from the CSM and removing Goonswarm members from the ISD.

    The stated intent of the Goons was to ruin EvE online and they've done an extremely good job so far in that respect.

    I'll take Malcanis' word over yours I'm afraid, and it appears you are clearly over the edge in this situation.  You chose to appeal to the MMORPG community, which probably is the most EVE friendly forum anywhere on the web outside of CCP's own site, might want to rethink that.


    CCP does not care what the rest of the MMO community thinks, the rules of the game are very clear when you join, buyer beware and all that.   They are not responsible for cyberbullying, anymore than Facebook is.  Take care of your own problems, or don't play games such as EVE.



    Yeah I don't care what you would take or not.  The rules of the game are clearly laid out in the EULA.  The rules of game were breached.  You may not target a single player and harass them continuously.  If you can't abide by the rules then its not me that is lacking, its you.  

    CCP tried to cover it up by having every thread locked.  CCP failed to cover it up.  

  • DarLorkarDarLorkar Member UncommonPosts: 1,083

    EVE is what the Dev's made it.

    To some a great game, to others a Cesspit,

    One thing is absolutely true, buyer (Player) beware.

    There is no safe place. Anyone that says there is is lying. Safer..yes no.

    And let's just say that no matter WHAT or WHO you believe..

    if it were true? No one would care or do anything.. Just read the forums..little bit of digging through them will tell you all you need to know.


  • loulakiloulaki Member UncommonPosts: 944

    i feel sad for all this story, and i believe that this is the main issue for sandboxes ...

    the sandboxes try to simulate the reality, and when the game tries to simulate the world of trade and corporations then its like trying to simulate the deep shit of our society :p

    yes i agree if you had a bad day its not EVE to join and relax but also i from my experience i know that some development decision they can have huge impact on the community.

    f.e. the way the gathering or the resurrecting are introduced in GW2 they have shaped a co-op community helping each other in contrast with other games where for simple actions in the game you have to compete and go against other members even from your party ... So from this experience yes i believe that developers are responsible for an immature community or a helping and relaxing one .. 


  • NephaeriusNephaerius Member UncommonPosts: 1,671
    Op claims Eula was breached when in fact it never was.....

    Steam: Neph

  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by Vasel
    I agree with he OP 100%. Eve is just a haven for the scum of the MMO universe. I hope they stay there. I am so looking forward to  a fun space game look at Star Citizen if you haven't. Its not Eve 2.0.

    You are going to have allot of fun in that considering it isn't really an MMO to begin with (Elite's closer with its titanic map but even that's low on players).

  • Agent_JosephAgent_Joseph Member UncommonPosts: 1,361
    Originally posted by Zarbyte
    Eve is a sandbox game, dominated almost entirely by its players. This is the way of this genre of MMO.

    yes ,it is players driven game ... Eve is NO LIMITATION game if cant deal with it  just go play something else ... 

    I am not understanding why OP crying around ? it is just game ,but  very good game !  He should separate RL from games.

    None is forced to play some game.




  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by Agent_Joseph
    Originally posted by Zarbyte
    Eve is a sandbox game, dominated almost entirely by its players. This is the way of this genre of MMO.

    yes ,it is players driven game ... Eve is NO LIMITATION game if cant deal with it  just go play something else ... 

    I am not understanding why OP crying around ? it is just game ,but  very good game !  He should separate RL from games.

    None is forced to play some game.




    Or take the game so seriously he threatens to corner someone in real life, hold them there by physical means while basically verbally abusing them in front of his/her peers. The dude is rich... I read the original thread and basically his entire tirade can be summed up like this "Either you agree with me or you a pedo.".

  • MalcanisMalcanis Member UncommonPosts: 3,297
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia
    Originally posted by Malcanis
    Originally posted by MamasGun
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia

     Recently a coalition (NC Dot) invited a person whom they knew was recovering from cancer to join their coalition.  They invited him to put all this stuff into a carrier and provided him with a cynosaural jump point into their null sec space.  They then proceeded to blow everything he had up and pod him.  A guy with cancer? This is the sort of depravity that should never exist in any game.  What did CCP do? Nothing.  

    Wow... this is probably going to give me nightmares.  That is so amazingly fucked up.... Someone with some fucked up disease just trying to find some comfort and distraction from their life.  Wow... another notch for the hope of humanity has sadly been taken from my soul just by reading this.

    If I had a time machine, I'd go back and kick their mothers straight in the clam.  Hard. 

    This is exactly why -most- people don't want a FFA Sandbox.  You leave people to their own devices, and they are just the worst kind of worst you can imagine.  The Devil ain't got SHIT on some human beings.  And I don't believe in his ass, because humans scare me more.

    I've heard some pretty terribad things about EVE.  That paragraph right there is the worst thing I have ever heard about anyone in any game- legion of WoW trolls considered.

    Thank you, I guess, for drawing this to my attention.  Never planned on playing, but I like to know fucked up shit like that.  Wish there was some way to un-know it.

    "in real life you can punch these ppl in the face :)"

    This is exactly why people grief and BM online- no repercussion.  I guarn-got-damn-tee you they don't treat people like that in real life because of the threat of someone being able to do something about it.  I'd bet my bottom dollar and last breath that all the people that call other people fa**ots or n***ers, or fa**ot  n***ers online would never in a million years say it to someones face.  And that is the true problem with... the internet, or people?


    *claims moral high ground

    *expresses intent to brutally sexually assault a woman because he disagrees with a member of her family

    *is you


    If people like you are a "good community", then I think I'd prefer the company of the cess-pit.


    Incidentally I have considerable knowledge of the affair that the OP is using to stir up feeling against CCP and EVE - and a look at his posting history reveals that he's concerned with little else. I lack the energy to go through the issues all over again, so I'll just say that his version of events is biased, misleading, hysterical and on a couple of points of fact, simply untrue.

    I have posted screenshots with evidence of my claims.  One only needs to google the other claims to find that they're also verifiable and true.  

    I was forced to come to this forum because the "wonderful EvE community" spent the last 36 hours continously attacking, harasssing, insulting and being asses towards my in game harassment.  The ISD's, whose job it is to enforce the rules of the forums engaged in a little war of thread locking which is still ongoing and even joined in the harassment at one point.  

    You can come here and claim this is all lies but they're just claims from another well known Goon who will do anything to protect their precious "meta-game" which is just a label for anti-social, disrespectful and abusive behavior engaged in by a vocal core group of players who are friends of devs, devs themselves, ex-devs and CSM members.

    So go back to CCP and tell them you're little attempt at damage control failed because I don't think anyone really believes anything you say Malcanis.

    If CCP wants to get the trust of its community and the respect of the general MMO community back, they should start by removing themselves from Goonswarm, removing Goonswarm members from its staff, removing Goonswarm members from the CSM and removing Goonswarm members from the ISD.

    The stated intent of the Goons was to ruin EvE online and they've done an extremely good job so far in that respect.



    I am not a Goon. It's not even clear what goons have to do with any of this. They kicked erotica1 out of the CFC long before he came to general notice. So far as I am aware, the CFC is not active in Stain either, so I don't know what they have to do with your specific case either. Unless you're simply using "Goon" as a lazy shorthand for "grrr some EVE player doing something I don't like"

    Give me liberty or give me lasers

  • BoldynBoldyn Member Posts: 265
    Originally posted by Solar_Prophet
    Originally posted by Karahandras
    Originally posted by Phry
    Originally posted by Makidian
    Originally posted by Boldyn

    Are you thinking about playing EVE?


    Are you reckless, naive and not the sharpest tool? Then don't.


    Otherwise, go ahead and enjoy massive freedom.


    This has been known since Before the game was released, Wake up.

    Can this be blown up in big neon green letters please ?

    might want to think about using fewer syllables image

    Maybe a few pictures aswellimage

    Prime example of the EVE community right here. Thanks for validating everyone's generalizations.

    You know the type of people who think it's funny to poop in a public restroom's urinal (or otherwise make a disgusting, unsanitary mess)? EVE is filled with them.

    No, but YOU are the prime example of what I can't stand and made my busisness chasing in EVE.


    1st, dont make a personal attack on someone you don't know. The people who did play back then when I did and know me would have laughed in your face if you accused me of being that kind of person. So don't make an idiot of yourself.


    I could sit still in the middle of space for HOURS waiting for the log-off Muppet who tried to exploit the mechanics to save his ship. I could have spent that time trying to scam someone, or pirate without fear of payback cuss I just log off. I never did though.


    Back then, when you did something wrong, when you flamed someone on the forums, you paid for it. THAT is why I loved EVE and will never feel the same about Another MMO again.


    There are muppets in every corner of your Life, in your RL, games, anywhere. If you let them be Muppets it's your blame. Bottom line is this, if there are such Muppets in a game, that means they excist in real Life aswell. Who you gonna write a ticket to then? Your God of whatever balloney religion you follow?


    "Dear God. Today on my way to work a man stopped me saying he would give me so many free things if I just handed him my wallet for 1 minute. He ran off with it! I want a refund!"


    If you get scammed by phonesellers, storeworkers, beggers and whatnot, you will get played in EVE. It's not EVE's fault though, it's yours.

  • IkonoclastiaIkonoclastia Member UncommonPosts: 203
    Originally posted by Agent_Joseph
    Originally posted by Zarbyte
    Eve is a sandbox game, dominated almost entirely by its players. This is the way of this genre of MMO.

    yes ,it is players driven game ... Eve is NO LIMITATION game if cant deal with it  just go play something else ... 

    I am not understanding why OP crying around ? it is just game ,but  very good game !  He should separate RL from games.

    None is forced to play some game.




    EvE is not a "no limitations" game.  CCP sets clear limits in its EULA.  Read it and you'll see that its prohibited to target one player and harass them.  I'm not talking about chasing someone and killing them, popping a player at a gate, declaring war on a players corporation or scamming a player of their isk.  I'm talking about creating 3 alts with the express purpose of following that player around for months on end harassing and abusing them.  That's a clearly defined breach of conduct.

    You can have a personal opinion about whether it should be allowed or not.  That opinion does not change the terms of EULA.  

    Certain people in this thread are claiming that what I have said in my OP is false, or lies, or whatever.  However the facts are:

    A player, who is a member of the EvE Online community displayed private correspondence of a sensitive nature in a public forum in front of developerss of EvE Online, attempted to incite other players into mocking and harassing a reportedly suicidal player.  Was not severely punished by CCP for that.

    A player who had spent the last 2 years fighting cancer, is conned into joining an alliance and moving all his stuff out by his pretend friends only to be ganked.  Nothing was done to those players, in fact that belittled and harassed and even suggested to the guy that "they did him a favor" and that "he shouldn't be playing EvE if he has cancer". Link

    Devs lured players out to Goonswarm / CFC space to feed newbie and carebear kills to Razor - Link

    Devs drop hundreds of billions of isk, the equivalent of thousands of RL dollars in plex to PL in their home system of Ammamake (check the killboard links in the forum post), an alliance headed by a former EvE developer - Link

    Now you can come here and lie and say this stuff is not happening but it is happening.  I have proof and you have pretty much denials in the face of the facts.  

  • IkonoclastiaIkonoclastia Member UncommonPosts: 203

    I would also like to point out here that I am not the only person that feels things have gone way too far in terms of harassment and abuse -


    I have received quite a number of emails from EvE Online players who agree with me to the point they have also decided to cancel their subscriptions in response to the issues I attempted to raise on the forums.  I include below one such letter I received today with identifying information of the sender removed:


    "Hi Infinity

    I just thought I would let you know that I have read some of you forum posts and the post on
    Sorry to hear about the abuse you received in nul for months on end, I hope you do get some action from CCP in that regard eventually. Anyway there are those amongst us that agree with you that griefing (in a joking way) is one thing where both parties can laugh about it, but the current level of griefing (done in a disgusting non fun vein) in eve is now going way beyond that (ala ero1 debacle etc) and getting out of hand, even for a game like eve, sandbox like etc.

    As CCP are likely to do nothing about this griefing and abusive situation now prevalent in game until is too late, I have cancelled 5 subs stating that the direction the game is taking, the ease of gankers, and the levels of accepted griefing, etc is spoiling the game for too many people.

    There is plenty of room in game for ppl to pay the bad guy, this can be done without actually going to the lengths they do these days to abuse other player like yourself with these disgusting verbal attacks etc.
    I know eve is a great game, it is a pity that some players these days seem to make it less fun than it ought to be.

    So kudos to you for bringing it up in the forums and elsewhere citing your personal instances as evidence. I hope knowing that others like me have respect for ppl like yourself and to know you are not alone in your beliefs about the toxicity of the eve community and the bias of CCP in their dealing with said community, some of us are voting with out wallets and letting CCP know about it.

    All the best in game and out.


    By my count that's about 30 subscriptions lost so far because of this issue, and likely many others who have not contacted me.


    Infinity Ziona

  • PhertiasPhertias Member UncommonPosts: 51

    EvE players always talk about their precious "freedom" of the game. So does the US. Neither of them have any.

    I have heard many EvE players talk about how much freedom you can have in EvE because you can control parts of the game by establishing a hardcore guild, gain reputation and just control the game.

    If players can get THAT much control in the game, then the game is not about freedom, its about dominance. Its about allowing people to rule other people. Or even rule the GMs. Imagine if one of the big guilds talks negative about the game. It would have hurt CCP so much that the company is afraid of the guilds. Its the pattern that is described right here. Let me break it up for you:

    CCP has a moral code of conduct which they must apply themselves to. If they dont, they will lose players like what just happened. However, since they have NOT reacted, there can only be a few possible outcomes: 1) They dont give a damn. I bet they do, because otherwise they would lose players. 2) They havent seen it. In that case, CCP is a lousy company because even NEXON sees things like this. 3) CCP is afraid of the powerful players due to what they can do to the game. This is the most likely reason.

    EvE has granted players to much freedom that it has gotten out of hand and freedom has turned to dominance and anarchy. Its amazing in one way and terrifying in other ways. But freedom is not about being dicks to each other because you can. Freedom is about treating each other with respect and allow people to be themselves without being judged by your state in life (cancer f.x.) or disabilities. 

    EvE is not about freedom. Its about control over other people. Just like the US. And even though people can be dicks in other games, they can never control other players and harass them as much as in EvE. 

    So again. EvE is not about freedom. Unless you consider freedom the ability to control other people (which is solid communism). 

  • jpnzjpnz Member Posts: 3,529
    TIL Malcanis is a goon. :P

    Gdemami -
    Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.

  • anrenruianrenrui Member UncommonPosts: 21
    God, all this sounds like are a bunch of whiny hipppies, if you can't get on the hardcore train, don't play hardcore games.
  • salehramsalehram Member Posts: 2

    I've been around in all the cases of erotica1, NCDot and lately IZ cases... and it seems we will see worse cases in near future... :(

    Now, I have my issues with ganking/griefing, and abusing as well (incoming carebear accusation... but whatever), but I got over them because i felt I cannot let some retards ruin my REAL LIFE because of their retarded acts.

    However, when it comes to the community as a whole (not 1 or 2 persons), I feel bad about the level the community has reached... I remember the replies that cancer guy got in his thread and how people just had his case all to be his fault, and I remember how the assholes of erotica1 sociopaths were talking to that guy and his wife, then later how they wrote about it in their stupid site minerbumping justifying what they did and putting it all on the poor guy.

    But last week, the amount of bs I saw on the forums because of IZ case was strange... I thought 2 times already about letting (or canceling) my subs, but I thought I might get well later, but this time I am thinking again really... despite all the epicness and awesomeness and the glory in EVE, the community in it does make a huge impact on the image of this game... it is as if you put a diamond in the toilet or something like that... diamond by itself is good, but it is in a dirty sick water.

    For Infinity Ziona, I hope your case either to be taken care of from CCP or people realize how sick the community has became now and teach CCP a lesson to put a stop to all the madness that we see in-game and on the forums.


  • jpnzjpnz Member Posts: 3,529
    Originally posted by salehram


    For Infinity Ziona, I hope your case either to be taken care of from CCP or people realize how sick the community has became now and teach CCP a lesson to put a stop to all the madness that we see in-game and on the forums.


    Nice 1st post.

    And I know you didn't read the thread cause if you did, it was IZ saying 'if you don't agree, you are a BAD WORD'.

    This 'cry against the EVE community' line is strange as IZ's logic was pure 'lolwut?' material.

    Gdemami -
    Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.

  • IkonoclastiaIkonoclastia Member UncommonPosts: 203
    Originally posted by jpnz
    Originally posted by salehram


    For Infinity Ziona, I hope your case either to be taken care of from CCP or people realize how sick the community has became now and teach CCP a lesson to put a stop to all the madness that we see in-game and on the forums.


    Nice 1st post.

    And I know you didn't read the thread cause if you did, it was IZ saying 'if you don't agree, you are a BAD WORD'.

    This 'cry against the EVE community' line is strange as IZ's logic was pure 'lolwut?' material.

    That you think speaking out against what I have spoken out against is 'lolwut?" is interesting.  

    Do you think that players should be allowed to breach the EULA by mounting a ongoing campaign of harassment of a player over a period of 4 months?  Do you think that complaining against that harassment is wrong?  

    If you think that's "lolwut?" all I have to say to you is lolwut?.  



  • jpnzjpnz Member Posts: 3,529
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia

    That you think speaking out against what I have spoken out against is 'lolwut?" is interesting.  

    Do you think that players should be allowed to breach the EULA by mounting a ongoing campaign of harassment of a player over a period of 4 months?  Do you think that complaining against that harassment is wrong?  

    If you think that's "lolwut?" all I have to say to you is lolwut?.  


    So if I don't agree with you, I am condoning breach of EULA?

    Nice strawman you got there. 

    Also, why isn't your logic of 'if you don't agree, you are BAD WORD' that was used on the EVE-O forums not being argued here?

    For anyone wanting to know the whole story;

    Gdemami -
    Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.

This discussion has been closed.