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Thinking of Playing EvE? Perhaps reconsider.



  • Solar_ProphetSolar_Prophet Member EpicPosts: 1,960
    Originally posted by Karahandras
    Originally posted by Phry
    Originally posted by Makidian
    Originally posted by Boldyn

    Are you thinking about playing EVE?


    Are you reckless, naive and not the sharpest tool? Then don't.


    Otherwise, go ahead and enjoy massive freedom.


    This has been known since Before the game was released, Wake up.

    Can this be blown up in big neon green letters please ?

    might want to think about using fewer syllables image

    Maybe a few pictures aswellimage

    Prime example of the EVE community right here. Thanks for validating everyone's generalizations.

    You know the type of people who think it's funny to poop in a public restroom's urinal (or otherwise make a disgusting, unsanitary mess)? EVE is filled with them.

    AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!

    We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD. 


  • VendakuVendaku Member Posts: 77
    Eve is a sandbox game, dominated almost entirely by its players. This is the way of this genre of MMO.
  • Spectre_06Spectre_06 Member Posts: 4
    Originally posted by Aeonblades
    Originally posted by Spectre_06
    [quote]Originally posted by Necropsie

    Never played EvE. Never planning to play it.

    Those are horrible stories. Especially the recently divorced guy (aka the guy encouraged to suicide).

    I always thinked about high-school bullies when someone says EvE players. Sure, in real life they are the guy who gets a beat-up but in the game, they become bullies.

    After reading your post (and some answers from this thread), i decided this was not the case. There is something mentally wrong with that kind of players. Something seriously wrong.

    And for the "dont share your personal things lolz" guy: Usually, this type of games are the escape tools from real life. And sometimes, you want to talk about things with people, even they are strangers or not. I dont expect you to understand, you are probably too young.

    Thanks for the post. At least now i know where the scum of the mmo universe is and i hope they stay there.[/quote]

    You are basing your opinions--like many ignorant players do--of of the stories you hear.  EvE Onine has garnered this reputation that is is a harsh world.  It is justified.  But many publications--MMO Champion, Massively, etc.--as well as many players who leave the game only post the absolutely atrocious stories.  You never hear about the people who make a positive difference, because quite frankly that's not as great a read as drama.


    When Area 52 became notorious for giving Thori'dal, the Stars Fury to a rogue instead of a hunter in the raid, the forums and blogosphere erupted in vitriol over the decision by the GM, despite it being a good call since the hunter was brand new to the game, and quite frankly had not earned his stripes.


    I mean, there are plenty other tales of delicious tears and drama in other games, but people ignore it because those games have not cultivated this well-documented history of being sa harsh reality, where the players do control a lot of things that they normally wouldn't.


    You don't hear abotu the corporations such as Infinite Entropy or Error-404, which worked to train new players to become competent killing machines in the game.  You don't hear about how those corproations had a shield system in place, helping to protect many of the missioners, miners, and new players in the game from griefers.  You don't hear about the people who try to make the game a better place because they aren't a good read.


    Quite frankly, it doesn't matter.  Most of you wouldn't survive in the game, and that's fine.  We don't want you anyways, because you'll pine to CCP to make it a them park MMO like WoW.  That won't happen on our watch.  If you want a game that will legitimately challenge you mentally and emotionally, look no further than EvE Online.  If you just want to do the exact same crap day in and day out, continue to play in your theme park.

    That's an awful long post to try to defend being a sad shell of a human being to others. How about instead of talking down to everyone, you actually work on your game's community so you aren't the laughing stock of the MMO world. That would help a lot more than a long winded post saying "I'm better than you because I treat people terribly."

    Just some friendly advice from your friendly forum neighbor, treat others as you want to be treated and so forth :)

    How's it going.


    I was a director in both Infinite Entropy and Error-404, the corporations I used as anecdotes for the "good" in EvE Online.  I was the main push to work to be a wall between griefers and new players, and while my CEO--who is also a friend--was against it initially, he realized that it was probably the most fun he had had in high security space (especially when one of the griefer corporations decided to threaten to report me to the FBI for cyberterrorism because we found the greifers' alt corporation for making money and stopped that from happening).  I have worked to foster a positive atmosphere in EvE Online, but to do that I have made people aware of the harsh realities of New Eden.  As you have shown, you are one of the "ignorant masses" I mentioned in a previous post, where you don't do your own research and base everything off of MMO Champion et al., who make money by sensationalizing drama tenfold.


    You are not the type of player we want, because you are ignorant, and happy in your ignorance.  And were-as you make ad hominem attacks against the person rather than refuting the points, I will continue to espouse the truth of the game: we are not your typical MMO.  We are a niche.  If you don't like it ,feel free to stay in your theme park repeating the same old action day in and day out and think it's fun.

  • MakidianMakidian Member UncommonPosts: 208
    Originally posted by Spectre_06
    Originally posted by Aeonblades
    Originally posted by Spectre_06
    [quote]Originally posted by Necropsie

    Never played EvE. Never planning to play it.

    Those are horrible stories. Especially the recently divorced guy (aka the guy encouraged to suicide).

    I always thinked about high-school bullies when someone says EvE players. Sure, in real life they are the guy who gets a beat-up but in the game, they become bullies.

    After reading your post (and some answers from this thread), i decided this was not the case. There is something mentally wrong with that kind of players. Something seriously wrong.

    And for the "dont share your personal things lolz" guy: Usually, this type of games are the escape tools from real life. And sometimes, you want to talk about things with people, even they are strangers or not. I dont expect you to understand, you are probably too young.

    Thanks for the post. At least now i know where the scum of the mmo universe is and i hope they stay there.[/quote]

    You are basing your opinions--like many ignorant players do--of of the stories you hear.  EvE Onine has garnered this reputation that is is a harsh world.  It is justified.  But many publications--MMO Champion, Massively, etc.--as well as many players who leave the game only post the absolutely atrocious stories.  You never hear about the people who make a positive difference, because quite frankly that's not as great a read as drama.


    When Area 52 became notorious for giving Thori'dal, the Stars Fury to a rogue instead of a hunter in the raid, the forums and blogosphere erupted in vitriol over the decision by the GM, despite it being a good call since the hunter was brand new to the game, and quite frankly had not earned his stripes.


    I mean, there are plenty other tales of delicious tears and drama in other games, but people ignore it because those games have not cultivated this well-documented history of being sa harsh reality, where the players do control a lot of things that they normally wouldn't.


    You don't hear abotu the corporations such as Infinite Entropy or Error-404, which worked to train new players to become competent killing machines in the game.  You don't hear about how those corproations had a shield system in place, helping to protect many of the missioners, miners, and new players in the game from griefers.  You don't hear about the people who try to make the game a better place because they aren't a good read.


    Quite frankly, it doesn't matter.  Most of you wouldn't survive in the game, and that's fine.  We don't want you anyways, because you'll pine to CCP to make it a them park MMO like WoW.  That won't happen on our watch.  If you want a game that will legitimately challenge you mentally and emotionally, look no further than EvE Online.  If you just want to do the exact same crap day in and day out, continue to play in your theme park.

    That's an awful long post to try to defend being a sad shell of a human being to others. How about instead of talking down to everyone, you actually work on your game's community so you aren't the laughing stock of the MMO world. That would help a lot more than a long winded post saying "I'm better than you because I treat people terribly."

    Just some friendly advice from your friendly forum neighbor, treat others as you want to be treated and so forth :)

    How's it going.


    I was a director in both Infinite Entropy and Error-404, the corporations I used as anecdotes for the "good" in EvE Online.  I was the main push to work to be a wall between griefers and new players, and while my CEO--who is also a friend--was against it initially, he realized that it was probably the most fun he had had in high security space (especially when one of the griefer corporations decided to threaten to report me to the FBI for cyberterrorism because we found the greifers' alt corporation for making money and stopped that from happening).  I have worked to foster a positive atmosphere in EvE Online, but to do that I have made people aware of the harsh realities of New Eden.  As you have shown, you are one of the "ignorant masses" I mentioned in a previous post, where you don't do your own research and base everything off of MMO Champion et al., who make money by sensationalizing drama tenfold.


    You are not the type of player we want, because you are ignorant, and happy in your ignorance.  And were-as you make ad hominem attacks against the person rather than refuting the points, I will continue to espouse the truth of the game: we are not your typical MMO.  We are a niche.  If you don't like it ,feel free to stay in your theme park repeating the same old action day in and day out and think it's fun.

    Again we'll done sir, sorry can't type more I'm at work.

  • Dr_ShivinskiDr_Shivinski Member UncommonPosts: 311
    Originally posted by Rigur
    Originally posted by Dr_Shivinski
    Originally posted by Dihoru

    I've been scammed, ganked, griefed, targeted by professional corp killers, got strung out to dry for CEO incompetence, used as cannon fodder, had assets stolen from me by someone who pretended to be a friend, etc all in EVE... and guess what softies? I don't compare that to rape and never will because the act of forcefully subjecting someone in real life for your own carnal gratification can never, ever, ever, equate to a few curse words as you lose some pixels for whatever reasons. In EVE Online the very first advice you are given: Do not fly what you cannot afford to lose and the second arguably is Do not believe things that are too good to be true.


    The OP violated EULA rules by discussing GM actions on the forum and this is a pretty universal rule, more so than his "If it harms the game it is against the EULA!!" comment, and proceeded to fail repeatedly at thinking his actions out beyond the first step in a sandbox game which IMHO is downright asking for it ( you seriously wanted to setup a NRDS zone in Stain? even Black Frog wouldn't be suicidal enough to support shipping runs that deep in space on a constant basis and you wanted to do it anyway? With what alliance backing you? None? in a zone that's been a hotbed for conflict between the Russians and the western player alliances since before I joined EVE which was in 2005? Wow...


    I do not blame victims but people who basically slather tartar sauce on themselves and jump into a tiger pit aren't victims and the OP was asking for it... considering there's a block function for people in-game (thus verbal abuse can be dealt with within 1-2 minutes) and considering that if he had any real support cloaking gank can be mitigated quite easily (nothing ruins a pilgrims day than a cloaky legion or loki uncloaking behind it and blowing it apart).. I cannot condone this thread as anything other than the wishful fantasies of someone who wants the freedom to do whatever he likes but does not want everyone else to have the same freedom which IMHO is far too common these days (hint: one of the reason SWG NGE hit was people disliking other's freedoms) .


    As for the guy who had cancer who got ganked...despicable as that may seem he forgot the first rule of EVE: Do not fly what you cannot afford to lose. because that gank may have happened even without his friend's help... shit happens all the time in EVE. That said I personally take a hard line against people who, for whatever reason, get or expect preferential treatment in EVE because I personally have health issue, nowhere near as severe as cancer for example but sufficient that a strong enough blow, which would be non-fatal otherwise, could outright kill me, and find the notion of people giving me any kind of special treatment disgusting (I've left corps in the past for this, I prefer getting ganked to the ganker going "Oh... you have issues... ok I will not shoot you but shoot your friends!" ).


    EVE is a sandbox, it is not inherently evil or inherently good that is dictated by the players within and say what you will about that freedom to choose but do not take away from it with "If it damages the game you get banned" because that rule can and has been used to cry wolf in many games before and developers less sure of their vision have fallen for it but CCP while it has that rule applies it only in extreme cases to preserve player freedoms. You want to blame someone for the game being so hostile? Blame the players because we as a whole have a few psychopaths and sociopaths amongst our ranks but just like in real life: If he/she ain't looking at me I do not care.

    One of the very few reasonable responses to this ridiculous thread. 

    Because he agrees with you.


    In Everquest ( bringing it up cause mentioned it a few posts back ) ninja-looting,training,harassment ect was bannable. They put in their "play-nice" policy for a reason.

    Harassment in any MMO should be bannable. If you all want to keep comparing Eve to real life fine, but in real life there is consequences for your actions. Continually harassing someone in real life is called stalking.

    I honestly don't care what you degenerates do to each other. It is a pvp game after all and the company that owns it makes it no secret they get off on the sadomasochism. When someone makes a post like this tho I will show empathy.

    This isn't Everquest, this is EVE and there are consequences. You can't name change you can't hide from other players in EVE you can be hunted down and you can be ganked repeatedly. Have you not heard of the stories of players who were griefed by corps making alt accounts and infiltrating and destroying them from the inside? The revenge stories are the best ones. You can't do that in Everquest, you have to hope that the GMs will ban someone for being a dick. 

    Just because we like to play a game where we arent stuck on rails being guided along to the end doesn't make us degenerates. Not everyone in EVE is a ganker, griefer or sociopath either. But I suppose it just makes it easier if you can lump us all into one category to justify your opinions.

    Another thing to add is that just because someone has an illness. such as cancer, does not mean they automatically deserve some preferential treatment. If the guys who ganked the dude with cancer did it purely because he has cancer CCP has no way to prove that if it wasn't in the chat logs, so they can't really ban the guys for what appears to a normal ganking. They also did not continue to harass him in anyway after the incident so it's not like they were stalking him and constantly poking at him.

  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by Solar_Prophet
    Originally posted by Karahandras
    Originally posted by Phry
    Originally posted by Makidian
    Originally posted by Boldyn

    Are you thinking about playing EVE?


    Are you reckless, naive and not the sharpest tool? Then don't.


    Otherwise, go ahead and enjoy massive freedom.


    This has been known since Before the game was released, Wake up.

    Can this be blown up in big neon green letters please ?

    might want to think about using fewer syllables image

    Maybe a few pictures aswellimage

    Prime example of the EVE community right here. Thanks for validating everyone's generalizations.

    You know the type of people who think it's funny to poop in a public restroom's urinal (or otherwise make a disgusting, unsanitary mess)? EVE is filled with them.

    I am guessing you're the grumpy old man that chases kids away from his house's vicinity for doing something he dislikes regardless if right or wrong.

  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    And this is a double post but meh: Now everyone talking down about EVE, CCP or the community look at the people who are standing their ground defending this game and marvel at the fact that people with such differences between them stand up together for the game they care about and not let it get trampled into the ground by people incapable of understanding that EVE is a game and a bloody unique one if it bands together so many people in its defense amongst them an ardent F2P advocate no less :)).

  • TEDRICK79TEDRICK79 Member UncommonPosts: 2

    I started playing Eve Online in 2003  when it was not quite as sociopathic.  Now it is a murderpit.  The staff is altogether unhelpful - I have lost dozens of ships and even received emails from people after they have toasted my ship encouraging me to quit the game.  I forwarded it to CCP-- the response - so what...  


    I would not suggest anyone to play Eve Online - its a greifing simulator. Literally thousands of players have beaten the game - so to speak- and there new quest is to inflict misery on others. It is an awful game and every time you find peace and quiet it is shattered by six assault frigates who have been waiting all day to kill you - no matter how deep you tuck yourself away in the a game - the sociopaths will seek you out.  


    So for what it is worth unless you also want to be a sociopath - a destroyer of things real and imagined - I would advise staying clear of this pit of despair - for while the music is pretty and the backdrops all false color images of the crab nebula are nice.  The people will blow your ship up for no reason and laugh at you through the in game evemail system.  They will haunt your corporations - they will war dec your pos.  Just to watch it burn.  I have never paid so much to be so upset with any game ever.  



  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by Dihoru
    And this is a double post but meh: Now everyone talking down about EVE, CCP or the community look at the people who are standing their ground defending this game and marvel at the fact that people with such differences between them stand up together for the game they care about and not let it get trampled into the ground by people incapable of understanding that EVE is a game and a bloody unique one if it bands together so many people in its defense amongst them an ardent F2P advocate no less :)).

    I don't care how many there are blindly defending a game, anything is better off without a toxic presence driving people off. That's exactly what EVE has. EVE has been able to enjoy a solitary existence, having no real competition for a long time now, all of that is about to change rather soon. There will be far more sandboxes on the market in the near future ( as well as online space sims), more than there have been in years. We'll see how well a company losing multiple millions does in such an environment, where they have actual competition.

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,263
    Originally posted by RavingRabbid

    Eve in unfortunately what it is, a griefing sandbox game.  Every game has good and bad players, but not all the community are horrible players.  However with that said IMHO CCP allows things to go too far and does need to reign things in. 

    It's only a matter of time before something does happen and CCP is sued. It's EuLA can't hide from federal, state, and local laws especially with cyber bullying.

    Sez who?  They are based out of Iceland, practically like having diplomatic immunity.  There's actually  nothing any government or court that can do anything to them outside of one in Iceland. 

    Sure, a government could ban their game from being played, but outside of that, not much else.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • jpnzjpnz Member Posts: 3,529

    Apparently the OP played EVE online for TEN YEARS and didn't realise what the game is about.

    Yes, there is something to consider here but I don't think it is what the OP is thinking about.

    Link to the actual thread;

    Gdemami -
    Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.

  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by Distopia
    Originally posted by Dihoru
    And this is a double post but meh: Now everyone talking down about EVE, CCP or the community look at the people who are standing their ground defending this game and marvel at the fact that people with such differences between them stand up together for the game they care about and not let it get trampled into the ground by people incapable of understanding that EVE is a game and a bloody unique one if it bands together so many people in its defense amongst them an ardent F2P advocate no less :)).

    I don't care how many there are blindly defending a game, anything is better off without a toxic presence driving people off. That's exactly what EVE has. EVE has been able to enjoy a solitary existence, having no real competition for a long time now, all of that is about to change rather soon. There will be far more sandboxes on the market in the near future ( as well as online space sims), more than there have been in years. We'll see how well a company losing multiple millions does in such an environment, where they have actual competition.

    SWG, Earth and Beyond, Anarchy Online, Entropia Universe (has space elements, had it for years, granted do not know how sim they are), etc,etc,etc... you are chanting to the same drum WoW-killer enthusiasts are but unlike WoW EVE hasn't sold its soul out and it is still growing despite your claims and despite all the blowhards who wash through the EVE-Online forums and on here demanding things which the game simply isn't. You want justice? Well this is the wild west and beyond the 6 months of training your character you can fight on par with anyone if you choose to but none of you do because heaven forbid freedom means the freedom for someone to be an asshole to someone else (like in real life) and you having the option of smacking some sense into them (unlike in real life) in return.


    Chant all you want beyond this thread EVE-Online is like the only old guard MMO that will survive with a intact P2P system if it stays on this course which is a damn sight better than any of the other MMOs you gladly site as examples of better communities... which have a high turn-over and rarely get any of their veteran players back.


    PS: I've stopped playing EVE more than 5 months ago and I do not foresee going back to it in the near future mostly because my love within the game (exploration) is set to get massively expanded in the coming years and I can wait it out because I am fully decked out as is and unlike your standard WoW, WoW/EQ-clone or themepark in denial my gear will never degrade in potency by just sitting in a hangar. Have fun in whatever games you will I'll be on teamspeak chatting with my old corp buddies... oh and don't let the warning sign on the door to EVE, the one with the 3 most important rules to playing the game embossed on it, hit you on the way out.

  • MajinashMajinash Member Posts: 1,320
    Originally posted by Rigur

    I came off harsh in my first few posts. I generalized everyone in haste. Again I apologize.

    The few instances of real abuse skewed my viewpoint.


    It takes a big man (or woman) to step back and admit something like that.  Props to you

    Everything creates huge amounts of negativity on the internet, that's what the internet is for: Negativity, porn and lolcats.

  • Spectre_06Spectre_06 Member Posts: 4
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Originally posted by RavingRabbid

    Eve in unfortunately what it is, a griefing sandbox game.  Every game has good and bad players, but not all the community are horrible players.  However with that said IMHO CCP allows things to go too far and does need to reign things in. 

    It's only a matter of time before something does happen and CCP is sued. It's EuLA can't hide from federal, state, and local laws especially with cyber bullying.

    Sez who?  They are based out of Iceland, practically like having diplomatic immunity.  There's actually  nothing any government or court that can do anything to them outside of one in Iceland. 

    Sure, a government could ban their game from being played, but outside of that, not much else.


    Except preventing them from selling their product.allowing people to use the produce with-in the borders of the nation.  Oh, and if those people come to the United States--or many other countries that we have extradition treaties with--while warrants are out, they absolutely can act on that.

  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by Spectre_06
    Originally posted by Kyleran
    Originally posted by RavingRabbid

    Eve in unfortunately what it is, a griefing sandbox game.  Every game has good and bad players, but not all the community are horrible players.  However with that said IMHO CCP allows things to go too far and does need to reign things in. 

    It's only a matter of time before something does happen and CCP is sued. It's EuLA can't hide from federal, state, and local laws especially with cyber bullying.

    Sez who?  They are based out of Iceland, practically like having diplomatic immunity.  There's actually  nothing any government or court that can do anything to them outside of one in Iceland. 

    Sure, a government could ban their game from being played, but outside of that, not much else.


    Except preventing them from selling their product.allowing people to use the produce with-in the borders of the nation.  Oh, and if those people come to the United States--or many other countries that we have extradition treaties with--while warrants are out, they absolutely can act on that.

    Which would be valid if the treatment was systemic and wasn't just within the confines of the game otherwise you'd have to work really hard to prove it was harassment and not just a one off remark or such (this talking in general not about this case in particular). I mean Christ actual cyberbullying in the US is still not seen as a crime in most states even with cases of suicides and you think they are gonna bother with harsh words said within a video game? As long as the behavior is limited to the game and the parties involved are not suffering anything other than pixel count degradation the sane developer wouldn't step in let alone a sovereign state which would be akin to bringing a nuclear recoilless rifle to a fist fight.

  • anrenruianrenrui Member UncommonPosts: 21

    Holy crap, this thread is fucking diary of a whiner, if you guys can't handle a hardcore game. Don't play hardcore games. UO/EQ(pvp)/Darkfall, all of the fun hardcore type of pvp games that have come and gone have all had the same mentality with it's player base, it also depends who you surround yourself with.

    If you can't handle being a hardcore gamer/real man, don't do it. Hardcore gamer as in difficulty of games played, not as in time alloted to playing games as some of the addicted gamer carebears like to throw out as a counter argument at times.


    Beyond all of that toxic filth stated as above, if you buy tetris, play tetris, not pong. It seems like some of you expect a different game than you're buying, then flip out because you were mistaken of your own original thoughts probably based off of what other people said. 

    Why not try getting a game and having no expectations? I gurunnnnteee you will have a better time if you don't expect anything and experience things as if it was the first time you've seen the game.

  • cmorris975cmorris975 Member UncommonPosts: 207
    Originally posted by anrenrui

    Holy crap, this thread is fucking diary of a whiner, if you guys can't handle a hardcore game. Don't play hardcore games. UO/EQ(pvp)/Darkfall, all of the fun hardcore type of pvp games that have come and gone have all had the same mentality with it's player base, it also depends who you surround yourself with.

    If you can't handle being a hardcore gamer/real man, don't do it. Hardcore gamer as in difficulty of games played, not as in time alloted to playing games as some of the addicted gamer carebears like to throw out as a counter argument at times.


    Beyond all of that toxic filth stated as above, if you buy tetris, play tetris, not pong. It seems like some of you expect a different game than you're buying, then flip out because you were mistaken of your own original thoughts probably based off of what other people said. 

    Why not try getting a game and having no expectations? I gurunnnnteee you will have a better time if you don't expect anything and experience things as if it was the first time you've seen the game.


    Did you really just compare playing griefer style video games to being a "real man"?  That's a bit scary.  No offense, but I hope you are really young.

  • IkonisIkonis Member UncommonPosts: 245
    Originally posted by cmorris975
    Originally posted by anrenrui

    Holy crap, this thread is fucking diary of a whiner, if you guys can't handle a hardcore game. Don't play hardcore games. UO/EQ(pvp)/Darkfall, all of the fun hardcore type of pvp games that have come and gone have all had the same mentality with it's player base, it also depends who you surround yourself with.

    If you can't handle being a hardcore gamer/real man, don't do it. Hardcore gamer as in difficulty of games played, not as in time alloted to playing games as some of the addicted gamer carebears like to throw out as a counter argument at times.


    Beyond all of that toxic filth stated as above, if you buy tetris, play tetris, not pong. It seems like some of you expect a different game than you're buying, then flip out because you were mistaken of your own original thoughts probably based off of what other people said. 

    Why not try getting a game and having no expectations? I gurunnnnteee you will have a better time if you don't expect anything and experience things as if it was the first time you've seen the game.


    Did you really just compare playing griefer style video games to being a "real man"?  That's a bit scary.  No offense, but I hope you are really young.

    His profile says he is 14. Pretty much says it all doesn't it?

  • cmorris975cmorris975 Member UncommonPosts: 207
    These kind of games (Eve, Darkfall) are all ruined for me by the griefer types.  It is too bad because they are often the interesting in their rulesets.  It is not the PvP and ganking even that is so bothersome.  It is the general attitude of the player-base.  I know not all of them are like this, but the angry, fear-ridden shit they spew in chat, and the propensity of the game's population to use exploits and generally create a negative atmosphere just are not fun.  Sure, I can handle it, I am a forty year-old adult.  I can handle bee stings and car accidents too, but for Christ's sake, I am not going to seek them out in my leisure time.  
  • VaselVasel Member UncommonPosts: 226
    I agree with he OP 100%. Eve is just a haven for the scum of the MMO universe. I hope they stay there. I am so looking forward to  a fun space game look at Star Citizen if you haven't. Its not Eve 2.0.
  • cmorris975cmorris975 Member UncommonPosts: 207
    Originally posted by Ikonis
    Originally posted by cmorris975
    Originally posted by anrenrui

    Holy crap, this thread is fucking diary of a whiner, if you guys can't handle a hardcore game. Don't play hardcore games. UO/EQ(pvp)/Darkfall, all of the fun hardcore type of pvp games that have come and gone have all had the same mentality with it's player base, it also depends who you surround yourself with.

    If you can't handle being a hardcore gamer/real man, don't do it. Hardcore gamer as in difficulty of games played, not as in time alloted to playing games as some of the addicted gamer carebears like to throw out as a counter argument at times.


    Beyond all of that toxic filth stated as above, if you buy tetris, play tetris, not pong. It seems like some of you expect a different game than you're buying, then flip out because you were mistaken of your own original thoughts probably based off of what other people said. 

    Why not try getting a game and having no expectations? I gurunnnnteee you will have a better time if you don't expect anything and experience things as if it was the first time you've seen the game.


    Did you really just compare playing griefer style video games to being a "real man"?  That's a bit scary.  No offense, but I hope you are really young.

    His profile says he is 14. Pretty much says it all doesn't it?

    Ah ok, well then he's young so he deserves to be cut some slack.  But it is still an amusing statement :).

  • H0urg1assH0urg1ass Member EpicPosts: 2,380

    EVE doesn't really have anymore griefers or jackasses than any other game, and I really mean that.

    I've made some of the most lasting and enjoyable gaming friendships in EVE Online, mostly because the game requires pilots to truly rely on each other much more so than other games.  Especially if you PVP.

    The reason that EVE seems to have more griefers and jackasses than other games, is that it's a sandbox, and CCP doesn't police what goes on inside of their sandbox unless it's a blatant exploit of the game mechanics.  Otherwise, you're free to play or role play the capsuleer you want to be.

    Other games will squash people like this in a heartbeat, but EVE lets people be people, and so the bad eggs like Shittani and Nerdrotica 1 stand out more.


  • IkonisIkonis Member UncommonPosts: 245
    Originally posted by cmorris975
    Originally posted by Ikonis
    Originally posted by cmorris975
    Originally posted by anrenrui

    Holy crap, this thread is fucking diary of a whiner, if you guys can't handle a hardcore game. Don't play hardcore games. UO/EQ(pvp)/Darkfall, all of the fun hardcore type of pvp games that have come and gone have all had the same mentality with it's player base, it also depends who you surround yourself with.

    If you can't handle being a hardcore gamer/real man, don't do it. Hardcore gamer as in difficulty of games played, not as in time alloted to playing games as some of the addicted gamer carebears like to throw out as a counter argument at times.


    Beyond all of that toxic filth stated as above, if you buy tetris, play tetris, not pong. It seems like some of you expect a different game than you're buying, then flip out because you were mistaken of your own original thoughts probably based off of what other people said. 

    Why not try getting a game and having no expectations? I gurunnnnteee you will have a better time if you don't expect anything and experience things as if it was the first time you've seen the game.


    Did you really just compare playing griefer style video games to being a "real man"?  That's a bit scary.  No offense, but I hope you are really young.

    His profile says he is 14. Pretty much says it all doesn't it?

    Ah ok, well then he's young so he deserves to be cut some slack.  But it is still an amusing statement :).

    It is pretty funny. Even some adults in the Eve community think this way unfortunately. Personally I find being socially acceptable to be manly.

  • KuinnKuinn Member UncommonPosts: 2,072
    People are being people, when consequences are removed from the equation the real shit nature of people comes out. What do you think would happen if law along with every police officer would just dissapear over night? Mass murder, raping, raiding and pillaging, humiliation and general torment towards other people on massive scale.
  • NicoliNicoli Member Posts: 1,312
    Originally posted by Kuinn
    People are being people, when consequences are removed from the equation the real shit nature of people comes out. What do you think would happen if law along with every police officer would just dissapear over night? Mass murder, raping, raiding and pillaging, humiliation and general torment towards other people on massive scale.

    Not really, There have been many instances in history with areas with little to non-existent laws and that stuff doesn't happen that often. Even the so called Wild West wasn't nearly as bad as movies and books make it out to be. In general areas that are more remote tend to have much nicer people in it. Part of that was because being a dick when people can and will do something about it tends to put a calming effect on things.

    My dad's side of the family is from Elkins, WV in the US. Its a place where it is not uncommon for the nearest state troopers backup to be over an hour away.  When Hurricane Sandy went through there were almost 150,000 people in that region with out power when the news was still flipping out on the 1000 in NY without power. You didn't hear about it because they made sure to take care of each other because frankly there isn't anyone else. It was not uncommon to see 20-30 miles worth of roads cleared and plowed not by the government but by the residents along that stretch.

    Now compare that to a city, nobody needs anyone and there is normally far less kindness overall. A lot of that comes from the mob-mentality that in a large enough group someone else will take care of it so you don't have too, and better yet there is enough people that you won't be able to be blamed if no one does.  The rest of it comes from the fact that laws and police give extra weight to its someone elses problem thinking.

    It has been proven multiple times in psychological tests that if you put a barrier or limits up, people will be far more comfortable going right up to the limit of danger.  If you take people to a high cliff overlook they will slowly move up and maybe gingerly peer over the edge, put a fence at the edge and in short time you will see someone do a near full run right up to the fence leaning over without a second thought to the potential danger from a week fence or the ground falling out below it. That is the problem a lot of people have with EVE, it does have rules but they are right at the edge of an unstable cliff. Too many, myself included once or twice, think that the fence protects against more then you running straight off the edge and it doesn't. There is a very large unsafe area before you get to the fence that you can still get hurt in.

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