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Thinking of Playing EvE? Perhaps reconsider.



  • MakidianMakidian Member UncommonPosts: 208
    Originally posted by Phry
    Originally posted by Makidian
    Originally posted by Boldyn

    Are you thinking about playing EVE?


    Are you reckless, naive and not the sharpest tool? Then don't.


    Otherwise, go ahead and enjoy massive freedom.


    This has been known since Before the game was released, Wake up.

    Can this be blown up in big neon green letters please ?

    might want to think about using fewer syllables image

    Umm k ?

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Originally posted by Horusra

    Are you a jerk, like to abuse others, and general are hated. We have a game for you.

    Global Agenda right..  well people like that game too, but there's no need to badmouth them on the Eve forumimage

  • IkonoclastiaIkonoclastia Member UncommonPosts: 203
    Originally posted by Makidian
    Originally posted by Boldyn

    Are you thinking about playing EVE?


    Are you reckless, naive and not the sharpest tool? Then don't.


    Otherwise, go ahead and enjoy massive freedom.


    This has been known since Before the game was released, Wake up.

    Can this be blown up in big neon green letters please ?

    Its actually not true.  I think you don't really get the meaning of freedom in the context of EvE.  Freedom does not mean breaking the rules.  The EULA clearly states you may not harass other players with the intent of causing their enjoyment of the game to be damaged.  You may also not damage the reputation of CCP or EvE.  


    While you have freedom, that doesn't mean harassing other players, that doesn't mean taking someone on teamspeak and humiliating them, making fun of a disability they have and causing their wife to have a panic attack, that doesn't mean calling for people to encourage someone to commit suicide, that doesn't mean following a player around for 4 months calling them a pedophile or being an ass.  It doesnt mean giving up your self respect and luring a guy with cancer on the pretense your his friend and blowing up his stuff.  Freedom doesn't mean being an asshat with zero consequences.

    Freedom is a two way street.  You get what you give.  If what your giving is aimed at deliberately causing someone out of game annoyance or unhappiness you deserve to be banned for it imo.  


  • MakidianMakidian Member UncommonPosts: 208
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia
    Originally posted by Makidian
    Originally posted by Boldyn

    Are you thinking about playing EVE?


    Are you reckless, naive and not the sharpest tool? Then don't.


    Otherwise, go ahead and enjoy massive freedom.


    This has been known since Before the game was released, Wake up.

    Can this be blown up in big neon green letters please ?

    Its actually not true.  I think you don't really get the meaning of freedom in the context of EvE.  Freedom does not mean breaking the rules.  The EULA clearly states you may not harass other players with the intent of causing their enjoyment of the game to be damaged.  You may also not damage the reputation of CCP or EvE.  


    While you have freedom, that doesn't mean harassing other players, that doesn't mean taking someone on teamspeak and humiliating them, making fun of a disability they have and causing their wife to have a panic attack, that doesn't mean calling for people to encourage someone to commit suicide, that doesn't mean following a player around for 4 months calling them a pedophile or being an ass.  It doesnt mean giving up your self respect and luring a guy with cancer on the pretense your his friend and blowing up his stuff.  Freedom doesn't mean being an asshat with zero consequences.

    Freedom is a two way street.  You get what you give.  If what your giving is aimed at deliberately causing someone out of game annoyance or unhappiness you deserve to be banned for it imo.  

     I agree but your talking like I'm one of those people. I'm a good guy just learning the ropes.


  • XerathuleXerathule Member UncommonPosts: 114
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia

    Griefing has been around since early computer based gaming has been around.  The intention of the griefer is to cause annoyance, loss, or unpleasantness for the victim.  In extreme cases griefing causes people to quit playing a game as their ability to enjoy the game is curtailed.  In such instances its counter productive for the games company to allow such activity in its game.  It loses subscriptions, which causes loss of revenue.  Griefing also causes damage to the reputation of the company and the game that company runs.


    Not so for EvE Online.  CCP Games actively support and encourage player griefing against its 'carebear' and 'newbie' population.  When Goonswarm held its Burn Jita event, an event designed to bypass the usual 24 hours of notice in high sec wars, by taking an armada of ships into high sec's Jita trade system and suicide killing any and every player they could, CCP not only did nothing, they actively encouraged it.


    When Goonswarms leader stood up and belittled, humiliated, shared private correspondence and encouraged a player to commit suicide at CCP's fanfest, both the audience and developers who were presence laughed along with him.  Was he permbanned, no.  


    Recently a coalition (NC Dot) invited a person whom they knew was recovering from cancer to join their coalition.  They invited him to put all this stuff into a carrier and provided him with a cynosaural jump point into their null sec space.  They then proceeded to blow everything he had up and pod him.  A guy with cancer? This is the sort of depravity that should never exist in any game.  What did CCP do? Nothing.  


    In the last few weeks the Erotica1fiasco, in which a player and his wife were victimised, harassed and had a disability mocked caused CCP to reevaluate its stance on griefing.  Their response.  Well it was actually nothing and meant nothing. They reserved the right to decide when someone has crossed the line between "normal" griefing and "naughty" griefing. Erotica1 was banned however only after 6 weeks and huge community outcry, including a 300 page threadnaught, that might have caused CCP to get some bad press.

    And of course Erotica1 is back with a new alt, running the exact same scam with the same bonus rooms that led to the outcry.


    Do the developers simply turn a blind eye to this conduct or are they complicit in it?  A recent event led by the developers themselves involved inviting a large number of "carebears" from highsec into null sec (the main area set aside for PvP) and into the welcoming arms of a waiting gate camp (basically EvE's main form of PvP - Spawncamping).  Mistake? Highly unlikely.  It seems more than likely that they leaked the location of this event to the alliance in question with the express purpose of feeding their players to the waiting alliance.


    That the developers and certain players in the game are linked by more than a customer / developer relationship was demonstrated when the developers staged an event in the home system of one of the most powerful alliances in the game.  The leader of whom is an ex-CCP developer themselves.  On this occasion the developers dropped 800 billion isk worth of items exclusively to this player entity.


    Which brings me to my own experience with griefing and developer apathy.  In early February I decided to help a group of players set up a non-kill on sight area in Stain null sec.  At this same time a player or players created 3 alt accounts, sent those alts out to Stain where they proceeded to follow me from system to system, verbally abusing me in local for hours at a time.  I was called a pedophile and accused of watching child pornography as well as being subjected to constant foul language.  This went on non-stop for 4 months.


    I managed to get the player or players in question to admit they were specifically targeting me for harassment and petitioned them.  Even though I supplied the GM's with screenshots in which the player states they are specifically targeting me for harassment no action was taken against those players. Given the characters in question were using cloaks which prevents any retaliation I was not able to take any in game action against them. 


    I then went to the forums and posted about this issue.  The forum post I created was trolled incessantly, I was insulted, abused, belittled and villified for over 23 pages and then my thread locked by mods for 'breaching a rule of discussing GM actions' while the people who had spent hours of their time harassing and mocking my situation received no punishment at all.


    I unsubscribed my accounts and posted a message to CCP in the Out of Pod Experience subforum regarding the lack of moderation and the lack of support dealing with my harassment and that thread was also subjected to trolling, spam, and anti-social posts which breached almost every rule of the forums.  Yet no action was taken against those players.


    So if you're an aweful person, you like to cause other players to feel bad, you like to cause pain to people who have cancer, you enjoy trolling, you enjoy making fun of people with disabilities, you like being led into a traps by developers, you're okay with developer favoritism, you enjoy flying around in space with corporations that have names like "Creampie Carpet Munchers" and your a general asshat then EvE online is likely for you.

    For normal people, I'd suggest a different game.


    Infinity Ziona





    Why complain?  Don't play it if you don't like it!  It isn't for everybody!  That is why it isn't World of Warcraft!  Quit ruining our games!

  • WraithoneWraithone Member RarePosts: 3,806

    Welcome to EVE... Its NOT a game for the trusting, naive, Progressive or anyone else who has become a victim of the nanny state mentality.   Thats simply the way it operates. If you don't like it, don't play it. Its really as simple as that.

    Three rules will help anyone actually wishing to play the game.

    Rule One. Trust NO One.  I mean it. While there are lots of helpful people in EVE, its also home base to Mittens and his merry band of rampaging internet thugs (and worse...).

    Rule Two. NEVER undock what you can't afford to replace.

    Rule Three. Keep your clone up to date, and use jump clones in really dangerous situations.

    I played EVE as a high sec carebear for almost six years.  In that time I never left high sec, nor did I fleet with anyone else in the game. Its a good game, for those interested in such things.  But it isn't nor is it ever likely to become a "nice" game for those expecting to have their hands held, and/or have the Dev's kiss their boo boos when someone is "mean" to them.

    "If you can't kill it, don't make it mad."
  • IkonoclastiaIkonoclastia Member UncommonPosts: 203
    Originally posted by Xerathule
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia

    Griefing has been around since early computer based gaming has been around.  The intention of the griefer is to cause annoyance, loss, or unpleasantness for the victim.  In extreme cases griefing causes people to quit playing a game as their ability to enjoy the game is curtailed.  In such instances its counter productive for the games company to allow such activity in its game.  It loses subscriptions, which causes loss of revenue.  Griefing also causes damage to the reputation of the company and the game that company runs.


    Not so for EvE Online.  CCP Games actively support and encourage player griefing against its 'carebear' and 'newbie' population.  When Goonswarm held its Burn Jita event, an event designed to bypass the usual 24 hours of notice in high sec wars, by taking an armada of ships into high sec's Jita trade system and suicide killing any and every player they could, CCP not only did nothing, they actively encouraged it.


    When Goonswarms leader stood up and belittled, humiliated, shared private correspondence and encouraged a player to commit suicide at CCP's fanfest, both the audience and developers who were presence laughed along with him.  Was he permbanned, no.  


    Recently a coalition (NC Dot) invited a person whom they knew was recovering from cancer to join their coalition.  They invited him to put all this stuff into a carrier and provided him with a cynosaural jump point into their null sec space.  They then proceeded to blow everything he had up and pod him.  A guy with cancer? This is the sort of depravity that should never exist in any game.  What did CCP do? Nothing.  


    In the last few weeks the Erotica1fiasco, in which a player and his wife were victimised, harassed and had a disability mocked caused CCP to reevaluate its stance on griefing.  Their response.  Well it was actually nothing and meant nothing. They reserved the right to decide when someone has crossed the line between "normal" griefing and "naughty" griefing. Erotica1 was banned however only after 6 weeks and huge community outcry, including a 300 page threadnaught, that might have caused CCP to get some bad press.

    And of course Erotica1 is back with a new alt, running the exact same scam with the same bonus rooms that led to the outcry.


    Do the developers simply turn a blind eye to this conduct or are they complicit in it?  A recent event led by the developers themselves involved inviting a large number of "carebears" from highsec into null sec (the main area set aside for PvP) and into the welcoming arms of a waiting gate camp (basically EvE's main form of PvP - Spawncamping).  Mistake? Highly unlikely.  It seems more than likely that they leaked the location of this event to the alliance in question with the express purpose of feeding their players to the waiting alliance.


    That the developers and certain players in the game are linked by more than a customer / developer relationship was demonstrated when the developers staged an event in the home system of one of the most powerful alliances in the game.  The leader of whom is an ex-CCP developer themselves.  On this occasion the developers dropped 800 billion isk worth of items exclusively to this player entity.


    Which brings me to my own experience with griefing and developer apathy.  In early February I decided to help a group of players set up a non-kill on sight area in Stain null sec.  At this same time a player or players created 3 alt accounts, sent those alts out to Stain where they proceeded to follow me from system to system, verbally abusing me in local for hours at a time.  I was called a pedophile and accused of watching child pornography as well as being subjected to constant foul language.  This went on non-stop for 4 months.


    I managed to get the player or players in question to admit they were specifically targeting me for harassment and petitioned them.  Even though I supplied the GM's with screenshots in which the player states they are specifically targeting me for harassment no action was taken against those players. Given the characters in question were using cloaks which prevents any retaliation I was not able to take any in game action against them. 


    I then went to the forums and posted about this issue.  The forum post I created was trolled incessantly, I was insulted, abused, belittled and villified for over 23 pages and then my thread locked by mods for 'breaching a rule of discussing GM actions' while the people who had spent hours of their time harassing and mocking my situation received no punishment at all.


    I unsubscribed my accounts and posted a message to CCP in the Out of Pod Experience subforum regarding the lack of moderation and the lack of support dealing with my harassment and that thread was also subjected to trolling, spam, and anti-social posts which breached almost every rule of the forums.  Yet no action was taken against those players.


    So if you're an aweful person, you like to cause other players to feel bad, you like to cause pain to people who have cancer, you enjoy trolling, you enjoy making fun of people with disabilities, you like being led into a traps by developers, you're okay with developer favoritism, you enjoy flying around in space with corporations that have names like "Creampie Carpet Munchers" and your a general asshat then EvE online is likely for you.

    For normal people, I'd suggest a different game.


    Infinity Ziona





    Why complain?  Don't play it if you don't like it!  It isn't for everybody!  That is why it isn't World of Warcraft!  Quit ruining our games!

    I'm complaining because this is not what EvE was supposed to be.  I started in 2003 and it was a great game.  It had a good community.  It had ganking and drama but it didn't have the mean nasty metagaming crap that it's starting to have.  Quit ruining my game.  

  • brihtwulfbrihtwulf Member UncommonPosts: 975

    Most players you encounter in EVE are either part of the griefing problem, or simply complacent about it.  Harassment is part of the game's society, and it all seems to cater to the lowest common denominator.  The "freedom" people keep talking about is only the freedom to try to ruin other players' experiences.  It isn't about doing what YOU want to do, or what YOU enjoy.  It's about stopping others from enjoying the game.

    It seems like people use games like this as a way to do things that they know damn well aren't acceptable in real life.  Harassing others, following people around and insulting or threatening them, and just doing whatever you can in an attempt to make others' lives miserable is actually illegal in most developed countries (in real life).  So, take someone with sociopathic tendencies that's too fearful to act out their sick ideas in real life, and provide them with a game that lets you (and to an extent encourages) harass other people.

    I've always said that "open PvP" isn't about challenge.  It isn't about skill, or abilities, or anything else.  Because if it were, you would have people seeking out similar players in order to test their strengths.  But that isn't what happens.  Instead, you get people who are exponentially more powerful than their victims, searching out the easiest targets and attempting to cause them trouble over and over.  People who are looking for a challenge don't kick someone while they're down.

    EVE and games like it bring an analogy like this to mind:

    They claim to be like boxers, trained and looking for the best fight to prove their worth.  But instead, they're like a professional boxer hanging out at an elementary school playground to beat on small children.  Then they jump about, acting as if what they had done shows their strength and capabilities.

    I feel sorry for people like that.  Though they disgust me, and their actions are sometimes sickening, I pity them.  What a sad, sad existence.

    So, unless you're one of the like-minded fools who enjoys trying to make others' lives as difficult as possible because it's the only way you can feel like "a man", I suggest you find another game to occupy your time.

  • HarikenHariken Member EpicPosts: 2,680
    I remember playing this years ago. It pretty much was like this back then too. But it was a little better than it is now. Now its just a lame game full of worthless human beings. Its good they have a game they can fit right into. I love how this is the only fan website that likes this game. Anywhere else no one has anything nice to say about it. The fact that the game is still running proves how crappy the commmunities are in online games.
  • olepiolepi Member EpicPosts: 3,124

    EvE is simply a FFA full loot PvP game. If you play a game like that, be prepared to be ganked, cheated, insulted, and griefed.

    Some people enjoy this type of game play, and others don't. Don't play that kind of game if you don't like it.

    2025: 48 years on the Net.

  • ComanComan Member UncommonPosts: 2,178
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia
    They were old friends he had before leaving EvE. When he came back after going into remission they pretended to still be his friends then lured him out to be ganked. If you think that's ok you have serious issues.  But it's not the players totally at fault here, it's the developer who takes no action and sets no boundaries.

    I see no problem with this really and I doubt I have serious issues. I REALLY doubt someone with cancer want to be threated as someone with cancer. The doctors in his life do that more then enough I guess. Maybe I am wrong though...If however mean that "friends" gank him this way then yes I have a problem with that.

  • Agent_JosephAgent_Joseph Member UncommonPosts: 1,361
    I am very nice person in RL but in games I am an big asshole ,just for fun doing something different
  • PyukPyuk Member UncommonPosts: 762
    The people the OP is describing are sociopaths - people with psychopathic personalities whose behaviors are often antisocial, often criminal, and who lack a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience. I believe the online version to also include cowardice coupled with the freedom of anonymity from being in an online fantasy. Most of these people would never act like this in the real world for fear of getting their asses kicked inside out, but with the safety behind their monitor, they're free to carry out their mental sickness.

    I make spreadsheets at work - I don't want to make them for the games I play.

  • LydarSynnLydarSynn Member UncommonPosts: 181

    Here is my take on griefing in games like Eve. There are plenty of ass wipes that anyone can meet IRL. IRL you can't do much about them other than ignoring them if you can. The same types of people that you meet IRL also play games so there are going to be your fair share of ass wipes as well. The problem with MMOs is that there is no penalty for continuous griefing. There are numerous glitches that griefers use not to mention game mechanics that are just plain out of whack.

    I would be fine with griefers in any type of game as long as the game mechanics are realistic and the consequences were harsh. In most MMOs, the game acts like the players are the only entities in the game world. This is why they are games and not virtual worlds. A virtual world would model and account for the vast numbers of NPCs that would have a large impact on the players in every aspect from the economy to laws and player security.

    Griefers in games are something like criminals IRL. IRL they are taken care of by the system most of the time. In MMOs, there is no 'system'. Without taking these things into account, there is anarchy and a small group to griefers has way too much influence on the game. Until developers start to model consequences into their games and create at least a semi-realistic social order, they will always remain games that can  be easily exploited.

  • rochristrochrist Member UncommonPosts: 134
    Originally posted by coltrask
    Originally posted by sgel
    Originally posted by coltrask
    More like star wars to star trek no?  I feel that most EVE players wanted something like Star Citizen from the get go though, 

    Erm No.  If eve-players wanted immersion and a space flight sim they would have played one. You don't play EvE for those reasons.

    Star Citizen is going to be a ridiculously simplistic game compared to what EvE Online offers and again both offerings are nothing alike.... I feel like a fool just making the comparison.

    I'll be playing Star Citizen because I loved the Wing Commander series.



    I feel the same, as I said most people, and i am only counting the people I know from ASCN days BOB and then NC and RZR, wanted an FPS sim.  My problem, and most people I know in Eve's problem has always been, no space FPS has been good enough to take us from EVE, until now hopefully...

              Also though I said, We shall see, if it can pull the hardcore EVE players.  Those being the ones you describe.  But sorry a space mmo is comparable to a space mmo.  Yes EVE is ridiculously complicated even for the long time Veterans.  I stand by my opinion though and respect yours.

    I hope not. I'd rather they stay in EVE so that I know where they are.

  • KarahandrasKarahandras Member UncommonPosts: 1,703
    Originally posted by Phry
    Originally posted by Makidian
    Originally posted by Boldyn

    Are you thinking about playing EVE?


    Are you reckless, naive and not the sharpest tool? Then don't.


    Otherwise, go ahead and enjoy massive freedom.


    This has been known since Before the game was released, Wake up.

    Can this be blown up in big neon green letters please ?

    might want to think about using fewer syllables image

    Maybe a few pictures aswellimage

  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia
    Originally posted by Dihoru
    They may have banned him but he apologized to the community and to the respective player and stepped down from CSM chair on his own. For someone so quick to judge other's actions you forget the steps he took to right things which tells me you are a part of the story somehow.
    Also Pathfinder Online,and any other game, will never threaten EVE because just like WoW and WoT it is a titan in its area and has a decade's worth of content behind it already. Also never wish ill on someone so you can take enjoyment in it then mention karma in the same sentence... those two concepts are mutually exclusive.

    Yeah I'm not sure apologizing after what he did was really enough.  It was probably one of the lowest points in MMO history.  I was reviled when I watched that video.  A permanant ban should have been imposed, it was surely deserved.  Inciting people to encourage someone to commit suicide is a criminal offence, not a prank gone wrong.  

    By what I remember of the video he said people should gank him to get his head straight or at least to end it already, something like that anyway. Do note that even with that it isn't technically inciting someone to do anything because it is at the end of the day a video game and you choose to do is up to you (both for the goonies and the respective individual whom if memory serves said he was on suicide watch and distressed he got ganked during the gal ice blocked, I believe.

    That said you are also guilty of taking a game far too seriously... the dude goofed, he apologized both to the community and the person he victimized (in-game!) and stepped down from his position at the CSM, took his temp ban and by what I know these days he rarely even plays though he does still mastermind CFC's moves. Also keep in mind he has also gone on record saying in his own articles that he ,for a moment, forgot he wasn't the Mittani in the real world while drunk, this isn't an excuse merely an explanation.

    My advice now is for you to step back, step outside and realize that games may be a source of joy, a good pass-time, etc, but only if you choose so and if you take it too seriously you could end up killing yourself for a bunch of bloody pixels (sorry but that dude on suicide watch should also , and anyone like him should bare this in mind, realize that pixels aren't nearly as important as your life and the friends you make online may be real or may, proverbially, be people you meet on the train to a destination and then never see again).

  • In South Korea they hanged, from a tree,  the school vice principal who survived the ferry boat accident because his kids didn't.  the world is a fucked up place, check the news sometime.

  • IkonoclastiaIkonoclastia Member UncommonPosts: 203
    Originally posted by Dihoru
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia
    Originally posted by Dihoru
    They may have banned him but he apologized to the community and to the respective player and stepped down from CSM chair on his own. For someone so quick to judge other's actions you forget the steps he took to right things which tells me you are a part of the story somehow.
    Also Pathfinder Online,and any other game, will never threaten EVE because just like WoW and WoT it is a titan in its area and has a decade's worth of content behind it already. Also never wish ill on someone so you can take enjoyment in it then mention karma in the same sentence... those two concepts are mutually exclusive.

    Yeah I'm not sure apologizing after what he did was really enough.  It was probably one of the lowest points in MMO history.  I was reviled when I watched that video.  A permanant ban should have been imposed, it was surely deserved.  Inciting people to encourage someone to commit suicide is a criminal offence, not a prank gone wrong.  

    By what I remember of the video he said people should gank him to get his head straight or at least to end it already, something like that anyway. Do note that even with that it isn't technically inciting someone to do anything because it is at the end of the day a video game and you choose to do is up to you (both for the goonies and the respective individual whom if memory serves said he was on suicide watch and distressed he got ganked during the gal ice blocked, I believe.

    That said you are also guilty of taking a game far too seriously... the dude goofed, he apologized both to the community and the person he victimized (in-game!) and stepped down from his position at the CSM, took his temp ban and by what I know these days he rarely even plays though he does still mastermind CFC's moves. Also keep in mind he has also gone on record saying in his own articles that he ,for a moment, forgot he wasn't the Mittani in the real world while drunk, this isn't an excuse merely an explanation.

    My advice now is for you to step back, step outside and realize that games may be a source of joy, a good pass-time, etc, but only if you choose so and if you take it too seriously you could end up killing yourself for a bunch of bloody pixels (sorry but that dude on suicide watch should also , and anyone like him should bare this in mind, realize that pixels aren't nearly as important as your life and the friends you make online may be real or may, proverbially, be people you meet on the train to a destination and then never see again).

    Have to be a bloody good game for me to take my life over :) Definitely not EvE Online.  Yeah while I probably could have handled things better than I did that's true.

    I don't know what game you play but imagine if everytime you logged in, no matter when there was always one player waiting for you, for no apparant reason that followed you around everywhere.  First I just ignored them, then I smacked with them, then I ignored them, but after a while they get on your nerves.  Not sure why but its extremely annoying after a while knowing that some wierdo is out to get you for no apparant reason and theres no way to get rid of them, can't kill them they're invisible, can't block them because then you don't know when they're active... probably should have just kept ignoring them but eh... 

  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by noturpal

    In South Korea they hanged, from a tree,  the school vice principal who survived the ferry boat accident because his kids didn't.  the world is a fucked up place check, the news sometime.

    Well... depends how he Asia by what I know they view duty towards their job and their family quite highly so if the dude, a male ostensibly in charge of taking care of them, failed them all... gods only know what the laws though that is markedly less disgusting than the 14 something rape victim that got hanged to death last year in one backwater muslim country.

    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia
    Originally posted by Dihoru
    Originally posted by Ikonoclastia
    Originally posted by Dihoru
    They may have banned him but he apologized to the community and to the respective player and stepped down from CSM chair on his own. For someone so quick to judge other's actions you forget the steps he took to right things which tells me you are a part of the story somehow.
    Also Pathfinder Online,and any other game, will never threaten EVE because just like WoW and WoT it is a titan in its area and has a decade's worth of content behind it already. Also never wish ill on someone so you can take enjoyment in it then mention karma in the same sentence... those two concepts are mutually exclusive.

    Yeah I'm not sure apologizing after what he did was really enough.  It was probably one of the lowest points in MMO history.  I was reviled when I watched that video.  A permanant ban should have been imposed, it was surely deserved.  Inciting people to encourage someone to commit suicide is a criminal offence, not a prank gone wrong.  

    By what I remember of the video he said people should gank him to get his head straight or at least to end it already, something like that anyway. Do note that even with that it isn't technically inciting someone to do anything because it is at the end of the day a video game and you choose to do is up to you (both for the goonies and the respective individual whom if memory serves said he was on suicide watch and distressed he got ganked during the gal ice blocked, I believe.

    That said you are also guilty of taking a game far too seriously... the dude goofed, he apologized both to the community and the person he victimized (in-game!) and stepped down from his position at the CSM, took his temp ban and by what I know these days he rarely even plays though he does still mastermind CFC's moves. Also keep in mind he has also gone on record saying in his own articles that he ,for a moment, forgot he wasn't the Mittani in the real world while drunk, this isn't an excuse merely an explanation.

    My advice now is for you to step back, step outside and realize that games may be a source of joy, a good pass-time, etc, but only if you choose so and if you take it too seriously you could end up killing yourself for a bunch of bloody pixels (sorry but that dude on suicide watch should also , and anyone like him should bare this in mind, realize that pixels aren't nearly as important as your life and the friends you make online may be real or may, proverbially, be people you meet on the train to a destination and then never see again).

    Have to be a bloody good game for me to take my life over :) Definitely not EvE Online.  Yeah while I probably could have handled things better than I did that's true.

    I don't know what game you play but imagine if everytime you logged in, no matter when there was always one player waiting for you, for no apparant reason that followed you around everywhere.  First I just ignored them, then I smacked with them, then I ignored them, but after a while they get on your nerves.  Not sure why but its extremely annoying after a while knowing that some wierdo is out to get you for no apparant reason and theres no way to get rid of them, can't kill them they're invisible, can't block them because then you don't know when they're active... probably should have just kept ignoring them but eh... 

    You could have also tweaked your chat setting to auto-reject invitations from people not in your friend's list (donno if you can see them on watch list if they are blocked or if you can tune the settings to block only based on standings ) and simply not bothered reading local. These type of people thrive on the distress they extract from you and unless you are able to smack them around silly (and it takes allot of balls and allot of cunning to get them to lose it first) it isn't worth responding to them. Be glad though they are not from your corp, I had a CEO like that once and the retard blamed me for losing half his corp when over night he decided to go from wormholes to 0.0 and me and the wormhole loving gang splintered off, he smack talked a while but after Goonswarm fisted Test he shut up XD.

  • NephaeriusNephaerius Member UncommonPosts: 1,671
    Op that's eve for you. I don't see anything wrong with that stuff because it's what eve is known for. Also the whole erotica 1 thing got blown way out of proportion considering the supposed victim didn't even care after the fact and didn't want anything done to erotica. Also the bonus room is nothing resembling any kind of torture. If you're dumb enough to fall for that kind of scam you deserve it. Richard started that whole thing so he could force Ccp to take an action they had already declined to take and eve is a worse game as aresult

    Steam: Neph

  • Spectre_06Spectre_06 Member Posts: 4
    [quote]Originally posted by Necropsie

    Never played EvE. Never planning to play it.

    Those are horrible stories. Especially the recently divorced guy (aka the guy encouraged to suicide).

    I always thinked about high-school bullies when someone says EvE players. Sure, in real life they are the guy who gets a beat-up but in the game, they become bullies.

    After reading your post (and some answers from this thread), i decided this was not the case. There is something mentally wrong with that kind of players. Something seriously wrong.

    And for the "dont share your personal things lolz" guy: Usually, this type of games are the escape tools from real life. And sometimes, you want to talk about things with people, even they are strangers or not. I dont expect you to understand, you are probably too young.

    Thanks for the post. At least now i know where the scum of the mmo universe is and i hope they stay there.[/quote]

    You are basing your opinions--like many ignorant players do--of of the stories you hear.  EvE Onine has garnered this reputation that is is a harsh world.  It is justified.  But many publications--MMO Champion, Massively, etc.--as well as many players who leave the game only post the absolutely atrocious stories.  You never hear about the people who make a positive difference, because quite frankly that's not as great a read as drama.


    When Area 52 became notorious for giving Thori'dal, the Stars Fury to a rogue instead of a hunter in the raid, the forums and blogosphere erupted in vitriol over the decision by the GM, despite it being a good call since the hunter was brand new to the game, and quite frankly had not earned his stripes.


    I mean, there are plenty other tales of delicious tears and drama in other games, but people ignore it because those games have not cultivated this well-documented history of being sa harsh reality, where the players do control a lot of things that they normally wouldn't.


    You don't hear abotu the corporations such as Infinite Entropy or Error-404, which worked to train new players to become competent killing machines in the game.  You don't hear about how those corproations had a shield system in place, helping to protect many of the missioners, miners, and new players in the game from griefers.  You don't hear about the people who try to make the game a better place because they aren't a good read.


    Quite frankly, it doesn't matter.  Most of you wouldn't survive in the game, and that's fine.  We don't want you anyways, because you'll pine to CCP to make it a them park MMO like WoW.  That won't happen on our watch.  If you want a game that will legitimately challenge you mentally and emotionally, look no further than EvE Online.  If you just want to do the exact same crap day in and day out, continue to play in your theme park.

  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by Dr_Shivinski
    Originally posted by Dihoru

    I've been scammed, ganked, griefed, targeted by professional corp killers, got strung out to dry for CEO incompetence, used as cannon fodder, had assets stolen from me by someone who pretended to be a friend, etc all in EVE... and guess what softies? I don't compare that to rape and never will because the act of forcefully subjecting someone in real life for your own carnal gratification can never, ever, ever, equate to a few curse words as you lose some pixels for whatever reasons. In EVE Online the very first advice you are given: Do not fly what you cannot afford to lose and the second arguably is Do not believe things that are too good to be true.


    The OP violated EULA rules by discussing GM actions on the forum and this is a pretty universal rule, more so than his "If it harms the game it is against the EULA!!" comment, and proceeded to fail repeatedly at thinking his actions out beyond the first step in a sandbox game which IMHO is downright asking for it ( you seriously wanted to setup a NRDS zone in Stain? even Black Frog wouldn't be suicidal enough to support shipping runs that deep in space on a constant basis and you wanted to do it anyway? With what alliance backing you? None? in a zone that's been a hotbed for conflict between the Russians and the western player alliances since before I joined EVE which was in 2005? Wow...


    I do not blame victims but people who basically slather tartar sauce on themselves and jump into a tiger pit aren't victims and the OP was asking for it... considering there's a block function for people in-game (thus verbal abuse can be dealt with within 1-2 minutes) and considering that if he had any real support cloaking gank can be mitigated quite easily (nothing ruins a pilgrims day than a cloaky legion or loki uncloaking behind it and blowing it apart).. I cannot condone this thread as anything other than the wishful fantasies of someone who wants the freedom to do whatever he likes but does not want everyone else to have the same freedom which IMHO is far too common these days (hint: one of the reason SWG NGE hit was people disliking other's freedoms) .


    As for the guy who had cancer who got ganked...despicable as that may seem he forgot the first rule of EVE: Do not fly what you cannot afford to lose. because that gank may have happened even without his friend's help... shit happens all the time in EVE. That said I personally take a hard line against people who, for whatever reason, get or expect preferential treatment in EVE because I personally have health issue, nowhere near as severe as cancer for example but sufficient that a strong enough blow, which would be non-fatal otherwise, could outright kill me, and find the notion of people giving me any kind of special treatment disgusting (I've left corps in the past for this, I prefer getting ganked to the ganker going "Oh... you have issues... ok I will not shoot you but shoot your friends!" ).


    EVE is a sandbox, it is not inherently evil or inherently good that is dictated by the players within and say what you will about that freedom to choose but do not take away from it with "If it damages the game you get banned" because that rule can and has been used to cry wolf in many games before and developers less sure of their vision have fallen for it but CCP while it has that rule applies it only in extreme cases to preserve player freedoms. You want to blame someone for the game being so hostile? Blame the players because we as a whole have a few psychopaths and sociopaths amongst our ranks but just like in real life: If he/she ain't looking at me I do not care.

    One of the very few reasonable responses to this ridiculous thread. 

    My problem with his post is he forgets one of the main points of a sandbox is it's community, if it's toxic that's nothing but bad for the game.

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • MakidianMakidian Member UncommonPosts: 208
    Originally posted by Spectre_06
    [quote]Originally posted by Necropsie

    Never played EvE. Never planning to play it.

    Those are horrible stories. Especially the recently divorced guy (aka the guy encouraged to suicide).

    I always thinked about high-school bullies when someone says EvE players. Sure, in real life they are the guy who gets a beat-up but in the game, they become bullies.

    After reading your post (and some answers from this thread), i decided this was not the case. There is something mentally wrong with that kind of players. Something seriously wrong.

    And for the "dont share your personal things lolz" guy: Usually, this type of games are the escape tools from real life. And sometimes, you want to talk about things with people, even they are strangers or not. I dont expect you to understand, you are probably too young.

    Thanks for the post. At least now i know where the scum of the mmo universe is and i hope they stay there.[/quote]

    You are basing your opinions--like many ignorant players do--of of the stories you hear.  EvE Onine has garnered this reputation that is is a harsh world.  It is justified.  But many publications--MMO Champion, Massively, etc.--as well as many players who leave the game only post the absolutely atrocious stories.  You never hear about the people who make a positive difference, because quite frankly that's not as great a read as drama.


    When Area 52 became notorious for giving Thori'dal, the Stars Fury to a rogue instead of a hunter in the raid, the forums and blogosphere erupted in vitriol over the decision by the GM, despite it being a good call since the hunter was brand new to the game, and quite frankly had not earned his stripes.


    I mean, there are plenty other tales of delicious tears and drama in other games, but people ignore it because those games have not cultivated this well-documented history of being sa harsh reality, where the players do control a lot of things that they normally wouldn't.


    You don't hear abotu the corporations such as Infinite Entropy or Error-404, which worked to train new players to become competent killing machines in the game.  You don't hear about how those corproations had a shield system in place, helping to protect many of the missioners, miners, and new players in the game from griefers.  You don't hear about the people who try to make the game a better place because they aren't a good read.


    Quite frankly, it doesn't matter.  Most of you wouldn't survive in the game, and that's fine.  We don't want you anyways, because you'll pine to CCP to make it a them park MMO like WoW.  That won't happen on our watch.  If you want a game that will legitimately challenge you mentally and emotionally, look no further than EvE Online.  If you just want to do the exact same crap day in and day out, continue to play in your theme park.

    We'll done.

  • AeonbladesAeonblades Member Posts: 2,083
    Originally posted by Spectre_06
    [quote]Originally posted by Necropsie

    Never played EvE. Never planning to play it.

    Those are horrible stories. Especially the recently divorced guy (aka the guy encouraged to suicide).

    I always thinked about high-school bullies when someone says EvE players. Sure, in real life they are the guy who gets a beat-up but in the game, they become bullies.

    After reading your post (and some answers from this thread), i decided this was not the case. There is something mentally wrong with that kind of players. Something seriously wrong.

    And for the "dont share your personal things lolz" guy: Usually, this type of games are the escape tools from real life. And sometimes, you want to talk about things with people, even they are strangers or not. I dont expect you to understand, you are probably too young.

    Thanks for the post. At least now i know where the scum of the mmo universe is and i hope they stay there.[/quote]

    You are basing your opinions--like many ignorant players do--of of the stories you hear.  EvE Onine has garnered this reputation that is is a harsh world.  It is justified.  But many publications--MMO Champion, Massively, etc.--as well as many players who leave the game only post the absolutely atrocious stories.  You never hear about the people who make a positive difference, because quite frankly that's not as great a read as drama.


    When Area 52 became notorious for giving Thori'dal, the Stars Fury to a rogue instead of a hunter in the raid, the forums and blogosphere erupted in vitriol over the decision by the GM, despite it being a good call since the hunter was brand new to the game, and quite frankly had not earned his stripes.


    I mean, there are plenty other tales of delicious tears and drama in other games, but people ignore it because those games have not cultivated this well-documented history of being sa harsh reality, where the players do control a lot of things that they normally wouldn't.


    You don't hear abotu the corporations such as Infinite Entropy or Error-404, which worked to train new players to become competent killing machines in the game.  You don't hear about how those corproations had a shield system in place, helping to protect many of the missioners, miners, and new players in the game from griefers.  You don't hear about the people who try to make the game a better place because they aren't a good read.


    Quite frankly, it doesn't matter.  Most of you wouldn't survive in the game, and that's fine.  We don't want you anyways, because you'll pine to CCP to make it a them park MMO like WoW.  That won't happen on our watch.  If you want a game that will legitimately challenge you mentally and emotionally, look no further than EvE Online.  If you just want to do the exact same crap day in and day out, continue to play in your theme park.

    That's an awful long post to try to defend being a sad shell of a human being to others. How about instead of talking down to everyone, you actually work on your game's community so you aren't the laughing stock of the MMO world. That would help a lot more than a long winded post saying "I'm better than you because I treat people terribly."

    Just some friendly advice from your friendly forum neighbor, treat others as you want to be treated and so forth :)

    Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
    Have played: You name it
    If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.

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