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2013/2014 USA TOP 3 MMO (by revenue)



  • dave6660dave6660 Member UncommonPosts: 2,699

    Since some variation of this thread comes up every week, I'm wondering, how many people here have a vested monetary interest a game company?

    Or has this become yet another thinly veiled way of saying "my game is better than yours".


    “There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.”
    -- Herman Melville

  • Agent_JosephAgent_Joseph Member UncommonPosts: 1,361
    Originally posted by Caldrin

    LoL and WoT are not MMOs... how did they get put into that catagory ?



    same question , seems mmo genre  is ruined/destroyed


    best ignore that source they are not professionals 

  • TheLizardbonesTheLizardbones Member CommonPosts: 10,910
    Originally posted by dave6660

    Since some variation of this thread comes up every week, I'm wondering, how many people here have a vested monetary interest a game company?

    Or has this become yet another thinly veiled way of saying "my game is better than yours".



    The second one.


    I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.

  • Thessik_IrontailThessik_Irontail Member UncommonPosts: 76
    League of Legends and Team Fortress 2 are NOT mmos, so it is obvious that these people do not know what they are talking about.
  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    Originally posted by Thessik_Irontail
    League of Legends and Team Fortress 2 are NOT mmos, so it is obvious that these people do not know what they are talking about.

    Says you ...

    I would much rather go with industry sources, and review sites, than some random dude on the internet. After all, it is just for convenience anyway.

  • madazzmadazz Member RarePosts: 2,115
    Originally posted by Rigur
    I thought MMO was reserved for games with 1000+ players in the same persistent world.

    Please don't make up things like this. No one ever said that. Ever. 

    LoL and WoT and Diablo 3 are not MMO's due to their very limited amount of players. But no one has ever set a specific number. Don't start a made up argument.


  • madazzmadazz Member RarePosts: 2,115
    Originally posted by Agent_Joseph
    Originally posted by Caldrin

    LoL and WoT are not MMOs... how did they get put into that catagory ?



    same question , seems mmo genre  is ruined/destroyed


    best ignore that source they are not professionals 

    Most of the people writing this stuff aren't actually members of the gaming community. Many are just hired pens or research people. Whenever someone classifies a 10 person multiplayer game as a massively multiplayer game I immediately ignore them. I give no respect to someone who does not understand what they are writing about if they are doing so professionally. This very site called Ultima Forever an MMORPG... I can't recall the writers name, but I recognize it when it pops up. I ignore everything he says now. 


  • Thessik_IrontailThessik_Irontail Member UncommonPosts: 76
    Originally posted by nariusseldon
    Originally posted by Thessik_Irontail
    League of Legends and Team Fortress 2 are NOT mmos, so it is obvious that these people do not know what they are talking about.

    Says you ...

    I would much rather go with industry sources, and review sites, than some random dude on the internet. After all, it is just for convenience anyway.


    MMO = Massively Multiplayer Online...

    League of Legends at maximum is 5 vs 5 = 10 players in each game tops.

    10 players = Massively Multiplayer? hahhaa...

    Okay, you go with those industry sources, they obviously have their head up their ass.

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Originally posted by nariusseldon
    Originally posted by Thessik_Irontail
    League of Legends and Team Fortress 2 are NOT mmos, so it is obvious that these people do not know what they are talking about.

    Says you ...

    I would much rather go with industry sources, and review sites, than some random dude on the internet. After all, it is just for convenience anyway.

    their not an industry source, their just some random bods with very little actual expertise, let alone robust sources with which to make any kind of informed statement of facts. I don't know why the OP thinks their relevant, their no more accurate than Xfire, less so in some ways. Its not the first time they have tried to promote themselves in this way commercially, afaik they have yet to achieve anything.

     Any kind of argument based on their 'information' is going to be, by its very nature, flawed. image

  • asmkm22asmkm22 Member Posts: 1,788
    Since when is Team Fortress 2 an MMO?  What kind of crappy site posts statistics like these?

    You make me like charity

  • ForgrimmForgrimm Member EpicPosts: 3,070
    Originally posted by Thessik_Irontail
    Originally posted by nariusseldon
    Originally posted by Thessik_Irontail
    League of Legends and Team Fortress 2 are NOT mmos, so it is obvious that these people do not know what they are talking about.

    Says you ...

    I would much rather go with industry sources, and review sites, than some random dude on the internet. After all, it is just for convenience anyway.


    MMO = Massively Multiplayer Online...

    League of Legends at maximum is 5 vs 5 = 10 players in each game tops.

    10 players = Massively Multiplayer? hahhaa...

    Okay, you go with those industry sources, they obviously have their head up their ass.

    Don't mind Narius. He thinks that if he keeps repeating his inaccurate statement enough times that it will magically become accurate. He even tried to say that this website has LoL listed as an mmo, and when it was pointed out that it's actually listed as a MOBA, he didn't respond. Then someone else tried to twist the story and say that MOBA's are actually mmo's. No use trying to have a rational discussion with a zealot.

  • ruonimruonim Member Posts: 251
    Originally posted by Forgrimm
    Originally posted by Thessik_Irontail
    Originally posted by nariusseldon
    Originally posted by Thessik_Irontail
    League of Legends and Team Fortress 2 are NOT mmos, so it is obvious that these people do not know what they are talking about.

    Says you ...

    I would much rather go with industry sources, and review sites, than some random dude on the internet. After all, it is just for convenience anyway.


    MMO = Massively Multiplayer Online...

    League of Legends at maximum is 5 vs 5 = 10 players in each game tops.

    10 players = Massively Multiplayer? hahhaa...

    Okay, you go with those industry sources, they obviously have their head up their ass.

    Don't mind Narius. He thinks that if he keeps repeating his inaccurate statement enough times that it will magically become accurate. He even tried to say that this website has LoL listed as an mmo, and when it was pointed out that it's actually listed as a MOBA, he didn't respond. Then someone else tried to twist the story and say that MOBA's are actually mmo's. No use trying to have a rational discussion with a zealot.

    MMO = Massively Multiplayer Online...

    WoW raid 6-40 players = 40 players tops.

    40 players = Massively Multiplayer? hahhaa...

    Okay, you go with those industry sources, they obviously have their head up their ass.


    Sounds nice now. I denied that wow is mmo, didnt I?


    And here is why LoL is considered mmo:

    a) Can be played only online

    b) Have 10k+ players on 1 server

    c) Every player can play with each other

  • Even in an instanced area of the game you can have way more players than other so-called MMOs. In the actual game world you can have over a thousand players in the same game. Who's laughing now? 1000 > 10.

  • CoNk3rCoNk3r Member UncommonPosts: 70

    Comparing MMO ARPU for major free-to-play titles

    source :

    mmo-arpu-table.jpg -

  • sportsfansportsfan Member Posts: 431
    Originally posted by Robokapp
    Originally posted by Torvaldr
    Originally posted by Yamota
    Originally posted by krondin

       MMO  =  Massive Multiplayer Online , a lot of games fall into this catagory, why is this a problem for so many?

    The first M stands for Massively, not Massive.

    Also, the reason why this is a problem is because if every game that offers an online component would be called an MMO then almost every multiplayer game would be an MMO and the category would lose it's meaning and hence be pointless. There would be no distinction between a multiplayer game and a massively multiplayer game. So why even then have the latter?

    It is simply a marketing ploy. They want to pretend it is an MMO to get more sales. It is like calling a regular car a luxury car, even if it isn't.

    Massive and massively are both adjectives with the same meaning.



    DOTA2 and LoL probably have more players than all other mmos combined. DOTA2 is the most owned and installed game on Steam. I doubt they need the mmo buzzword to spur along their success. If anything, given the comparatively anemic numbers, traditional mmos can use the support.

    Nothing is losing its meaning in ambiguity. Things are more complex than simple definitions. Using the term mmo is actually good because it lets people refer to a broad category and then find out about the specific features and aspects of the game.


    there's a problem with the adjectives having the same meaning:


    Massive refers to the game. (see: LoL)

    Massively refers to the multiplayer. (see: EvE)


    a game being massive and having multiplayer doesn't mean it's an MMO. see: Starcraft .

    a game having massive multiplayer (I said HAVING not BEING) means it's an MMO. see: DAoC.

    Does it even matter ???

    You have on line games with (limited) player interactions. Period.

    Besides the whole thing of defining "MMO's" is clearly on the way out as is their popularity.

    These days the success comes from on line games which happen to be MORE fast fun than those dreadful long quest games where you meet assholes and other garbage players.

    To me Heartstone is as much an on line Multi player game as is EVE. Of course they are complete different, but the BOTTOM line is this: are they on line popular games (YES) and are there thousands and thousands of players (YES).

    The defintion of MMO's should be dropped really. Some MMO's have less players than on one COD map on their servers.


    I am pleased WOW is still top dog btw before LOL and I can imagine this comes as a shock to some. Not to me.


  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    Originally posted by sportsfan

    Does it even matter ???

    You have on line games with (limited) player interactions. Period.

    Besides the whole thing of defining "MMO's" is clearly on the way out as is their popularity.

    These days the success comes from on line games which happen to be MORE fast fun than those dreadful long quest games where you meet assholes and other garbage players.

    To me Heartstone is as much an on line Multi player game as is EVE. Of course they are complete different, but the BOTTOM line is this: are they on line popular games (YES) and are there thousands and thousands of players (YES).

    The defintion of MMO's should be dropped really. Some MMO's have less players than on one COD map on their servers.


    I am pleased WOW is still top dog btw before LOL and I can imagine this comes as a shock to some. Not to me.


    Exactly ...

    The only reason the label is still in-use is because it is convenient. If you talk about LOL, there may still be some debate .. but all industrial places (research firms, review sites) ... consider WoT a MMO and it has no persistent world, with a limited of players in each game.


  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    It is interesting but how does GW 2 make that money. I bought bank slots and bag slots. I bought gems with real cash for that. Some I converted when game was initially live and the cost of gold to gem was not insane as it is now I actually used silver then yes you could actually buy gems for silver.

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