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Got the alpha today, worth every cent

apanz3rapanz3r Member UncommonPosts: 273

I got fedup with SC delays and f.ckups and I got the alpha today, worth every cent.

This and StarConflict are best space games now.



  • Don't discount Star Citizen yet. Too early to judge.

    Elite does look great, though! Really excited about this title from watching the gameplay.

  • apanz3rapanz3r Member UncommonPosts: 273

    Well star citizen have to prove yet that is worth all the support it got from community (including from me).

    On the other side I wish Ellite was a bit more marketing to raise more money, but never the less is amazing what they achieved so far.

  • andre369andre369 Member UncommonPosts: 970

    Seen several posts complaining about SC and how slow it is. When did the development start? Early access/kickstarter does not mean you support a soon to launch game. Most MMO's takes up to 5 years to launch. 


    I've taken a look at Elite, looks quite cool. But the idea of it being a solo/coop/multiplayer kind of turns me off. Maybe I've just looked too little into it, but that's one of my first impression after a fast look and read about it.

  • grndzrogrndzro Member UncommonPosts: 1,163
    Originally posted by andre369

    Seen several posts complaining about SC and how slow it is. When did the development start? Early access/kickstarter does not mean you support a soon to launch game. Most MMO's takes up to 5 years to launch. 


    I've taken a look at Elite, looks quite cool. But the idea of it being a solo/coop/multiplayer kind of turns me off. Maybe I've just looked too little into it, but that's one of my first impression after a fast look and read about it.

    It's had about a year and 1/2 of development. With some setbacks such as conversion from CE3 to the new Cryengine.

  • NasherUKNasherUK Member UncommonPosts: 480

    They should have the trading and exploration alpha out in the next few weeks (alpha 4). Which will be a 200ly bubble from the procedural galaxy. Should be fun :)

    But yea, considering SC's funding you would expect a lot more from them than some concept demos and a cash shop.... ED is putting SC to shame right now, with a fraction of the budget.

  • makasouleater69makasouleater69 Member UncommonPosts: 1,096
    Originally posted by apanz3r

    I got fedup with SC delays and f.ckups and I got the alpha today, worth every cent.

    This and StarConflict are best space games now.


    Is this true A scientifically accurate 1:1 scale, seamless Milky Way galaxy using a mix of procedural generation and artist direction  - with around cosmic phenomena like black holes, supernovas, active binary stars etc. It will also have specially handcrafted overrides for and planetary objects that we know and love. For example, our solar system with Earth, Moon and Mars, other systems with recently discovered planets, etc.

    It has billons of stars you can go to?

  • Yep, it's that big.

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