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As a huge fan of the series I'm looking forward to more info on this game, I just hope it's release won't be as buggy as Civ 5.
I love the concept, seems they've gone back to Alpha Centauri roots. Let's hope there is no dumbing down of the series either... or it could just be a different take on everything, perhaps an emphasis on tactical combat?
O_o o_O
huh. So it's "sort of" like "Andromeda".
I can get behind that.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Yeah crap...saw/read about some day's ago.
Far to many good games for me coming this fall, not to mention those I still have to finish, just started or going to be released next month and before fall.
So yeah really looking forward to it from what I have seen.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
Have played: You name it
If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
Yup, definitely looking forward to it as well!
I haven't really been purchasing any of the recent CIV games in favour of other 4X material. But if they offer it in a fresh setting (perhaps with some memories of Alpha Centauri), they can count me back in!
Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!