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[Poll] Which crafting skill will be your main?

SatariousSatarious Member UncommonPosts: 1,073

Which crafting ability will you be focusing on starting out?




  • SagethornSagethorn Member UncommonPosts: 57
    Its a tossup between Blacksmithing and Provisioning for me, but im leaning towards blacksmithing to match it with my Orc Templar, same setup i played during the betas.
  • baphametbaphamet Member RarePosts: 3,311

    i will work on both Woodworking and Clothing.

  • SatariousSatarious Member UncommonPosts: 1,073
    Originally posted by baphamet

    i will work on both Woodworking and Clothing.

    So would it be feasible to focus on 2 crafting skills at once without sucking too many points away from your combat skills?

  • KnotwoodKnotwood Member CommonPosts: 1,103

    Can I choose all of them at the same time?   After all, this is a game I am going to enjoy doing horizontally instead of vertically this time around.

  • DaxamarDaxamar Member UncommonPosts: 593
    Originally posted by Satarious
    Originally posted by baphamet

    i will work on both Woodworking and Clothing.

    So would it be feasible to focus on 2 crafting skills at once without sucking too many points away from your combat skills?

    Theres a total of 300 skill points you can get in-game. Im shooting for 3 crafts, plus my combat skills.

    I did at Dream Build for my Sorc, put a lot of points into just about everything I liked. Including 3 crafts. It came up to 297 skill points.

    I also had like 2 weapons, and 2 armors, all 3 NPC Guild skills, and racials.

    Its do-able. Just would take a VERY long time. Not a bad thing, in my opinion. To have a very long term goal


    OT: Goin Provisioning first.

  • TokkenTokken Member EpicPosts: 3,654

    This...... Going Provisioning first.

    Proud member since March 2004!  Make PvE GREAT Again!

  • SatariousSatarious Member UncommonPosts: 1,073
    OK.  Blacksmithing and Enchanting it is!  As a warrior, I like the fact that I could easily tailor the stats on my armor and weapons.

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