I'm planning to spend quite a bit of time crafting during the early access period. Which crafting skill produces consumables that are best for spell resists? I know that provisioning typically has a longer duration, but I'm sure there are probably some benefits of using alchemy over provisioning (such as better resists, etc.). Also, what's the typical duration for alchemy consumables? One hour?
Yeah, it seems like those two will be the most popular along with Clothier. Which is pushing me more and more to pursue Alchemy or Provisioning.
any good guide for Crafting ? because i did not really understand it, to be frank i only spend a couple of minute on it and only manage to craft a helm but i notice alot of mate possiblity to change look and stuff.
anyway any link to a good guide?
~The only opinion that matters is your own.Everything else is just advice,~
There are loads they are just hard to see. If you take the passive which highlights them you will be amazed
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
I'll try that on one of my alts tomorrow and see how it goes. You are probably right and I only saw what I ran past while there were three more nodes not far away.
I made a few potions and a few provisions during Beta.
The hard part was simply getting the recipes for provisioning; on four different characters, I only found four recipes and I never found ingredients for two of them. For alchemy, I only found a few ingredients.
I didn't discover any recipe for provisioning or alchemy that provided spell resist. Provisioning seemed to provide extended (around 30min) benefits for stamina and such; potions seemed to be short-term instantaneous "perks"... which I found to be useless because of that idiotic Q-wheel...
I didn't focus on crafting at all during beta, but I found a TON of provisioning ingredients in various drawers, cabinets, barrels, etc.
Provision is food and they imrpove your stats mainly.
I would guess Alchemy is the way to go if you want to have potions like spell resist which last for some seconds.
Hmm.. not a big fan of consumables that only last seconds. I may end up sticking with Blacksmithing or Enchanting.
During combat, instantaneous perks like healing potions, mana potions, and stamina potions can be quite useful. However, the interface is somewhat lacking; those sorts of items are intended to be placed on what is generally called "that damn Q-wheel".
You press "Q" on your keyboard -- and hold it -- and a wheel with a bunch of slots comes up from which you can select an item. If you just press "Q" quickly, it uses whatever is in slot 1... which, if it isn't what you want, is then wasted. Trying to quickly grab a particular item off of the wheel is unfortunately more difficult than it should be. Needing a healing potion, I frequently ended up with bait for fishing... true story.
Which usually resulted in death.
I can only hope that ZOS replaces "that damn Q-wheel" with some other interface widget that is actually usable.
EDIT: Typo
Yeah, good point. That wheel was designed with PlayStations in mind, which makes it cumbersome for PC users. It's pretty similar to the many annoying changes in Windows 8 for PC users in order to accommodate the tablet users of the world.
But I can see how extremely important those healing potions will be in PvP. That's the biggest draw for alchemy....
A quick overview of each crafting profession. They seem to think that Alchemy, Provisioning and Enchanting will be the big money makers.
I can see Alchemy and Provisioning for sure because they are consumables, which means there should always be a good market for them.
...except there's no place to sell them, really. Guild auction houses aren't going to have enough visibility to replace global auction houses.
And I really suspect that having a thousand players yelling "WTS 10 level 1 healing potions. Send /tell to Whosits. First come, first served (unless you're unwilling to pay for my price-gouging.)" is going to get old fast and a lot of people are going to be placed on /ignore.
But, without a global auction house, at least we shouldn't have a lot of gold sellers spamming the chat window.
EDIT: Typo
Players managed to sell stuff before there was an auction house in game. Somehow I think people will figure out how to live without one.
Alchemy provides a Spell Resist as well as a Reduce Power potion. There's also Ravage Magicka and Reduce Spell Power potions. The potions are generally fairly strong but short term effects.
Alchemy has a lot of utility, I've discovered 17 effects so far, but that's not all of them by any means.
I can't comment on food and drink buffs, because I didn't find any recipes higher than L10 food. All the recipes I did find were long term buffs (35 mins), but only stamina/health/magicka straight increases or regen buffs.