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This game is making me use my brain and it hurts, i'm not used to actually having to think when I play a game, omg someone please help me with the pain!
All kidding aside.....
I'm having a ton of fun with the game and I love how you have to ask npc's questions ala King's Quest style, it really adds an element that has been missing for a long time and just asking the questions to get the quests and find the dungeons is such an adventure in itself and seeing other peoples questions to npc's in local chat "and bubbles" is at times hilarious and helpful, such a neat idea.
I have actually also been having fun going around the town and turning off all lamps, torches and candles and turning on anything tesla powered.
"I understand that if I hear any more words come pouring out of your **** mouth, Ill have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."
I am getting my ESO client ready then ill load SoTA ,hipe combat is fun and those fire balls in the demo were so pretty I hope the look the same in the game.
maybe its good to think for a change in a game but the npc`s frustrated me in the game but I know players will help.
Yes, the transparency is very refreshing. I also like the fact that you can pledge at the lowest level and be able to see for yourself where you money is going. The cost is less than the cost of a CD or DVD when the game is released. And since this is going to be a buy- to-play game, buy the CD and play with no restrictions like skill caps & such, if you plan on playing anyway it only makes sense to pay now and have a say in how it's developing. At least to me it does.
You mean there are still people that don't just skip over quest text?
hehe, yeah. And no markers over quest givers heads. No quest log telling you what to do and where to go. We'll have journals that record npc conversations, but there's no blatantly obvious quest where you click "accept." We'll actually have to read our journals from time to time and figure out what we're supposed to do. What a concept.