Will Sorcerer's get the ability to mini teleport similar to blink in WoW? That's the one thing I liked about Wow, the ability for glass cannon mages to quickly teleport out of the thick of battle. If Sorcerer's can get that ability, I will definitely give an all cloth wearing Sorcerer a go. It would be nice to be able to quickly get out of those situations when Nightblades jump out of stealth and go all chop suey on you.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
Cool. Although, it looks like it's pretty high up in the tree for Stormcalling. So you would pretty much need to specialize in that area in order to get it.
You only need one skill on your bar for it to level although it will level faster if it's full of abilities from the same line. You can also go hunting books although I have no idea how many skill points is possible that way. These are not trees like Rift or AA trees where you have to build in order. You can skip any number of abilities you are not interested in.
Interesting. Thanks for the info. I would hate to build up one line just to get that one defensive spell.
Every beta player?
Not really specialize... just keep one Stormcalling ability on your bar and it'll level up eventually.
Storm Calling is my favorite Sorcerer spec anyway at low levels:
Endless Fury is a two stage nuke that let's you kill things at 20% HP instead of 0 HP since the second stage is a guaranteed kill on just about everything...plus if you kill something with it you get almost the full magicka cost back.
And Boundless storm turns you into a virtual tank and gives you +25% speed boost. It's faster than a low level horse
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
I don't have one but I would swear I heard it on a developer interview sometime in the past. My understanding is that when you gain XP it's divided by the skills on your bar that level by XP (some skills like guild and world don't level by XP), equipped weapons and the armor types you are wearing (light/medium/heavy) and applied so the more skills or single types of armor you are wearing the faster it levels.
I do know when I had a full set of heavy armor on my light/medium skills didn't level at all and when I had a full set minus one piece like a light helm the light piece leveled much slower than the heavy ones so at least for armor there does seem to be a tie in between how many pieces you wear and how fast it levels.
Good point. So stormcalling would probably be a good spec to focus on starting out.
And here's another couple of low level sorcerer tips for you....
The Dark Magic ability, Crystal Shard is probably your hardest hitting single target nuke... problem is that it's a 1.3 second cast that can be interrupted. If you morph it to Crystal Fragments, every time you use ANY magic ability it has a chance to proc and become a half-cost instant. When it does, your hands get a purple glow. I always keep that one on my bar at low levels also.
And even though the first Ultimate most people unlock for Sorcerers is Storm Atronach, which IS a good ultimate, I actually prefer Overload since it's almost always up and it turns your weapon strong attack into a cone AOE lightning (and AOE is hard for sorcerers to come by early) attack that kills just about everything - I even use it in instances to execute bosses. It also has the side benefit of making you look like a Sith Lord shooting lightning from your fingers
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
Storm calling is an extremely strong tree and easily the most useful Sorc tree from top to bottom.