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[Ebon Hawk] (Pub Heavy RP) - NEW!



When the galaxy called, a small group responded, breaking ties with friends to answer the call.  Some see them as renegades, some see them as misguided and ignorant, but those that truly get to know them understand why.  There are things in this galaxy that can not be countered by traditional methods.  To truly know the light, one must not be afraid to venture into the dark.


Their goal now clearly in front of them, they seek out others to their cause, seeking to unify those who can use the Force with those who can't to defeat enemies that would change the course of the galaxy or, if allowed, see it burn around them.  The Seekers look to do all they can to defend the Republic and the galaxy from threats that it may not yet understand how to fight.


We seek not for power or dominion over anyone or anything.  We seek only understanding of the Force, the Galaxy and everything included in both.  And, through that understanding, a way to defend the galaxy from the perils that exist in it.


About Seekers of the Way


Seekers of the Way is a guild that recruits any and all players that are willing to defend the Republic.  We accept force sensitives or non-sensitives.  We have a list of Force traditions that exist at the time, but feel free to follow whatever system you feel your character would follow.  For those who are non-sensitives, we have a place for you as well.  We also don't force people into a class definition, meaning, if you want to play a force sensitive smuggler, go right ahead, or a non-force sensitive knight, feel free.


For more information about us, please visit our forums: Here

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