If you are thinking about signing up for the game you should check out the Player Marketplace forum on the SotA website. People who are looking to upgrade their pledges might be willing to absorb some of your pledge AND get you the better found pledge (as opposed to benefactor) in order to get a recruitment bonus.
You can view the SotA player marketplace here https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?forums/player-marketplace.73/
At time of writing the current cheapest deal I can find available is $22 for a founder status pledge: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?threads/youre-a-founder-for-22-i-am-one-step-closer-to-knight.8302/
This will get you to the $60 pledge tier when combined with the alienware coupon (Note: do not apply the alienware coupon until after the base pledge has been added to your account, otherwise you'll need to contact support to merge them).
I personally offer founder pledges at the full $40 price: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?threads/pay-40-you-get-the-25-referal-half-price-royal-artisan.8393/
However, I instead give the $25 referral bonus the pledge gifter normally receives (which is why they are offering them for a discount) to you instead. This means along with the alienware coupon you will get an $85 pledge for your money, at this level you will get the first 3 episodes of the game (due to retail at $60 each) in addition to an unbreakable crafting tool of your choice.
There's no benefit to me doing so (so hopefully this post doesn't violated the rules of conduct), which is why there aren't more such offers in the marketplace. I just want to encourage new backers to come support the game by giving them flexibility to get the best deal for them (which will depend on their financial circumstances).
Note that all the offers on the market place are due to expire in about 2 weeks time, around April 6th when the founder/patron campaign ends... After this point all pledge tier prices will also go up.
So if you are interested in the game now is the last best time to get your money down.
Wow, there's a "financial derivatives market" for pledges already ?
Along with discount coupons to allow new pledgers to enter the market at prices which are technically no longer available ?
This is looking like the most aggressive and creative fundraising campaign I've seen yet. Have Richard Garriot and Chris Roberts got some kind of side-bet going on who can raise money the fastest ?
Heh if there is Richard already lost. :-p
But no seriously they a hugely supportive off one another. I pledged to Star Citizen before I really knew anything about it because Richard said go here and support my friend. I went there, saw it space sim which is a genre I like, so that was reason enough to pledge. Few months later someone linked me to the GDC gameplay video and I was dumbstruck. I had not pledged nearly enough to the game. I have no and thanks to Richard I'm also a golden ticket holder so yay for friends supporting friends.
But it goes deeper then that. If you get a founder pledge (early backer) at the $50 level or higher for SotA you get Vanduul polearm from the star citizen universe as an in game weapon. Even has the star citizen logo on it and just plane looks awesome. https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/SotA_ImmAdven_StarCitizen_Vanduul_Polearm.jpg
Additionally you pledge at least $50 to both SotA and Star Citizen you will get David "Iolo" Watson signature crossbow in star citizen for FPS battles. https://d2sx9mrt4zumaq.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/SotA_Founder_RoyalArtisan_Iolo_Crossbow1.png
This is the same crossbow you get at the founder $80 level pledge for SotA so your character can wield the same weapon in both universes.
There will also be an easter egg in game where under certain conditions you can enter a special encounter variant of a map after a meter strike and if look in the sky you will be able to see a bengal carrier in orbit around Deadalus (New Britannia's shattered moon). This is a call back to the wing commander kilwrathi fighter that crash landed in Ultima 7 in the hoe of destruction side quest.
We don't know what SotA eastereggs we will see in the SC yet but there are assurances there will be some.
Teamwork bonus: Star Citizens PR director (David Swofford) is Richard Garriott's personal PR guy on loan to Chris Roberts for the duration of the SC campaign. Not something I think they'd share if they were competing. :-P
personally my oppinion is the cross polution of each games universe sucks. it should be a fantasy game without the scifi crap butting in.
Astrobia has the best deal going on the forum no doubt and should be commended.
Pay $40 and get $65 pledge plus use $20 alienware code so essentially you are getting a high tier (Royal Artisan) package for half price, sorry but if you were on the fence for this game there is no reason no to take this deal as you are getting all Founder rewards, episodes 1,2,3 and you can even enter Astrobia's giveaway to win a steam game as there is a cross promotion.
Just wanted to say thanks Astrobia, cause you are really offering a heck of a deal.
No thank you. When I donated to kickstarter I was under the impression I was getting a full game, not that I'd have to pay several hundred more to avoid effectively getting locked out of a key feature. All I want is a refund, which Greedy Garriott has refused.
Sometimes I wonder if the ruination of the Ultima series really was just EA's fault...
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
Which key feature was that? Housing? You aren't looked out of it by any means. It's every bit as available as it was in UO. You just might have to work for it. Even before you manage to collect enough gold to buy one you can still do all your crafting at the public crafting depots next to the bank, expand your banks inventory and they are looking at let players rent instanced rooms from inns and such to decorate and experience the housing features privately.
And of course you can always get houses with ease in the singleplayer offline mode. They in no way help you winning the game however.
Aye, selling houses for 550$ is a pay to win setup. A crafter with a house will become more successful.
And putting 80% of their playerbase outside of the house market, what is that? It is their main feature after all.
Hardly. There's 40+ hour story campaign ignoring sidequests and dynamic quests. The main feature is the ethical ambiguity system. Moral choices that don't boil done to good, bad or a mix in between. The first thing any new player will notice is the return to the text parser days for speaking to NPC's which are essentially chatbots now. Housing wont even come up for most players as it's a vanity feature. Just one that's very easy to show off.
If housing was such big deal it could make or break a character there wouldn't be features in place that effectively block players accessing their houses at all when the town it is in comes under siege.
I read that the prices on the houses ranged from $200.00 to $1050.00.
Guess I won't be owning a home
Me neither.
Insane prices that only the real wealthy can afford. Pay to win.