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Early beta tester footage not showing full extent of Sorcerer PvP tactics

SatariousSatarious Member UncommonPosts: 1,073
So I've been leveling up my Sorcerer in preparation for PvP, and I've noticed a few tactics that I haven't seen beta tester footages taking advantage of.  For instance, you could spec in the Storm Calling tree and get a knock back effect that essentially knocks your enemy back on his ass and  like 15 feet away.  I was actually able to "morph" it so that it has an additional stun capability.  This is a great utility type spell to knock away melee types so that you can blast them a few times from afar before they close the distance.  Also, I've noticed that you can block melee attacks with your staff.  I blocked sword attacks against me a few times and it even stuns the melee if he tries to take a major swing and is then blocked.  I'm sure people will discover a lot more elaborate tactics when the game is released.  

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