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What makes a WoW clone?

Ender4Ender4 Member UncommonPosts: 2,247

We hear this term all the time and people fight valiantly to defend their game like being called this is the worst thing in the world. To me defining the WoW clone relies on understanding how WoW changed the genre.

1. Quest based leveling. Quests existed before WoW but it was the first major title where you could spend 100% of your time leveling by doing quests.

2. Instanced group content. Again WoW was not the first game to use instancing but it was the first major title (The Realm doesn't count~) that put you almost exclusively in an instance for any group based content.

3. Easy solo mob with specifically designated harder mobs for groups. EQ, DAOC, AC etc all had different difficulty levels for solo mobs but WoW was the first to add the elite style mob for all group based mobs. Other games used that for a few bosses etc but in most games before WoW a mob in a dungeon was the same as one outside. This meant you could tool around in a dungeon solo or in a group of 2 etc. It was also the start of the no respawn style dungeon. What this did was dumb down the solo experience while also restricting dungeons to groups only, this is one of the worst changes in the genre that has really killed the dungeon experience imo.

4. Instanced PvP. Before WoW PvP was part of the open world even if it was in only restricted servers or restricted zones. WoW started pushing it off into its own box where it has no meaning to the greater world anymore.

Later WoW also added extremely linear quests so if you go that path you are a late WoW clone.

So if you have instance based PvP, quest based leveling, dungeon mobs that are harder than a normal mob and solo mobs that are a joke to kill, a fantasy based theme and you push groups into instances you are a WoW clone imo. You can mess with the character progression, the combat etc and that doesn't matter, you are still a clone in my personal book.



  • KuinnKuinn Member UncommonPosts: 2,072

    Look at WoW's: leveling (xp + gear), zones (static, only for questing/leveling), combat (tab target), shopping list questing, AI/NPC behaviour (dumb), instances (dungeons, raids, bg's), instanced end-game, pvp (arenas/bg's), crafting (shopping list jigsaw), generally simple.


    If a game has mostly the same feature set, made with similar style, it pretty much is a WoW clone. If we look at TOR for example it's the same game with great questing (and different setting ofcourse). WAR was the same but with open world pvp objectives (hat off for that). AION is the same but with Asian style and clunky gameplay. Rift is the same but with rifts and poor background story/lore. TERA is the same but with different combat system and poor lore (hat off for different combat, sadly it's not enough alone).


    Etc, changing the skin on a game is not nearly enough with one or two mechanics being different (or barely different usually).

  • AlBQuirkyAlBQuirky Member EpicPosts: 7,432

    In WoW's present state, I equate most MMOs to being very similar, though I would not call them clones. There are plenty of differences, too. Non are "exact copies" which is what a "clone" is.

    Generally speaking:
    - Fast Paced Leveling. Players hit max level in a matter of weeks.

    - Quest Hubs, which can take on many forms, like GW2's Hearts. A player could do multiple quests at that one heart. To get the reward you STILL had to chat with the "Heart NPC."

    - Mobs that wait for death. (Though WoW is not the first game to do this.)

    - Gear Grind. Players want it, so I guess it is not the designers fault, here. GW2 had to add it in, because players cried for it.

    - End Game. Why is there this thing? Again, players cry for this in almost EVERY title due to release or released, so designers have to appease the content locusts. "There is no end-game!" is a common complaint with MMOs these days.

    Other than those aspects, I don't see "WoW Clone!" as a valid dig against a game.

    - Al

    Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.

  • QuirhidQuirhid Member UncommonPosts: 6,230
    Do you expect us to provide our own definition of a WoW clone or should we criticize yours?

    I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been -Wayne Gretzky

  • Ender4Ender4 Member UncommonPosts: 2,247

    Originally posted by Quirhid
    Do you expect us to provide our own definition of a WoW clone or should we criticize yours?

    I expect you to do whatever you feel like, it is a free forum. These are just the things I personally equate to WoW and the games that bred from it. Notice a lot of these things weren't in EQ. I do not consider WoW an EQ clone. They are both Theme Park games but they are not clones.

    Most games released since WoW have been clones. The basic day to day gameplay and how you go about accomplishing things are almost directly the same even if some features are different here and there.

  • KaladinKaladin Member Posts: 468

    If it is an MMORPG being released after WoW launched, it will be called a WoW clone.


    In reality, NONE of them are.

    I can fly higher than an aeroplane.
    And I have the voice of a thousand hurricanes.
    Hurt - Wars

  • ButeoRegalisButeoRegalis Member UncommonPosts: 594
    Any game ever released after WoW. Or in the time since WoW was announced. Or since the time WC 1 was released. Strike that, insert: was thought about. This includes, GW2, TOR, Wildstar, AoC, DAoC, Candy Crush Saga, Pacman, Pong, and that "guess the number in 3 tries" you programmed onto your programmable calculator in 5th grade.


  • QuirhidQuirhid Member UncommonPosts: 6,230
    Originally posted by Ender4


    Originally posted by Quirhid
    Do you expect us to provide our own definition of a WoW clone or should we criticize yours?


    I expect you to do whatever you feel like, it is a free forum. These are just the things I personally equate to WoW and the games that bred from it. Notice a lot of these things weren't in EQ. I do not consider WoW an EQ clone. They are both Theme Park games but they are not clones.

    Most games released since WoW have been clones. The basic day to day gameplay and how you go about accomplishing things are almost directly the same even if some features are different here and there.

    In that case, I feel your opinion is silly and you haven't given it much, if any, serious thought. With such broad strokes, are you sure you are defining "WoW clones" or are you simply trying to define the games you don't like?

    I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been -Wayne Gretzky

  • VengeSunsoarVengeSunsoar Member EpicPosts: 6,601
    Coh was out half a year before wow and was primarily instances group based combat.
    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
  • VengeSunsoarVengeSunsoar Member EpicPosts: 6,601
    And was quest based.
    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843

    Questing, dungeons, battlegrounds, and lack luster crafting make up the core of the WoW clone.
  • QuirhidQuirhid Member UncommonPosts: 6,230
    Originally posted by VengeSunsoar
    Coh was out half a year before wow and was primarily instances group based combat.

    One could also argue WoW's instanced PvP was modeled after GW1's PvP.

    I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been -Wayne Gretzky

  • VengeSunsoarVengeSunsoar Member EpicPosts: 6,601
    But solo could be done really because the instance scaled top the group.

    So WoW was not the first major mmo to do anything on your list.
    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Lmao op an I agree, almost to a word.
  • VengeSunsoarVengeSunsoar Member EpicPosts: 6,601
    Err really well.
    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
  • NadiaNadia Member UncommonPosts: 11,798
    Originally posted by Ender4

    1. Quest based leveling..

    2. Instanced group content.

    3. Easy solo mob with specifically designated harder mobs for groups

    i dont agree


    both EQ2 and WOW overlapped in development  (with EQ2 releasing first) and both did all 3

    both EQ2 and WOW  borrowed heavily from EQ, COH, AC2

  • AeonbladesAeonblades Member Posts: 2,083

    Any quest based leveling with fast paced leveling, similar art style, linear/instanced dungeons, PvP that is instanced or made into an arena. Any game that is "easy" or raiding is simple and done completely in a few short hours.

    UI as well. I know the WoW UI has become semi standard, which is why I applaud games that deviate from it at this point. Any game that makes me run from quest hub to quest hub without the freedom to choose how or where I level.

    GW2 came very close to taking the WoW model and improving upon it, but it was just still too similar, which in all honesty may be a good thing as it opened the game up to a larger target audience. I believe WildStar will be moderately successful as well in this regard, but I do think eventually people are going to get tired of these games and crave more challenging adventure rather than simplistic nonchalance.

    Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
    Have played: You name it
    If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.

  • VengeSunsoarVengeSunsoar Member EpicPosts: 6,601
    Write gives you several options on how and where to level though. More than in most pay games.
    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
  • VengeSunsoarVengeSunsoar Member EpicPosts: 6,601
    Err wow
    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is bad.
  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by Ender4

    We hear this term all the time and people fight valiantly to defend their game like being called this is the worst thing in the world.

     I'm perfectly aware of how the WOW model changed the genre, due to the constant comparisons to it in later games. In comparison to games like SWG, UO, or DAOC which I played prior to and during the WOW craze, later games are far more linear.

    Having no first hand knowledge of WOW itself past lvl 26 back in 04, I'm not sure I can pinpoint what makes a WOW clone. However I do have to say, this line quoted above is a tad off base. As the term WOW clone is typically used in a derogatory way to describe a game. Hardly is it used as a true descriptor with no malice behind it.

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • AeonbladesAeonblades Member Posts: 2,083
    Originally posted by Distopia
    Originally posted by Ender4

    We hear this term all the time and people fight valiantly to defend their game like being called this is the worst thing in the world.

     I'm perfectly aware of how the WOW model changed the genre, due to the constant comparisons to it in later games. In comparison to games like SWG, UO, or DAOC which I played prior to and during the WOW craze, later games are far more linear.

    Having no first hand knowledge of WOW itself past lvl 26 back in 04, I'm not sure I can pinpoint what makes a WOW clone. However I do have to say, this line quoted above is a tad off base. As the term WOW clone is typically used in a derogatory way to describe a game. Hardly is it used as a true descriptor with no malice behind it.

    I wouldn't say it's typically a derogatory term myself. Two of my favorite modern games (Rift, GW2) are very much WoW clones and it's not a bad thing to take something successful and build upon it and make it better :)

    Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
    Have played: You name it
    If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.

  • slickbizzleslickbizzle Member Posts: 464

    According to my WoW sources:

    If it has quests, it is a WoW clone.

    If it has any type of combat it is a WoW clone.

    If you can give your character a name, it is a WoW clone.

    If it has dungeons, yep, that's a big ole WoW clone.

    If it has any of those things and came out before Warcraft, it is still a WoW clone.

    If the trunk of your old car doubles as a flower bed, you might be a redneck.

    If a game comes out with something innovative and Blizzard implements it into WoW, that game stole it from WoW and is a terrible WoW clone.


    The list goes on.

  • KaladinKaladin Member Posts: 468
    Originally posted by slickbizzle

    According to my WoW sources:

    If it has quests, it is a WoW clone.

    If it has any type of combat it is a WoW clone.

    If you can give your character a name, it is a WoW clone.

    If it has dungeons, yep, that's a big ole WoW clone.

    If it has any of those things and came out before Warcraft, it is still a WoW clone.

    If the trunk of your old car doubles as a flower bed, you might be a redneck.

    If a game comes out with something innovative and Blizzard implements it into WoW, that game stole it from WoW and is a terrible WoW clone.


    The list goes on.

    ^ This.  I found this out when people gave the "wow clone" label to games like Aion, Tera, and GW2.  Honestly though, I have not seen a game that actually deserves that label.

    I can fly higher than an aeroplane.
    And I have the voice of a thousand hurricanes.
    Hurt - Wars

  • NasherUKNasherUK Member UncommonPosts: 480
    Theres no such thing a "wow clone", because wow is an Everquest clone. I don't think any of wow's content is original, they just stick their logo on it and ask a premium price. A bit like Apple really.
  • WaidenWaiden Member UncommonPosts: 500
    On everything is wow clone, even Call of duty 1
  • KendaneKendane Member UncommonPosts: 225

    If it came out after WoW, and has any features that WoW has, its a WoW clone. This includes leveling, crafting, having PvP. Therefor any MMO that has come out since WoW's release is a WoW clone.

    If it has been updated, even to fix bugs, but has features WoW has, its a WoW clone. This means since EverQuest has had at least one update since WoW's release, its a WoW clone and stole its features such as leveling.

    If it has features that WoW doesn't have, be WoW later adds those features, its a WoW clone and the game stole it from WoW.

    Outside of video games, if any media has the same creatures or features and came out after WoW, it stole it from WoW. Since the Hobbit movies came out after WoW's release, J.R. Tolkien stole the idea of dwarfs from WoW.

    WoW invented everything, including the Simpsons.

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