I am loosing hope for a decent pvp game!!! i really think MMOs just aint my thing, since UO no game not even PvP games have kept me interested for more than a few weeks, i played UO for years 98-03 and had a blast but quit once they started ruining the game since then i have played Shadowbane,Daoc,RYL,Darkfall and the new darkfall ...... RYL had fun pvp but the game never took off Darkfall is clunky and lacking in too many areas and as much as i wanted to like that game it just never kept me playing ..... i beta tested a game this weekend that i had high hopes for i wont name it since its under NDA but it was horrible grind to lvl 10 before you could even pvp and the game itself was mind numbing thay took the most open worlded singleplayer game and made it a cookie cutter linear MMO ??? WTF lol i just wish someone would step out of the box and make a decent sandbox PvP game that still has decent crafting and adventuring is that to much to ask ? lol
Yes it is when there is no audience for it.
Think of it this way .. would you want to mortgage your house, and bet your career on it?
~Im not what I am~