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Beta Key Question

Juice2000Juice2000 Member UncommonPosts: 95

Hey im already in the beta for ESO but they keep sending me emails with more keys in. It says if i've used a key to just ignore these emails.

My question if anyone can help is can i give these keys to others to use without it effecting my account?

Are the keys randomly generated and attached or do they keep records of who has what key? and 

Seems a shame to waste them ive received 3 new keys in 2 days.


  • skyline385skyline385 Member Posts: 564
    Why not just check if the Keys are the same or different?

  • Allacore69Allacore69 Member Posts: 839

    This I would also like to know.

    Here's a key from curse


    Have fun peeps.

  • Blazer6992Blazer6992 Member UncommonPosts: 643

    I've always received the same key for every beta session I've done. I guess that's how they know it's me.


  • dragusdragus Member UncommonPosts: 9
  • jdlamson75jdlamson75 Member UncommonPosts: 1,010
    I've seen that if you've already gotten a key, then you're in regardless.  Just patch the game, and when it comes time, log in.  You should be god to go.
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