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star citizen economy

apanz3rapanz3r Member UncommonPosts: 273

It have been told by Chris that the time to farm a Constellation would be about 60 hours for an average player.

Considering that the constellation price is now about 225$ i am quite sure that chinesse farmers will not miss the oportunity in game to make 5$/hours considering that average chinese famer salary is 0.5$/hour.

I got myself couple nice ships for LTI (the pvp oriented ones) but i don;t see myself buying anything else without lti.

Now of course i wont mind buying a idris for something like150$ even it have chinese flag and no lti :)

So i am a bit woried on how this MMO will sustain itself after it get live because everybody and his dog interested in this kind of games will alredy chip in for alfa/beta.


  • demadildemadil Member UncommonPosts: 88
    Sorry just a little lost on what your trying to say/ask. Are you worried about everyone else having LTi therefore you can't hurt them personally?
  • apanz3rapanz3r Member UncommonPosts: 273
    What i am trying to say is that after the game is live i don;t see who would buy ships/gold from the developer when you can buy 10 times cheaper fro chinese. This can be a problem because servers needs to be paid - electricity, datacenters, maintenances, bugfixes.
  • free2playfree2play Member UncommonPosts: 2,043
    Star Citizen as I understand it will launch as Squadron 42, a single player game that is then ported to Star Citizen. I myself am very keen about online games and the impact RMT can have but in this case I'd be more concerned with hacks. Either they will need to keep Squadron 42 on some very restricted themepark rails or deal with hacked single player files that have people coming in to Star Citizen with infinite wealth, destroying any organic substance to the SC universe.
  • DocBrodyDocBrody Member UncommonPosts: 1,926
    Originally posted by free2play
    Star Citizen as I understand it will launch as Squadron 42, a single player game that is then ported to Star Citizen. I myself am very keen about online games and the impact RMT can have but in this case I'd be more concerned with hacks. Either they will need to keep Squadron 42 on some very restricted themepark rails or deal with hacked single player files that have people coming in to Star Citizen with infinite wealth, destroying any organic substance to the SC universe.

    As I understand it, you still need to start your launcher and connect to the CIG servers to play Squadron 42.

    It is simply a single player/co-op instance online campaign, so I think hacking offline single player files for infinite wealth will be impossible. Also because you earn citizenship by doing the campaign, which transfers to the later coming persistant universe afterwards, so all this must be handled by the galaxy server, to prevent hacks and cheating

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,250
    The audience for this game had shown they are well on board to pay cash money, devs would be foolish not to exploit that.

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