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Firefall campaign

Firefall gets a campaign - Patch 0.8

-Previously the only thing one could do with Firefall, a first and third person shooter, was to thump for resources and occasionally save outposts. The latest update how ever has added a slew of new content, from crafting changes to a series of missions adding up to the begging of the campaign!

-In this patch, we’re introducing a bunch of major new features, and we’ve improved several areas of the game. If you’ve been wanting to dive deeper into Firefall’s story, you’ll want to try out our new Campaign missions. They’re just the first few steps in the epic journey you’ll take as a player in Firefall. We've also added some brand new of our "wandering encounters" in Coral Forest as well as one for Diamondhead.

-We've also made some upgrades to combat. The Omnidyne-M Dragonfly has been modified to really solidify the duality of its role as a combat medic. In addition, we’re giving you more ways than ever to customize your Battleframes with the addition of over 70 Perks. Perks are unlockable bonuses that you can use in any combination to fit your play style.

-We've also iterated upon several interfaces such as Crafting, the Heads Up Display, the Battleframe Garage progression unlocks, and we've also added a Mission Ledger, which will now be used to track achievements as well as your progress through the Campaign. Jump in-game to experience all of this and more in the latest Firefall update.

Edit: Anyone know why my youtube video isn't showing up? When I preview my post it shows up for me....
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Main Game: Eldevin (Plat0nic)
2nd Game: Path of Exile (Platonic Hate)


  • TyserieTyserie Member UncommonPosts: 155
    They removed all what was good on this game and when people were complaining, always some fancy hat developer reply that if they dont like it, they should just shut up and go. I mean WOW, thats great way how to treat the cutomers. Or even better is, when someone did write that some news in new update arent good,  mr. fancy hat wrote that they are, lol. They know how to speak with people who should pay their bills. Those guys doing this game, they have really huge egos :)
  • plat0nicplat0nic Member Posts: 301

    They just received a 23million dollar infusion.


    Main Game: Eldevin (Plat0nic)
    2nd Game: Path of Exile (Platonic Hate)

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