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This isn't a thread about the any race any faction thread already posted..
What I'm scratching my head about is the timing of this pre order.
1. Game is still in beta
2. And more importantly still under NDA
I mean does anyone else think its rather early to be advertising pre orders? There is a metric fuck ton of stuff we know nothing about yet...
Q: Would you pre order at this stage?
Regarding #1: Wouldn't it be a bit too late to star pre-orders after the beta? Usually betas run right until release, with only downtime for some server upgrades in between.
But I agree about NDA, they should lift it now, or at least have announced when it'll lift.
~Im not what I am~
My thoughts exactly.
People back KS with $100s years before release while the game is basically an idea. Not to far of a stretch to pre order a game a few months in advance.
That doesn't make it right to do so. It just means more people are accepting it.
This is almost as bad as the slew of early access games that have been released in the past year. With Ubisoft's plans to release one of their games (don't remember which) as early access, it seems as if companies don't want to finish the job before they get paid. When they do get your money, the pace of development slows to a crawl, early access or not.
I know a MMO is never "finished" but it at least needs to be free of glaring bugs and have all announced features in and fully working. With the NDA still in effect, it is impossible to find out from others' opinions if the game will be ready for launch or if this money grab is just a scheme to get some cash flowing before people declare it a failure.
I will likely buy ESO, but not until the NDA is lifted and people confirm it is ready for release.
Which is more bizarre:
This isn't a signature, you just think it is.
Yep, exactly.
And in a lot of cases they aren't even dealing with companies that have proven themselves; unlike ESO's developers.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)