If subjectivity requires objectivity for a reference point and objectivity does not require anything, objectivity must be absolute truth. To align oneself with objective reality would therefore cause one to cease to exist? One would be vibrating at the same frequency of objectivity and one would therefore be God. Is this how Buddha did it? Did he align his subjective reality in complete unison with the objective?

Main Game: Eldevin (Plat0nic)
2nd Game: Path of Exile (Platonic Hate)
I think the path-of-enlightenment that you're looking for is know as "Rigor Mortis". A lot of people have achieved the "vibrating at the same frequency of objectivity" but most people try to avoid it if possible...
Cause one to cease to exist?
- Yes
One would therefore be God?
- No, but one would be with God, unless one goes to the other place instead.
Is this how Buddha did it?
- I'd assume so, but there's other ways to go.