It doesn't matter how much better the graphics get, how much better the UI, the gameplay, the PvP. No matter what I do and what game I play I can't seem to re-capture those first few sessions of logging in to play the original Everquest. Is it possible to get that same feeling again?

Main Game: Eldevin (Plat0nic)
2nd Game: Path of Exile (Platonic Hate)
If it was a good MMO like EQ... no.
If it was a bad MMO like WoW or the clones... yes.
For me it's actually my 3rd attempt playing a MMORPG for a long time. I started with Meridian59, then dabbled in UO. But it was and still is today Star Wars Galaxies that gave me the experiance I felt at the time to be a true MMORPG as how I invisioned this genre would be and become. So SWG was my first true MMORPG-love.
Besides I don't want to re-capture that feel of my first MMORPG love but I want it to exceed beyond that first love feel.
I've always told Blizzard that if they had a WotLK (3.3.5) only server I'd gladly transfer to it.
So in the meantime I'm hearthed in Dalaran, and hang out in Storm Peaks (currently literally stuck there in a picture perfect locale for shooting video...pfft on needing model viewers...have a real moving background with particle effects). Hopefully next expansion I can finally solo at least to Saurfang to farm for T10 tokens for my army of Holy paladins, too.
Others can have Outland, Northrend is mine, mine, mine!
So that's not just nostalgia talking, I actually walk the walk, not just talk the talk.
.:| Kevyne@Shandris - Armory |:. - When WoW was #1 - .:| I AM A HOLY PALADIN - Guild Theme |:.
I imagine most will say no here but it can be done. It takes 2 main ingredients:
1. A game created to the standards and playability you require (may not be any now but hopefully some day soon).
2. MOST important or the first ingredient is meaningless. You must free your mind of all past perceptions and open up your imagination (other areas of your brain). This is not easy and most people will simply be unable to do so. It can still be done but takes immense mental discipline and is something applicable in other areas of life.
A big part of why our first mmo was so amazing was because of the freedom and freshness of the experience and this is based entirely on our perception .. which is why it is so personal. I would be any of us could instantly make an impressive laundry list of faults in the first mmo we played but we chose not to worry about those at one time. This can happen again. There will always be faults.
It is possible but you must believe it is or it will never be (like the post below).
You stay sassy!
No, you can't.
and If you think you can, then you will be bouncing fro new mmo to new mmo from now until eternity.
That desire is a cup that can never be filled..
You're a Holy paladin, and tanks needed the highest burst healer to heal them, and it was busy work. And since we had 4 versions of ICC without lockouts, everyone but their dead uncle was doing normal raids. That kept healers and tanks busy 24/7. Not only was there plenty to do, you'd feel like on top of the world, because your class and role was so needed.
And who wouldn't want to kill the Lich King???
Cata didn't have it.
MoP didn't have it.
WoD won't have it.
So Blizzard can have another TBC and miss that mark, I'm waiting on the Northrend revamp and the return to the 12 million players living it up in ICC...
.:| Kevyne@Shandris - Armory |:. - When WoW was #1 - .:| I AM A HOLY PALADIN - Guild Theme |:.
Keep fooling yourself, but the feeling you had first time can never be repeated in life, ever. That is how life works, and human brain works.
All your talk about how your first game was amazing is such a b*llshit. Your best game, sucked for someone else. There is no ultimate solution. One game clicked with you one time, and you were amazed, that is it. Only next time you would get that feeling would be some extreme change, like virtual reality.
First, it will never be the first again.
Second, i don't know about you .. but i would prefer to have some NEW experiences (like a new type of game) then try to repeat an old gaming experience.
My first mmog was UO. I can still play mental videos of some of the game play.
NO...there is only one ....first time
Part of that first time magic is learning all those things for the first time.
So I'm gonna go with no; you can't get it back. (Not without developing amnesia first at least)
It would take a game that's so different that everything is new again, which is very unlikely to happen - unless they suddenly come up with some kind of way to plug into the Matrix Neo-style. =P
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
Well, possibly but it would require a bold developer.
In the first mmo i played, (and i mean really played not just played for a few weeks and stopped) was Final Fantasy XI. There were only 1000 to 2000 people in the beta server. maybe less. Everything felt so real and personal. We had legends in the server. Camping wasn't a problem because of the samll server size. Everything felt personalable. I felt like a hero in a world of few as opposed to every other mmo where i just feel like a single 1.
THe only way this can be recreated is if game companies put less people on servers, meaning take less money for more meaingful experiences. I would glady pay a luxury subscription to a game that offered a small server as a bonus.
I don't believe may vary from person to person though. What really blew me away about mmo's when I first started playing was the amount of people you could have in a persistent world...after your first mmo thats not a big deal anymore.
but new servers are the next best thing
EQ2 fan sites
Its going to be hard to get that feeling again. We were much younger and EQ was the first 3D MMO ( I think...)
Having the imagination and ignorance of youth coupled with the start of a genre revolution, is going to be hard to replicate. WoW came close when it first came out.
I think for me, I might get the same feeling when something revolutionary happens again. It might be playing the first MMO in a virtual reality space (Oculus Rift maybe?) or when a developer can transcend the current "norm" and produces an MMORPG that truly evolves the genre, just as EQ and WoW did.
I just hope I live long enough to see it happen lol.
Main Game: Eldevin (Plat0nic)
2nd Game: Path of Exile (Platonic Hate)
true true. Starting any game from scratch on a new release date is as close as you an get. It's too bad most of these games have such an extensive open beta process so starting these games is more a memorized level grind than exploration for most people
Main Game: Eldevin (Plat0nic)
2nd Game: Path of Exile (Platonic Hate)
Is there a correlation to that and our society/ies? Capitalistic bigger better faster stronger societies seem to be focusing more on individual work grinds in the hamster wheel, followed up with a daily routine (usually confined to a single family one) and we are losing our social interaction and sense of community.
Main Game: Eldevin (Plat0nic)
2nd Game: Path of Exile (Platonic Hate)
mmorpg gamers wanted social interaction and community. Now the player base is dominated by epeens and selfishness, so that's who they cater too.
Its like driving a car on a busy street. People will tail gate you, slam their fists on the steering wheel and call you obscenities and if they could, would run you off the road, just so they can get to that red light 5 seconds faster.
My first was EQoa, and yes i have recaptured that multiple times. EQoa was my first and Going from EQoa to EQ recaptured it for sure, then again with UO, and again with Daoc, then again with VG, hope to recapture it again with Pantheon.
The whole " you cant recapture that first love/kiss" is completely wrong .
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
It is not up to me to recapture it,it is up to the developers.
Right now they are tying to mislead us with talk and marketing,that does not work on me,been around too long,.i can spot a good game from bad in mere minutes.
Early years it was easy to improve games but now all that has gone up is costs and devs trying to cut costs.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
You can have the same feel with EverEmber Online... it reminds me of ultima and etc...
Looking for an Oldschool, Sandbox, MMORPG with no class restrictions or level grind? Try