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SorcedSorced Member CommonPosts: 55

WoW is a crap game. -cough-DIABLO2-cough-WARCRAFT-cough-


RePuTaTiOn ShItE!

In pendants
(Natal trophies torn from bellies of desanctified nuns)
A demon, bewinged, bedight
In scum, prowled their circle seeking entry to run
An arctic tongue upon Her vulva
Where rubies smeared to alabaster thighs
Glittered like a contract in the purse of a whore
Receiving sole communion from the body of christ



  • gargantroogargantroo Member Posts: 1,477

    It's a Diablo 2 clone, since Diablo 2 had:
    huge world other than a set path
    thousands per server instead of just standard 8-16
    opposing factions both optional to players
    selectable view instead of above-head 2d view
    Oh wait, Diablo 2 didnt have any of that. Please stfu.

    i play on australian servers because racism is acceptable there
  • mvinmvin Member UncommonPosts: 53

    Originally posted by Sorced

    WoW is a crap game. -cough-DIABLO2-cough-WARCRAFT-cough-
    RePuTaTiOn ShItE!

    LOL!! Are you by any chance 8 years old, and your mamma won't let you play the game? aww so cute..

    would wish people couldn't join forum only if over the age of 20 :)

  • astefastef Member Posts: 12

    WOW is 12+ years old!

    no 8 years old plz! image

  • MuraisMurais Member UncommonPosts: 1,118

    Wow, wonderful. Just wonderful.

  • magik_fxmagik_fx Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 278

    Another reason why they should ask for ID when logging onto the interweb with mommies computer. When i was 14 i didn't have half the attitude these little rats do today.

  • Nimrod4154Nimrod4154 Member Posts: 864

    I agree but atleast come up with supporting facts. God only knows how many threads have been made against games like World of Warcraft with no supporting facts.


  • ThriftThrift Member Posts: 1,783

    Originally posted by gargantroo

    It's a Diablo 2 clone, since Diablo 2 had:
    huge world other than a set path
    thousands per server instead of just standard 8-16
    opposing factions both optional to players
    selectable view instead of above-head 2d view
    Oh wait, Diablo 2 didnt have any of that. Please stfu.

    Seems right ... yup just like DIablo and Warcraft
  • HashmanHashman Member Posts: 649

    WoW is the McDonalds of the mmorpg world, popular with a lot of people, but it's really junk. Like their burgers WoW has little substance, still if it makes you a profit who cares, right?

  • ColdmeatColdmeat Member UncommonPosts: 3,410

    Originally posted by Hashman
    WoW is the McDonalds of the mmorpg world, popular with a lot of people, but it's really junk. Like their burgers WoW has little substance, still if it makes you a profit who cares, right?

    Except most of the other mmorpg's out at the moment are the equivalent of Taco Johns. I'd rather eat McDonalds given the options.

  • kmimmorpgkmimmorpg Member Posts: 624

    Originally posted by Hashman

    WoW is the McDonalds of the mmorpg world, popular with a lot of people, but it's really junk. Like their burgers WoW has little substance...

    *watches as your analogy falls apart*
  • HashmanHashman Member Posts: 649

    Care to explain how?

    Just because something sells millions doesn't automatically mean it is any good. Just means there are a lot of stupid people out there that's all.

  • kmimmorpgkmimmorpg Member Posts: 624

    Originally posted by Hashman

    Care to explain how?
    Just because something sells millions doesn't automatically mean it is any good. Just means there are a lot of stupid people out there that's all.

    I understand that part of your analogy. Saying a McDonald hamburger isn't substantial seems to move away from your point of McDonald's selling junk food. But I see where you are headed.
  • ColdmeatColdmeat Member UncommonPosts: 3,410

    Maybe someone will try to sue Blizzard for not putting in the game stating that sitting on your duff 18 hours a day is bad playing WoW is bad for your health after they gain 75+ pounds.

    It would be good for a laugh at the very least.

  • kmimmorpgkmimmorpg Member Posts: 624

    Originally posted by Coldmeat

    Maybe someone will try to sue Blizzard for not putting in the game stating that sitting on your duff 18 hours a day is bad playing WoW is bad for your health after they gain 75+ pounds.
    It would be good for a laugh at the very least.

    And think about EQ2...they put a command in to make it easier to order a pizza. Just in case 75 lbs isn't enough.

  • HashmanHashman Member Posts: 649

    Burger-->lacks substance, makes you fill full for about 5 minutes, but too much makes me puke.

    WoW-->see above

    Yes I've played WoW and am stupid really for buying it, quests are way too easy. Why? To cater to the mass market. I have a feeling that battlegrounds will just be a gankfest rather than any tactics/strategy being used.

  • kmimmorpgkmimmorpg Member Posts: 624

    Originally posted by Hashman

    Yes I've played WoW and am stupid really for buying it, quests are way too easy. Why? To cater to the mass market. I have a feeling that battlegrounds will just be a gankfest rather than any tactics/strategy being used.

    Personally, I felt like I got my money's worth. I am staying a few weeks longer than I should have, but ah well.

    You have a feeling it will be a gankfest??? You haven't played since the honor system was implemented I take it. It *already* is a gankfest!

  • HeartBrokenHeartBroken Member Posts: 128

    Dude, have you even played WoW??????? I think you're just some nobody who wants to prmote another mmorpg, and ur jealous WoW's better. And how is WoW a Diablo clone? Diablo isn't even an mmorpg! Ur messed up bro.::::18::

  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378

    Originally posted by Hashman

    WoW is the McDonalds of the mmorpg world, popular with a lot of people, but it's really junk. Like their burgers WoW has little substance, still if it makes you a profit who cares, right?

    Sounds like you never played WoW. Its not junk its freakin amazing how they put so much goodness into just one game. I feel sorry for you if you cant enjoy what WoW has to offer...meh you probably work at which case SUPER SIZE IT BI@T(Himage

    Go troll somewhere else

  • HashmanHashman Member Posts: 649

    Originally posted by HeartBroken

    Dude, have you even played WoW???????

    Yes I have.

    Originally posted by kmimmorpg

    You haven't played since the honor system was implemented I take it.

             Yes I have.

    Originally posted by anarchyart

    Sounds like you never played WoW.

              Yes I have.

    Originally posted by anarchyart

    ...meh you probably work at mcdonalds...

    No I don't.

    Just to clear that up, very presumptiuos of you three to make such assumptions. Typical rebuke when you have no solid argument is to call them a troll or say such rubbish as you obviously don't do this or that etc.

  • ajaxxajaxx Member Posts: 476

    Hashman sounds like your jealous of a video-game.

  • ZipterZipter Member Posts: 5

     Just because you dislike Wow, doesn't make it trash.  They have a lot of sales and subscribers, which mean a lot of people, really enjoy the game.  I played EQ for 6 years and got tired of the hard core gaming and wanted something that would mesh with my new life. Wow is that game, log on for 1 hours do some quest and log off.  image<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  • j-monsterj-monster Member Posts: 1,060

    Originally posted by Hashman

    Originally posted by HeartBroken

    Dude, have you even played WoW???????

    Yes I have.

    Originally posted by kmimmorpg

    You haven't played since the honor system was implemented I take it.

             Yes I have.

    Originally posted by anarchyart

    Sounds like you never played WoW.

              Yes I have.

    Originally posted by anarchyart

    ...meh you probably work at mcdonalds...

    No I don't.

    Just to clear that up, very presumptiuos of you three to make such assumptions. Typical rebuke when you have no solid argument is to call them a troll or say such rubbish as you obviously don't do this or that etc.

    Comparing the game to a hamburger isent a great argument either buddy...

    hows this for an analogy

    ''Hashman and all his other troll buddies are like herpes... they diisapear for a bit and you think they're gone but then they show up a week later just to be jerks''

  • malo7000malo7000 Member Posts: 126

    Even though WoW is one of the better games out there i cant stand it and regret buying it, but thats because im a harcore pvper and wow has the worst pvp system ever ><.

  • GravestonedGravestoned Member Posts: 30
    You have no idea what you are talking about Sorced...


  • JethkooJethkoo Member Posts: 5

    Wow is not so bad, easy to take in hands, with lots of fun details, but I do say it's a solo game.... and i'm not playing a mmorpg for that.

    Wow is fun but I get bored very quickly, I guess only the hability to start a new character keeps the player getting some fun.

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