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What current game has better PvP...critics? (On GW2 and TESO)

crysentcrysent Member UncommonPosts: 841


So looking forward to TESO - all I keep hearing from the doom and gloomers is that the PvP will be similar to GW2, which isn't an issue in my opinion.

Does GW2 offer the best possible pvp/wvw experience? No

Does it FAR outshine everything else on the market currently? yes

As far as I'm concerned GW2 is only second to a few long dead MMOs: Dark Age of Camelot and Shadowbane, and to a lesser extent Darfall 1 right at release (before the hacks and exploits and l3et guilds took over), and Original Ultima Online.

I've been around a long time in MMOs, since early Ultima Online.  I've played every hyped (and many non-hyped) games since 1998.  I've played so many PvP systems.  One thing I've learned is that setting the bar SUPER high in regards to PvP ALWAYS fails.  GW2 has always struck me as having nice balance, and its constantly improving, being added to - whereas many of the past games I've played the devs were in so far over there head that they spent the next 3 years (*Cough mortal online*) trying to fix and implement all the crap they promised at release.

The only current game I can think of that might be on par is EvE, but personally I place that game in its own category.

So here is my question: What game CURRENTLY on the market has  better PvP?  Not just mechanics, all around (An actual population to engage in the pvp with).

For example: Mortal Online (minus the hacks and exploits) had some fun PvP, however the game is empty, and you can't pvp if there is no one around to PvP with.

Everyones a critic, but no one gives GW2 the credit it deserves for at least finding a decent balance in regards to their WvW mechanics.


So from a holistic perspective, I would love to hear about better examples of solid PvP systems that are currently on the market.

I would much rather have a fluid, bug free, and reasonably casual PvP system in place than some super high ideals that never make it in, and what turns out is a buggy, exploit/hack filled joke (Like Darkfall and Mortal) or some 5 vs 5 arena crap.

Clearly TESO Devs are trying to find that balance, trying to give everyone a little of they want without becoming one of the bazillion failed *niche* games on the market.


  • SiphaedSiphaed Member RarePosts: 1,114

    This thread belongs in the TESO section, not the GW2 section.  As much as you're praising GW2's PvP mechanics, you're basically talking about TESO and how it's going to be a "great game" because it's doing a clone style of GW2's PvP. 


    As for TESO, I see it not doing so well because it's subscription isn't worth the game.  According to much of the Press that's been giving the game views, it's basically a single-player game with 'some' multiplayer elements and PvP.  The game is in no way a "true MMORPG" and thus isn't worth paying monthly for.   GW2 is a true MMORPG, and it's a B2P (buy the box, never pay a dime afterwards if you don't want to), so someone wanting 'that' type of PvP gets a better value out of an already well-established, year-of-updates game that it is.


  • ThodraThodra Member UncommonPosts: 444
    Originally posted by Siphaed

    This thread belongs in the TESO section, not the GW2 section.  As much as you're praising GW2's PvP mechanics, you're basically talking about TESO and how it's going to be a "great game" because it's doing a clone style of GW2's PvP. 


    As for TESO, I see it not doing so well because it's subscription isn't worth the game.  According to much of the Press that's been giving the game views, it's basically a single-player game with 'some' multiplayer elements and PvP.  The game is in no way a "true MMORPG" and thus isn't worth paying monthly for.   GW2 is a true MMORPG, and it's a B2P (buy the box, never pay a dime afterwards if you don't want to), so someone wanting 'that' type of PvP gets a better value out of an already well-established, year-of-updates game that it is.


    GW2 a true mmo?? And you are saying ESO won't be?? I think ESO will be way better than GW2, when it comes to mmo. 

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    You mean rpg... Both are mmos. Gw2 tab target. Eso recticle combat.
  • VolkonVolkon Member UncommonPosts: 3,748
    Originally posted by bcbully
    You mean rpg... Both are mmos. Gw2 tab target. Eso recticle combat.


    GW2 is a hybrid. Some skills require a target, many don't, and some even behave differently with or without a target, adding another level of complexity when using them.

    Oderint, dum metuant.

  • Jonas_SGJonas_SG Member UncommonPosts: 475
    Originally posted by crysent

    So here is my question: What game CURRENTLY on the market has  better PvP?  Not just mechanics, all around (An actual population to engage in the pvp with).


    Probably EvE online and Planetside 2.






  • Gaia_HunterGaia_Hunter Member UncommonPosts: 3,066
    Originally posted by bcbully
    You mean rpg... Both are mmos. Gw2 tab target. Eso recticle combat.

    The thing is that in 1500+ hours played, I've never touched the tab button.

    Currently playing: GW2
    Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders

  • tom_goretom_gore Member UncommonPosts: 2,001
    Originally posted by Gaia_Hunter
    Originally posted by bcbully
    You mean rpg... Both are mmos. Gw2 tab target. Eso recticle combat.

    The thing is that in 1500+ hours played, I've never touched the tab button.

    This. Tabbing in GW2 PvP will get you killed, pretty fast.


  • tom_goretom_gore Member UncommonPosts: 2,001
    Originally posted by Robokapp
    Originally posted by Gaia_Hunter
    Originally posted by bcbully
    You mean rpg... Both are mmos. Gw2 tab target. Eso recticle combat.

    The thing is that in 1500+ hours played, I've never touched the tab button.

    I bet there are many WoW players with the same story...really. sadly.

    The difference is, in GW2 you really don't need the tab button for anything.

  • Gaia_HunterGaia_Hunter Member UncommonPosts: 3,066
    Originally posted by Robokapp
    Originally posted by Gaia_Hunter
    Originally posted by bcbully
    You mean rpg... Both are mmos. Gw2 tab target. Eso recticle combat.

    The thing is that in 1500+ hours played, I've never touched the tab button.

    I bet there are many WoW players with the same story...really. sadly.

    The thing is that in WoW that makes you a bad player. In GW2 it makes you a good player.

    Currently playing: GW2
    Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders

  • TatercakeTatercake Member UncommonPosts: 286
    so i guess you think zerg trains are great pvp sigh what has the world come to i will say i enjoyedaoc pvp a lot lot lot more than gw2 i have not played  it when it went free to play they would not let me use my toons  i spent years building so i left the game i do not know what it is like now that it is free to play  but gw2 pvp was sad in my book i enjoyed gw1 pvp a lot  but zerg trains  oh come on rely 
  • TatercakeTatercake Member UncommonPosts: 286
    eso is tab target man 
  • Gaia_HunterGaia_Hunter Member UncommonPosts: 3,066
    Originally posted by Tatercake
    so i guess you think zerg trains are great pvp sigh what has the world come to i will say i enjoyedaoc pvp a lot lot lot more than gw2 i have not played  it when it went free to play they would not let me use my toons  i spent years building so i left the game i do not know what it is like now that it is free to play  but gw2 pvp was sad in my book i enjoyed gw1 pvp a lot  but zerg trains  oh come on rely 

    It is Army vs Army.

    For some reason the same people over and over come out standing on the other side of the zerg clash while the same people over and over are left lying in the ground.

    It is a different type of PvP that fulfills a different type of desire/wants than an arena or gvg type of PvP fulfill.

    Currently playing: GW2
    Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders

  • ellobo29ellobo29 Member UncommonPosts: 423

    "So here is my question: What game CURRENTLY on the market has  better PvP?  Not just mechanics, all around (An actual population to engage in the pvp with)".



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