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Just supported this game. Like what I'm seeing developer wise. Once I am in the Alpha I will post my no-b/s opinion of the ALPHA (i.e. the not real version of the game, therefore my opinion is probably useless but I'll do it anyway commentary we all love here on experience.
Anyone else in the Alpha, please feel free to post your experiences, thoughts etc..! I would love to be entertained by them while I await the code to my destiny.
*Waits for his Eve mining ship to fill*
No responses yet?!
"Trove" is a blatant ripoff of a game called "Cubeworld". Go look it up, and then laugh at Trion for their fail at copying a game and trying to do "better" than the original.
Trion is a good company to its employees, but a bad game company. I've yet to see anything original from them that is worth $$.
Trion is a good company.* There, I fixed it for you.
If you want a new idea, go read an old book.
In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.
At least Trove is published, developed, and supported by an actual company instead of a husband and wife team who work on the game whenever they feel like it.
Also, from all I've heard they're really not all that alike.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
This is a personal opinion, i played minecraft for ages, probably 2000+ hours and had about 300 hours played in cubeworld.
I think that right now, Trove is worthless.
Its building is worse then minecraft, It's combat is worse then cubeworld, and trove doesn't have a very charming graphical art style either, It's character design is.. Ugh.. >.>
What it does have though, is that despite being an alpha product, It's framerate is awesome, the game runs smooth as butter on my rig.
That and we're dealing with Trion, so I expect a polished product when trove is released, but this alpha really isn't worth buying into unless you're willing to play the most barebones of barebone games and are incredibly excited to track down bugs, of which besides wall jumping i haven't found any so far.
I hold hope for Trove because minecrafts combat is downright awful, and cubeworld lacks building at all, not to mention that Cubeworlds Dev is working at an incredible snailspace.
So It'll be fun to see if Trove manages to trump Mojang and Picroma, it certainly should be possible with Minecraft lacking any kind of survival or gear progression at all ( It's kind of irrelevant when you can kill everything naked. ) and with faster developers then cubeworld, trove should be able to make itself into good competition.
I love it though! You ever get the alpha I am "Dreamo" in game. No way to tell or friends list yet but say hello if you see me
@OP and everyone else in the game:
please ignore the people who provide unconstructive criticism and please do share your in-game experiences. I like the idea behind Trove (including the voxel graphics) and the concept that I've seen so far on their webside appeals to me too.
A perfect example of sharing one's experiences are micro-reviews - a 2-3 paragraph of your ingame activities detailing your adventures, finding mobs/quests/interesting places/bugs/etc
Thank you
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
I pop in on the weekends and despite all my misgivings, I find it fun. Just plain, simple, kid-like fun.
I love that there's no fall damage so I can explore to my heart's content. I can build everywhere, create tunnels, box in mobs or make holes in which to capture them. I can play it like a hack 'n slash and clear dungeons for loot and xp. I can build in my own corner(stone) of the world without worrying about griefers. I can farm up thousands of colored blocks and then spend hours making things for the tower of awesomeness I call home. And I can chat with the devs or the company CEO on a Saturday or Sunday morning over coffee.
I tossed some money at Trove to support Trion because I play Rift and love it. But this little game with its goofy avatar and nerdy voxel blocks has grown on me. I hope it does well for a long time.
Sounds more and more like a game that I would love. This game sounds like minecraft online, I would really like to see a comparison between those two. Have you played Minecraft? What similarities/differences are there between those 2 games?
How do you chat with devs over coffee, do you live in the same city?
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
Here's my experience while playing. Keep in mind I just got an alpha code today~
So I log in, read the signs, then port to the novice area. Make a claim, get my crafting table and healing thingy recharger. I build a little, then proceed to completely tear down the basic house they give you and use those materials to build something that's more my style. Then I head out and kill quite a few mobs. I love the variation in mobs. I also love the Gunslinger class. It's fun. You have no trouble finding gear upgrades, including weapons. I have several variations of laser pistols to use now.
After that I decided, for no real reason, to start digging downward creating a mine of sorts. I get down a good ways and just start tunneling in a random direction. After a while, it opens up into this HUGE underground cavern. Inside I find plenty of uncommon and possibly rare materials to farm. While I am exploring that cavern I come to what turns out to be the basement of a dungeon/lair (you can peep in one of the little holes and see inside). I discover that around the base of that dungeon is a way up and out of the cavern, which puts you at the entrance to the dungeon.
So of course I enter the dungeon. I proceed to kill mobs and eventually fall down into the pit of the dungeon. There are fireballs shooting on all four sides that you want to stay clear of. In the center of the room is this urn-type thing you can interact with. I think, okay, cool. And BOOM, out pop around 5 mobs. I proceed to kill them and out pops more. I repeat the process and get done killing all the mobs again and all the sudden there's a portal to leave the dungeon (there was no way to climb out, though I guess that I could have built stairs if i really wanted to). So I port out, check out my loot, and go on my way.
All in all, that little play session was incredibly fun.
Oh, there are these huge red X structures in the air above what i'm assuming are lairs? Anyway I used a nearby tree to climb up on the X and proceeded to destroy it. That yielded over 2000 red building blocks that I plan to use on my home.
In short, it's a lot of fun. It's different. And yes I've played a ton of minecraft with my kids. This is a totally different game. Oh and I just dinged level 4!
Please Note: I'm done arguing with unreasonable people with an agenda and/or those that fail to see logic.
Argue if you must, discount my post with anti-logic and/or Hyperbole. I won't be responding any longer.
I'm not into these type of games at all. That is only my opinion of course. But, I wanted to tell you I'm happy that you are enjoying it. I love the feeling of getting into a new game that really captivates you. You end up spending more time in the game then you ever thought you would lol.
It's good to see people enjoying it! I have a lot of fun too! Pretty much all my play sessions are what you described. My newest mission is hunting recipe dungeons.
Oh, and the big red X over the lair means it's been cleared, so no one waste their time going in there.
Same here. I didn't realize at the time what the function was exactly, that I was making a cleared lair appear uncleared.. But even still, if I go up to a lair and there's a portal up top, that's a pretty clear indication. I know it's not the same.. But I love me some red blocks.. Sorry people. =X
Yeah I noticed. I tend to post in current, sometimes older (within reason) threads that are relevant to my post rather than start my own. However, in retrospect, my post could easily have warranted a new post given the influx of alpha players. Ah well. Not gonna double-post.
Now to log into Trove and take over the world! Or at least make a 4th level to my home.
Please Note: I'm done arguing with unreasonable people with an agenda and/or those that fail to see logic.
Argue if you must, discount my post with anti-logic and/or Hyperbole. I won't be responding any longer.
im having a blast in this game but the bland blocks and generic names based on color is driving me crazy already.
I really hope that Alpha is the reason why the blocks dont have texture and only have a single color. Im not digging a green block, im supposed to be digging a grass block, or a dirt block, or a concrete block, etc. Hopefully they add those textures resembling those resources and their respective names. They added a nice texture to the ore blocks so they can do the same with the ground and wall blocks.
Work on those textures Trion, you have a really fun game here. But this is a must have feature.
I actually don't mind the generic blocks. Primal red, green, yellow, etc. As far as textures go, I could completely see that being added through one of the many types of crafting stations (if it's not available already). The game has so much underlying complexity, it's pretty mind boggling.
Really mind boggling part is seeing the game develop from early alpha! Was really cool to see the development process so early on and how systems change so drastically on a weekly basis.
Good game. Loving all the exploring and creating!
Proud member since March 2004! Make PvE GREAT Again!
I stopped playing for a few months and just got back in I can't believe the changes! Fell in love all over again it's amazing the direction they went. It feels like the ultimate ARPG with an MMO/builder twist.
I'm Dreamo in game though if you ever want to add me. Anyone here can add me if they want! Sadly you can't add anyone unless they are online at the time which is a little frustrating.
Just have to quote this truth here...
New players can get a welcome package and old/returning players can also get a welcome back package and 7 days free subscription time! Just click here to use my referral invitation
This thread just caused me to go and drop $20 on Trove. Pretty fun after a quick hour before bed.
I was looking at Glyph and thinking that Trion has a pretty nice little stable of games going for itself.
EDIT: Made it to level 4 as a gunslinger. Played a knight to level 2. Absolutely fun and worth the $20 already.