Blizzard is an insanely greedy company. We have no reason to believe that of Star Citizen yet. They're just trying to fund an incredibly ambitious game.
Blizzard is an insanely greedy company. We have no reason to believe that of Star Citizen yet. They're just trying to fund an incredibly ambitious game.
Ambitious? How so? It's really just making promises so far of things that no one's seen. Selling ships that only have models and even when the game is released it will be heavily instanced and really just a sequel to Wing Commander. This doesn't sound ambitious at all.
Amibitios to make money
1. Release of deluxe hangar with pee mist , which took a while to fix
2. delayed of first real gaming code - you can't really call hangar module a game
<div message"="">3. main focus on releasing new ships to boost sales (temporary lti etc).
Se bellow a screenshot from a modern game and from sc.
I think "cash-grab" has some legitimacy when they charge hundreds (even upwards of a $1000) for digital ships; however they at least offer reasonable levels to buy in at for less than the $59.99 you'd normally pay for a game of this quality. As for overfunded it looks like all the funds are going directly towards the development and it's probably will be the first AAA quality game completed funded by crowd funding IF they deliver. Underdelivering... how can you even tell at this point? Once we start getting info on the alpha and beta testing we'll know at that point, but how well they deliver is still completely up in the air.
Originally posted by fummorpg I really don't think it's fair comparing this to least D3 is still a good game, it's not what everyone "wanted" and there were some controversial things (really who cares if people can spend real money), but Blizzard ALWAYS creates quality. SC...well...even their hangar models really aren't that great.
Well i never said D3 is a bad game, i played it for 2 months and then deleted from the disk, while i still have D2.
good pedigree- blizard + d2
overhyped - half of the gamers waited for it
underdelivering - stupid action house, imposible dificulty, built arround ah
First lets say I have zero interest in the game. But it is being built and funded through Kickstarter and so far has continued to excel in the dream of an awesome game to the people who are funding it. WE are the investors (we as in the gamers funding it) Not some corporation or a slew of backers or the Triple 3 from 38studios who failed to deliver which even after taking all of Rhode Islands(?) money.
Its only a cash-grab if you want it to be. The game isn't released in development and everyone knows it'll be a long process, but hey its better to them than all the other crude on the market. Showing images of a game and images of SC is no comparison, because frankly I have no idea what game that is, I assume some BF/COD stuff which isn't worth the $60.00 asking price to begin with to me.
Blizzard is an insanely greedy company. We have no reason to believe that of Star Citizen yet. They're just trying to fund an incredibly ambitious game.
. Unfortunately there isn't any real reason to disbelieve it yet either. Just have to wait with fingers crossed.
I too disagree regarding the AH, and even though I think it was a horribly misguided idea, I don't think the intent was cash grab. 3rd party gold/item trading was rampant in D2, but if you didn't bother to participate you still had a great game.
Path of Exile has absolutely absurd inflation going on. If you try to play that game legitimately you can't buy anything from other players because drop rates can NOT keep up with people who use the 3rd party sites to buy currency and items. That's what blizz was trying to mitigate, but they were in denial about the AH's influence over the game itself. That's being said, at least they have realized that and are rectifying it for the xpac and have come up with an alternative solution which should minimize 3rd party involvement while also getting rid of the RMAH.
Can't say for SC, I'm no stranger to deluxe and collector's editions. Some of us like those extras. I recently bought the Hobbit extended collectors edition for that reason and I regularly purchase collector's edition for games I'm really excited about. So I can't fault the developers for offering $1000 ships to people who want to pay that much for them. Certain exclusivity with that. And if the game is really good, 5 years down the road having something rare might bring those players a lot of enjoyment.
I don't know if it's overhyped either, I haven't been following it. So my rule of thumb is, if I'm not being bombarded with how awesome something is going to be while I'm not seeking news about it, it's probably not overhyped considering I read gaming news everyday. GW2 was overhyped - by a metric ton (it's a good game, I bought the collecter's edition, but it was still massively overhyped for the end product).
Overfunded? It would be really really difficult to find a game developer who would say that they've overfunded. Any excess money can be spent to help complete development faster or produce additional content. Unless you meant it in the sense that the game costs more than it's worth . . . like SWTOR. Which cost an arm and a leg, but is barely worth the toilet paper used during it's development period.
Like I said, I dunno much about SC, but . . . wait and see?
Originally posted by Raventree Boy, the haters are sure getting an early start.
If you are a fanboy please make yourself a service and post on their forums where only the fanboys are allowed. I just raise a concern because we have been suposed to have a fighting module in december and with all the cash they grabbed thei failed to deliver. I am sure they will launch some new ships with lti however those days.
So this thread is hater only?
No matter how cynical you become, its never enough to keep up - Lily Tomlin
Fanboys can post on officieal star citizen threads.
Members from here can post in whichever thread they wish, these are NOT 'official' threads, and if you don't like ppl calling you out on your posts or whatever your agenda is, then you shouldn't be posting.
The only issue I could see here is if you helped fund the KS. If you didn't, your thread reeks of false assumptions. You should better ask yourself 'Why should I care?'
BTW, I'm not even interested in SC so any of your 'rebuttals' if you can call them that will be weak as seen thus far.
Members from here can post in whichever thread they wish, these are NOT 'official' threads, and if you don't like ppl calling you out on your posts or whatever your agenda is, then you shouldn't be posting.
The only issue I could see here is if you helped fund the KS. If you didn't, your thread reeks of false assumptions. You should better ask yourself 'Why should I care?'
BTW, I'm not even interested in SC so any of your 'rebuttals' if you can call them that will be weak as seen thus far.
Members from here can post in whichever thread they wish, these are NOT 'official' threads, and if you don't like ppl calling you out on your posts or whatever your agenda is, then you shouldn't be posting.
The only issue I could see here is if you helped fund the KS. If you didn't, your thread reeks of false assumptions. You should better ask yourself 'Why should I care?'
BTW, I'm not even interested in SC so any of your 'rebuttals' if you can call them that will be weak as seen thus far.
Haters have agenda's but fanboi's don't.
Seems legit.
No, they both do but neither can say 'Post somewhere else'
If the topic can't be discussed instead of saying 'It's bad, anyone that doesn't agree go away' then the OP failed in understanding forums.
Blizzard is an insanely greedy company. We have no reason to believe that of Star Citizen yet. They're just trying to fund an incredibly ambitious game.
Amibitios to make money
1. Release of deluxe hangar with pee mist , which took a while to fix
2. delayed of first real gaming code - you can't really call hangar module a game
<div message"="">3. main focus on releasing new ships to boost sales (temporary lti etc).Se bellow a screenshot from a modern game and from sc.
All games are cash grabs.
Name me one company that develops games for a hobby.
Currently playing:
SWToR, Aion,EQ, Dark Age of Camelot
World of Warcraft, AoC
Well i never said D3 is a bad game, i played it for 2 months and then deleted from the disk, while i still have D2.
good pedigree- blizard + d2
overhyped - half of the gamers waited for it
underdelivering - stupid action house, imposible dificulty, built arround ah
focused on cash-grab - action house
This specific guy is on a warpath and has now recreated almost a carbon copy of his last thread (which is still going by the way).
First lets say I have zero interest in the game. But it is being built and funded through Kickstarter and so far has continued to excel in the dream of an awesome game to the people who are funding it. WE are the investors (we as in the gamers funding it) Not some corporation or a slew of backers or the Triple 3 from 38studios who failed to deliver which even after taking all of Rhode Islands(?) money.
Its only a cash-grab if you want it to be. The game isn't released in development and everyone knows it'll be a long process, but hey its better to them than all the other crude on the market. Showing images of a game and images of SC is no comparison, because frankly I have no idea what game that is, I assume some BF/COD stuff which isn't worth the $60.00 asking price to begin with to me.
Star Citizen is not even comparably hyped or funded as Diablo 3.
I'm guessing they ran out of stuff to hate on about GW2 or TOR
No matter how cynical you become, its never enough to keep up - Lily Tomlin
I too disagree regarding the AH, and even though I think it was a horribly misguided idea, I don't think the intent was cash grab. 3rd party gold/item trading was rampant in D2, but if you didn't bother to participate you still had a great game.
Path of Exile has absolutely absurd inflation going on. If you try to play that game legitimately you can't buy anything from other players because drop rates can NOT keep up with people who use the 3rd party sites to buy currency and items. That's what blizz was trying to mitigate, but they were in denial about the AH's influence over the game itself. That's being said, at least they have realized that and are rectifying it for the xpac and have come up with an alternative solution which should minimize 3rd party involvement while also getting rid of the RMAH.
Can't say for SC, I'm no stranger to deluxe and collector's editions. Some of us like those extras. I recently bought the Hobbit extended collectors edition for that reason and I regularly purchase collector's edition for games I'm really excited about. So I can't fault the developers for offering $1000 ships to people who want to pay that much for them. Certain exclusivity with that. And if the game is really good, 5 years down the road having something rare might bring those players a lot of enjoyment.
I don't know if it's overhyped either, I haven't been following it. So my rule of thumb is, if I'm not being bombarded with how awesome something is going to be while I'm not seeking news about it, it's probably not overhyped considering I read gaming news everyday. GW2 was overhyped - by a metric ton (it's a good game, I bought the collecter's edition, but it was still massively overhyped for the end product).
Overfunded? It would be really really difficult to find a game developer who would say that they've overfunded. Any excess money can be spent to help complete development faster or produce additional content. Unless you meant it in the sense that the game costs more than it's worth . . . like SWTOR. Which cost an arm and a leg, but is barely worth the toilet paper used during it's development period.
Like I said, I dunno much about SC, but . . . wait and see?
So this thread is hater only?
No matter how cynical you become, its never enough to keep up - Lily Tomlin
Members from here can post in whichever thread they wish, these are NOT 'official' threads, and if you don't like ppl calling you out on your posts or whatever your agenda is, then you shouldn't be posting.
The only issue I could see here is if you helped fund the KS. If you didn't, your thread reeks of false assumptions. You should better ask yourself 'Why should I care?'
BTW, I'm not even interested in SC so any of your 'rebuttals' if you can call them that will be weak as seen thus far.
Wow... OP, can you look into your Crystal Ball and tell me the winning Lottery Numbers for next week? I'd really appreciate it!
This ^^
Haters have agenda's but fanboi's don't.
Seems legit.
No, they both do but neither can say 'Post somewhere else'
If the topic can't be discussed instead of saying 'It's bad, anyone that doesn't agree go away' then the OP failed in understanding forums.
OP, you posted a similar thread before that is still active:
Locking this one.
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