SOLDIER of Shinra on the Exodus "NA" server is actively recruiting mature players.
For questions concerning our Free Company policies and recruitment, please contact one of the following in-game or visit
Pinozi Kingz (Guild Master)
Odyssey Zurander (Guild Master)
Recruitment Information:
Play Times: SOLDIER of Shinra is a PST based guild, we tend to play a little later than most. Typically, we have members on almost all day.
Currently we are running 4 main raid teams with different times.
Recruitment Needs: All mature players are encouraged to apply regardless of class or level.
What We Need From You:
- A positive attitude. Everyone has bad days, but excessive negativity will not be tolerated.
- We are not a mandatory raiding Guild, but if you sign up for a raid, we expect you to be there.
- The desire to be part of a bigger team/community.
- Willingness to improve your personal abilities and learn fight specific tactics.
- Willingness to contribute to the Guild, when you can.
Guild Description:
The leadership and founding members of SOLDIER of Shinra have been playing MMOsr over ten years in various Guilds. Many of our members have raiding experience ranging from EQ, EQ2, VG, Vanilla/BC WoW with our WotLK experience limited to VoA, EoS, Naxx and Ulduar.
We understand that our players have responsibilities outside the game (family, school, work). We play to have fun, but we do want to progress through end game content. Progression takes time and commitment. If you do not have the time to invest in raiding, do not be discouraged. Although it will take you longer to progress, we will do what we can to help you gear up at a pace comfortable to you.
Thanks and we look forward to you joining us soon.
Nerd at heart.