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I've been a member of for several years now and ive clicked allot of the Free Beta Key go try this mmo likes on the site and here recently I've got my self into the OMG help me this is boring mmo point again that i can only seem to break by cutting my arm off and not playing any games for X Years/months and try again. I am a vet. mmo semi casual player. I have Played several games and im just looking for something My wife and I can sink out teeth into and not have to shell out allot for bucks do do so. Ill compile a list of games ive played and what i loved/hated about them and then I Wanna hear some suggestions from you all the great player base of some suggestions of things to play. that are not on my list but have something that im looking for ,
WoW: Played till about a week after the Cata Xpac,
Pros; loved pre Wotlk Raiding it was complex and fun and the lore was sweet!
Cons; Not allot of character customizations, got stale just a rewash of old content every few months graphics where jagged
Lineage 2, M first heart set MMO I loved the game it was rich colorful and fun to play
Pros; Lots of lore, leveling was fun, community was great!
Cons; Lackluster gear choices, noninstanced raids
AION Got it on release
Pros: Was pretty.....
Cons: grind grind grind grind lvl 2
Ragnarok Online
Great game just grew out of the style
Tera & rising
currently playing this with my wife but just so hard to get hooked into...
FF14 ARR Love this game but due to lack of money and lack of content just cant play it
Guildwars 2, Its big its pretty but it just feels empty no set progression or scaling...
Swtor, played for about 40 mins just kinda felt way too much like wow with brighter colors xD
Everquest 2 I so loved this game and after it went F2P i tryed to get into it again but it feels empty even with UI mods it feels like its missing something for me.
D&D online, felt like it was more geared for solo players and the content felt small and everything was instanced
Neverwinter, did not get really far into it started feeling like it was more like D&D with a new coat of paint
Maplestory.. i was so addicted to this game for like months and it game me migraines
vindictus, was gory loved the combat but felt like everyone was the same person
C9, Played the beta Was very Arcadish and did not like how everything felt stiff
Rift, Tryed to play it after it went F2P but it looks like all that great class creating has turned into premade or die now
I know i know list stated to get sloppy but basicly im looking for something with loads of end game a bit of polish to graphics not talking AAA but pretty lots of character creating feature loads of Gear and raids im willing to revisit something if your reasoning is justified and im willing to try something new and out of the box as well!!!! Thanks in advance you all rock and i know you will help me find the one game i need to make it right !
AION cut the time to level in half and then added a fast track server that cut the time to level in half again and lets you avoid PvP until almost end game. If you enjoyed that gave it has one of the best F2P models out there and had addressed your biggest flaw.
if you are a heavy raider or heavy pvp'r i would think that the premade souls are certainly the way to go. but just for enjoying the leveling as a casual player im pretty sure you would find that those premades just aren't necessary and are really meant as examples or templates for folks new to the system.
"There are at least two kinds of games.
One could be called finite, the other infinite.
A finite game is played for the purpose of winning,
an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play."
Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse
Rift is one of the worst MMORPG to be relased in the past 10 years, I can't suggest that one no matter what you want.
Playing: Darkfall New Dawn (and planning to play Fallout 76)
Favourite games have included: UO, Lineage2, Darkfall, Lotro, Baldur's Gate, SSX, FF7 and yes the original Wizardry on an Apple IIe