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“Although we haven’t specifically made any announcements, we will be bringing our major stuff over there [on PS4], including Everquest," Sony Online Entertainment president John Smedley told IGN. "We’re not talking exactly about what it would be, but let’s just say it would closely resemble Everquest Next.” Its ForgeLight Engine, Smedley says, is running plenty fine on PS4, and has been for some time. SOE recently revealed EverQuest Next Landmark, a tool set separate from the MMO proper -- perhaps we'll see it, or something similar, make its way onto PS4.
Further confirmation =D
I think you're spot on but don't think SoE will have to change any gameplay features. While it's true that the building/sculpting tools may be harder on a game pad you can use a keyboard/mouse setup:
I could see EQN and LM being put on PS4 as is (well, visually, not coding
). The huge question would be server structuring and whether PC could share with console. Since KB/mouse and gamepad are available on both I don't see a need to separate the server types for "fair play".
SOE seems to have a history of segregating Playstation and PC users. It sorta makes sense in Planetside 2 where a split-second makes a huge difference and keyboard+mouse comes out on top. I get the sense Sony is reluctant to go with keyboard+mouse though and personally would be happier if they came up with other solutions. I bet the trackpad could be used for a lot of the resizing of stuff in Landmark.
EQN and Landmark both seem to be looking to dumb down and simplify Everquest in general so they are actually a perfect fit for consoles.
I take it you didn't watch the Livestream.
There are very few controls in Landmark. Adapting it for a controller or touch would be child's play, as it was largely built with those interfaces in mind.
Obviously a KB/Mouse would give you the most fidelity, but manipulating that stuff on a PS4 or Smartphone would also work fine.
I saw the livestream after posting that
It could really work!
Can still remember him saying on August 2nd how much he likes PC's and thinks consoles are inferior. Everquest Next will be made for PC! Right, on the grass-is-blue-convention Smed's grass is definitely blue.
Here I was hoping Everquest Next could be fun, but now... don't think so.
People had such high hopes for EQN.
At last, "the return of sandbox".
Then the reveal happened.
And now this.
What's wrong with MMOs on console?
I thought Everquest Online Adventures was pretty good. And I've heard that Final Fantasy 11 was pretty good.
I've heard mixed views on the FF14:ARR. Most of it seems to deal with the controller and lower end graphics.
The gamepad controls for FF14 is amazing in my opinion, very intuitive and smooth.
SOE also said they working on PC only for now
"We need to make sure that it's a kickass game on PC before we do anything else," EQ franchise director Dave Georgeson
some history:
Free Realms, launched on PC first in 2009, came to consoles 2 years later in 2011
DCUO simultaneous launch for PC / consoles
Planetside 2, launched on PC first in 2012, coming to consoles in 2014
EQ2 fan sites
EQ2 fan sites
Some of you are living in the stone age. The ps4 controller has a functioning trackpad, and you can use sixaxis to move a pointer around pretty easy as well (try it with text entry).
It doesn't even make sense to call things crossovers this gen. Windows is the lame duck here.
The above is my personal opinion. Anyone displaying a view contrary to my opinion is obviously WRONG and should STHU. (neener neener)
-The MMO Forum Community
Hey man, at least its free, right?
The above is my personal opinion. Anyone displaying a view contrary to my opinion is obviously WRONG and should STHU. (neener neener)
-The MMO Forum Community
on ports its not the gamepad controls that is an issue, its the mouse and keyboard, it always feels clunky on PC with mouse and keyboard - goes for FF14: ARR as well and any other port Ive tried. also I ve actually mildly enjoyed FF 14, even if it feels very half done even now after its "re make", actually have had great pickup groups, some more fun than others ofc.
I don't care if it ends up there, but I do not want the development to suffer to make it happen. I will always play mmos on a computer, don't see me ever doing it on a console. I play shorter games on the console, but I do not want to play something for hours holding a game pad personally.
So if they can make it to where both groups are happy, more power to them...I just wouldn't get too sure about anything till it is official.
And don't forget this badboy
ALso see this
People need to suck it up, console MMOing is truly on the map now not just your odd couple but truly on the map.
I have a PS4 and a top end PC, games like Black Desert and EQN i'll play on PC but TESO i'll be getting for the PS4.