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It looks like their main concern is to grab more money altough they allredy reached any goal they proposed.
The "limited available" ships return again for a week etc.
Bottomline : consume with moderation, don;t fall in their marketing trap.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanx a ton for the warning! So good to have ppl around that care about how I spend my money. Hope you will be there when I buy a new car! You are just ACE!
If anything it's player hype and speculation that causes people to buy ships (pledges) in Star Citizen. If they really were going for money grab they are doing a HORRIBLE job at it. Most of the pledges you see are just individuals that feel they need to keep up with the rest of the players, so they buy bigger ships.
I was interested in star citizen but just fighting in space ships are boring.
I want missions on land,it should have been like mass effect then they could have grabbed my money.
You realize Mass Effect had zero space combat right? Sure Normandy was a spaceship but it was ultimately a interactive road map.
It also seems you arent informed about FPS combat/play in SC. You will be able to run around FPS or third person on planets and ships. This includes FPS combat ON PLANETS (a stretch goal already met!) So yes you will be able to FPS on a planet at release just like ME.
Are you aware that actually the game reached the funding goals for ship boarding, starbase and land combat?
Check this
Look for 16 million dollars forward (you receive a laser pistol at this point), in 20 million dollars goal is the fighting in lawless planets, not only station or platforms
This is one of those threads that sould be locked imediately.
You give no valuable information whatsoever, you make an accusation without any kind of sense, you clearly show no knowledge of the project itself since its a crowd funded project and RSI made it clear from the start what people were having or not for each goal reached and with the increasing revenue more goals were added, and you come here saying something like that about a high quality project geting 21 millions fan based when there are AAA tittes out there spending 10 or 20 times more that dont fit in your perspective of things.
The forums have a reputation for being a swirling cesspool of hate-filled people bagging endlessly about games they never had any intention of playing or liking. OP's post is rather tame compared to the other people who post daily or weekly threads about the same games.
I see your posting here is about as intelligent as your posts on the SC boards.
Yep, available for a limited time. Did you forget the part about "all ships will be available in game" or did you just decide to leave that little piece of info out....
What does any of this have to do with whether or not their game will be good or not?
If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.

Cool story bro
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
Necro thread!!!!
I agree. I think the space sim is one of the greatest things you can play on a PC and I am really looking forward to this game. It looks awesome! I do hope, however, that it is not a grinder. I can't stand grinders. One of the greatest things about the WWIIOL game I used to play is that it did not elevate long time players to god status/ability. Any noob with a rifle could oneshot the day-1 players, if his aim was good.
I, being an adult with responsibilities, will not be able to keep up with the guys who can log 10 hours a day. IMHO, being able to play for 10 hours a day is its own reward. If you play for 10 hours a day, and get complacent, and get jumped by a small squad of causal gamers, and find yourself outnumbered 3 to 1, it should end in a bad day for you, all other things being equal. Many hours a day to play should not equal invulnerability or near invulnerability to when faced by a group of guys that have 3 to 5 hours a week to dedicate to gaming. In fact, IMHO, to truly be a sim, the new guys have to have sharp fangs also. Truth be told, if the casual gamer has better skills, even if far less time to game, he should win most one vs one confrontations vs lesser skilled gamers with many more hours to game.
I will say this. I know they are two completely types of games, but I absolutely loved Mass Effect, even if they screwed the ending. I liked it so much because of one thing and one thing only...where else could you hop around the galaxy fighting different races, and AI life forms? Where else could you visit exotic locations on other planets? Etc... It fed a need...a need I hope will be fully satisfied by playing this game.
BTW, does anyone know if there is the intention to have other lifeforms/races?
A year ago I've written a post about it. So nothing new for me, but at least somebody new woke up.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.? -Albert Einstein
"The ability to speak doesn't make you intelligent" - Qui-gon Jinn. After many years of reading Internet forums, there's no doubt that neither does the ability to write.
So if you notice that I'm no longer answering your nonsense, stop trying... because you just joined my block list.
I just like the fact that the money pledged to Star Citizen goes directly to the game’s development needs.
Nobody pushing to launch it full of bugs.. because they want to earn money fast.
If you want the goal info =
I suspect either
A) they will never finish the thing or it will be massively delayed
I think the OP needs to look up what a money grab really is.
Gathering funds for not a money grab. More money = bigger budget to do things.
Those goals are already the vision of them, they just have the money now to put more people on it.
Some goals will be after release but i don't mind that. Atm i already have a lot of fun watching the wingman hangar shows and the live events and visiting the ship hangar. They actually sometimes listen to people, they aren't perfect but they at least try their best.
You really notice that they love what they are doing when you see them on a live event tired because they did a lot of extra hours to make some stuff for the event.
And atm i'm impressed with the service i recieved from CIG like most of my guild.
Never had an answer so fast and friendly in other games.
Found this info on an other forum maybe usefull for some people here.
Release Schedule:
Hangar Module
Approximate date: August 2013.
“ I'm planning to probably release [an] app for people that will let them hang out in their hangar, and look at the ships they've bought. So, when we've got to the point that all the ships are in the engine, and I can do that- it will probably be before the single player game and before the single player alpha comes out- I'm going to let our backers have that app, so they can sit around and look around in their ships, and walk around them.”–Chris Roberts
“ The first thing we’re planning is, in August, for Gamescom and PAX, we’re going to release the hangar module to all the backers. It’s a space hangar you can go in, all in the engine, and you can see the ships that you’ve pledged. Walk around in 3D. Go inside them. Invite your friends to hang out and see your ships. You should also be able to do some customization on the ships. I’m not sure if we’ll have all the assets built by then, but you should be able to customize. That’s in August.” –Chris Roberts
Dogfighting Module
Approximate date: December 2013.
“ Multiplayer dog fighting without a persistent universe or the Squadron 42 narrative... It's for everyone to get a feel of flying and to develop tactics (and for the developers to street test and balance with real players). ”–Chris Roberts
“ And then in December, the end of December, we'll release the dogfighting module, which will allow you to take the ship that you've backed, basically what you've got sitting in your hangar, and go into space in sort of a head-to-head deathmatch against other players or AI ... so in December people will be able to sort of dogfight and play, so they actually will be to have close to a World of Tanks style experience there, which will be kind of cool, and we'll be adding ship items and more stuff on there so people will be able to customize their ships. So basically the hangar will be working in concert with the dogfighting module. ” –Chris Roberts, Forbes May 2013 Interview
Social / Planetside Module
Approximate date: March-April 2014
A social module was described in the January 2013 edition of the German computer gaming magazine GameStar.
“ We've got another module that we call the Planetside module, which is sort of down on the planet, the social interaction, talking to people in the bar or going to a shop and buying and selling stuff. ” –Chris Roberts GameStar E3 2013 Interview
“ ...and then in the following year (2014) we'll release sort of a planetside module which will be kind of a social module. That's where you can go into the bar and talk to all the people, buy/sell stuff, upgrade your ship.”–Chris Roberts, Forbes May 2013 Interview
“ The planet side module releases sometime next year (Chris tells us perhaps March or April) and will include the social aspects of being on a planet. You’ll be able to do things like go to the bar and chat. ” –Chris Interview, PAX East 2013
Squadron 42 / Singleplayer Alpha
Approximate date: August 2014
“ [Then] an alpha of the single-player game, and then finally a beta of the persistent universe by the end of the year (2014). ” –Chris Roberts, Forbes May 2013 Interview
“ Further out is the single player alpha (roughly August 2014) and the alpha for system universe (again, roughly December 2014). ” –Chris Roberts Interview, PAX East 2013
Persistent Universe Module / Beta
Approximate date: End of 2014.
“ ...and then a beta of the persistent universe by the end of the year (2014), which essentially is bringing all of these things into one holistic piece, and then we'll go live after the beta which I would anticipate would probably be sometime in early 2015. But essentially from the end of 2014 you should be able to play the full game, it'll just be beta because there obviously still will be things to tweak and balance, and we'll try and keep the player base constrained until after we've gone through beta, because, you know, it's not really a beta if you've got a million players. ” –Chris Roberts, Forbes May 2013 Interview
Star Citizen & Squadron 42
Approximate date: Early 2015.
Star Citizen will feature a persistent universe.
Great post!
This is why I love these guys. Every other MMO maker out there should be taking notes. The communication from them alone in the form of website updates, podcasts, and events is unprecedented in the gaming industry.
The fact that they already delivered the hanger module with absolutely stunning space ships is incredible. I have no doubt this is going to be one hell of a game, and my money was well invested here.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
I find it hilarious when people stoop so low as to try and compare what CIG has done to anything else on the market. The only thing other companies have done is chase the money. They haven't bothered to notice that there is a formula to chasing that money that works and one that doesn't. SOE proved that again today when they doubled down on stupid with EQNL.
Cash grab? Call Smedley...
Lost me at 'feature creep'...
Wait, isn't that the forums for almost every MMORPG? Lol