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I heard that EVE CEOS need to read the emails before they accept to join their corp. Also they will read the emails for the entire period while you are in their corp.
I am wondering how eve comunity accept this invasion of privacy. What is next : stream your webcam while you play ?
Not really true
However, By getting your API they have (IF YOU ALLOW) the option to read all your historical evemails,
Why do this you ask >? Well they want to make sure your not in allegiance with their enemies
Wants to stop it? Dont give them your API that allow them to read your evemails, you can create API to allow them acces to what ever you wish
If yuou really have a problem with giving them an API then dotn join simple as.
Besides once your in, you can cancel the API key you have given them, thus stopping them viewing anything that is new, so whilst your post is 'partially' true the general thing is your way over the top.
This post is all my opinion, but I welcome debate on anything i have put, however, personal slander / name calling belongs in game
where of course you're welcome to call me names im often found lounging about in EvE online.
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A corp is placing a significant amount of trust in you by letting you join.
Oh and the API is only able to give access to in game emails, not your out of game messages.
But tbh, they're not really going to bother with your evemails; what they're interested in is your transaction history. If you join alliance A with your character Awoxy McSpy that has extensive tranaction history from another character in Alliance B, which is actively hostile to Alliance A, then your new alliance has a legitimate interest in knowing about this.
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Its called espionage, and in Eve, its just another tool used in corporate or alliance warfare.
Basically if you want to join an corporation, you need to be able to prove that your applying in honesty and not as a spy, and as already mentioned, its in game mails only.
You misunderstood my post. This is the kind of thing that makes Eve its own unique game and why it will be around for a long, long time. In no other game can one person screw over so many others so badly. BOB had thousands of people in it and yet a single person dissolved their alliance and threw them in complete chaos. In that one act, those people lost years worth of effort. No other game is like this. It is what makes Eve special and lures some many people to continue to come back and play it year after year.
My alliance wanted the FULL API now, they read my evemails, I have been a longterm BOB member, IT, had chars in old TRI, fmr INFOD, Curse Alliance and am in Ncdot now, and I have ppl working @ the office who are Goon members.
So what? I mail them, they know I won't give intel to them, they don't give it to me. Lol, the alliance leader himself has goon characters which he plays regularly to spy on them.
And with all that Full API drama going on and people not being happy with it because simply he can't be trusted
-we as members all know him too well-
his own corp (D00M) had a spy being a former kicked director who still had a alt in his corp with pos rights (more then a year after she was kicked), which cost his corp a titan loss some 3d ago when she lowered pos shields and orchestrated a hotdrop on the bridging titan.
Full API is only good for preventing thievery by a margin. In alliance metagaming it's the disgruntled directors/CEOs/Alliance Leaders who you have to watch out for. History proves that. Ironic that the people who DEMAND full APIS are the ones that can't be trusted with it.
Normal spy grunts really cause no damage and their API is only useful for their own CEOs.
If you are a multi account user, just don't connect any 'juicy' character (being a spy, industrialist with posrights etc) -basicly anything that you don't want your corp/alliance to know- to your main account.
2 accounts are more then enough.
for example:
main acct is polluted with a full api to your corp/alliance, use a trader alt on your 2nd account to trade between other chars on the 2nd account and the ones on the main account. That way they never get their hands on the good stuff, and only know the name of the trader.
Just outsmart THEM, it's not that difficicult.
And if you don't like it: you could always found your own corp or join one that is not that paranoid and NSA-like.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
Give me liberty or give me lasers
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
-- Herman Melville
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"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
in the end i could not find any etsabilished 0.0 corp that would have accepted me without full/email api.
i just give up and stop paying sub after one month.
and this is anyway pointless because a proper infiltration is done with new account, bought character , jettison stuff etc.
i am not blaming the corps that asks but the players who accept it.
anyway, i am killing my time with star trek online while waiting for star citizen and elite dangerous alphas
just ignore corp that wants to read your email.
those who want to spy have another account so corp is just BS with you when req full api.
Guides & Trials for EvE Online:
It wasn't allways this way. The first 5 or 6 years in EvE Online were actually quiet a good ride.
You endure if you want to play the only passable spaceship MMORPG in existence.
I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been -Wayne Gretzky
Do you live in a western european democracy?
Then the security service of your nation, as well as probably that of the US, UK and maybe France, reads all your "real" email.
Are you planning to to move? Maybe to south america or africa?
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