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Its wierd but give it a chance.

culley65culley65 Member Posts: 77

I know that its a BIG change and it was not a good one (on SOE's part) to make such a big change to a game. BUT give it a chance ;)

I just re-activated my account and I am a little lost (actually alot) but the Star wars feeling is still there (biggest issue to me)

However the problem I see now is the leveling system..WHY! would they do this? Before CU I (a tka/doc) had a chance to compete in pvp (even though I was not master) but now, because I am 2 or 3 LEVELS lower then someone they beat me..hands down..




  • StumanStuman Member UncommonPosts: 71

    Felt nothing like Star Wars to me - got very bored very quickly and cancelled (as have many, many other players).

    Mourning a great game that was killed before its time.

    Vale SWG

  • KingsharkKingshark Member Posts: 32
    It was also LA's  idea so its gonna stay for now so no were outta here it Crap.
  • ScarisScaris Member UncommonPosts: 5,332

    Originally posted by culley65
    I know that its a BIG change and it was not a good one (on SOE's part) to make such a big change to a game. BUT give it a chance ;)I just re-activated my account and I am a little lost (actually alot) but the Star wars feeling is still there (biggest issue to me)However the problem I see now is the leveling system..WHY! would they do this? Before CU I (a tka/doc) had a chance to compete in pvp (even though I was not master) but now, because I am 2 or 3 LEVELS lower then someone they beat me..hands down..Meh!

    Not sure which server your on but if you are on Naritus or move to Naritus look me up, I will be glad to help you get oriented with the new system. My ingame name is Marguul.

    - Scaris

    "What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World

  • DrSawDrSaw Member Posts: 81

    I did give it a shot. I played for hours with the combat upgrade and I got nowhere. My character was level 39, and I was pretty much stuck. You can read my post about my adventures in this message board. Basically, I spent an hour doing missions from the mission terminal, assuming it would assign me missions I could get XP for. Well, it didn't. I spent an hour and all I got was about 3 points! I did a calculation and determined that it would take me 205 years for me to finish up the last two boxes for master Pikeman.

    Oh, and did I mention that I died 6 times?

    The game is a mess. It is a huge disappointment. SWG was the most amazing MMORPG I had ever played. It had all of the aspects of a MMORPG that I like. So sadly, I had to cancel. I will be monitoring the SWG discussion boards for any changes or fixes, but I think I am forever done with SWG.


  • JimudJimud Member Posts: 252

    But even b4 the CU ppl used to complain about the game,how can u go around saying it used to be the best mmorpg ever when it had so many bugs b4 the CU n with the CU @ least there chaging it.

  • DrSawDrSaw Member Posts: 81

    Originally posted by Jimud
    But even b4 the CU ppl used to complain about the game,how can u go around saying it used to be the best mmorpg ever when it had so many bugs b4 the CU n with the CU @ least there chaging it.

    Most of the kids that rule the discussion boards will complain about anything and everything. There were balance issues before, but I loved the game as it was. I enjoyed playing it every chance I had. And yes the CU is a change, but (and this is just my opinion) it is a change that made the game worse.

    SOE doesn't realize that "dying" in a game isn't considered fun. And that's all I do anymore. Before, I was a "hero" and now I'm a "smoe." That just isn't any fun.


  • ScarisScaris Member UncommonPosts: 5,332

    I did give it a shot. I played for hours with the combat upgrade and I got nowhere. My character was level 39, and I was pretty much stuck. You can read my post about my adventures in this message board. Basically, I spent an hour doing missions from the mission terminal, assuming it would assign me missions I could get XP for. Well, it didn't. I spent an hour and all I got was about 3 points! I did a calculation and determined that it would take me 205 years for me to finish up the last two boxes for master Pikeman.Oh, and did I mention that I died 6 times?The game is a mess. It is a huge disappointment. SWG was the most amazing MMORPG I had ever played. It had all of the aspects of a MMORPG that I like. So sadly, I had to cancel. I will be monitoring the SWG discussion boards for any changes or fixes, but I think I am forever done with SWG.DrSaw

    If you pick the middle paying mission or higher the mobs will be atleast even con to you. If you pick the easiest mission in the terminal (the lowest paying one) you will get gray mobs that you cannot gain on. There is nothing wrong with that, since missions can be about more then just getting experience. You always have the option to take a harder one.

    Yes I was very fustrated when I first logged in as well, I soon started playing with /respec and I now have found a template I like better then my original one by a long stretch. As for the last 2 boxes of master pike, you do realize you can respec once every 12 hours and any experience you gained in say scout or medic from healing yourself during combat or harvesting can be moved to pike twice a day right?

    I was level 58 when the CU came, I am now level 71 and I have done under 20 missions and I have gained 8 elite skill boxes, 2 whole lines just from moving novice experience up and converting it too elite. I think you tried to make it fail in your eyes and really didn't explore your options a hell of alot. I am gaining over 5000 experience per kill currently and I was gaining atleast 4k per kill at 58. If you don't wanna play the game anymore just say so, but if your gonna review it like that, how about giving it a fair try instead of a slanted one with what seems like little effort to understand the new system? First day of a completely new combat system and you expeceted it to just give you the answers by doing things the exact same way you used to do them.

    - Scaris

    "What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World

  • DrSawDrSaw Member Posts: 81

    I worked with RESPEC and it wouldn't let me really do anything except move boxes around within my pikeman section. I also was a victim of the "you can't move, you're skills are negative." So I had to give up skills.

    Basically, the RESPEC required me to drop novice architect, novice scout, novice tailor, and novice armorsmith. This allowed me to be able to move because it brought my skill points down to zero. See, my character was primarily a non-combatant. I was a master artisan and merchant with several vendors, with some basic combat skills so I could go on missions with friends and not get slaughtered. Now I die quick, and I die often. And I can't craft 40% of the things I used to be able to. It just isn't fun.

    Believe me, I wanted to like the CU. I was the one telling people to relax and give SOE the benefit-of-the-doubt. As it is now, I don't find the game enjoyable. Maybe they will change it in the future. I certainly hope so.


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