Innocent until proven guilty so yes, until they don't deliver I'll take them at their word. With that in mind, yes, EQN is something unseen and reaches further into an "MMORPG" than any title seen or known. These are some points that accomplish this IMO:
* Smooth, voxel based world (build/break/explore layers down * Game updates that are built by the players * NPC AI (likes/dislikes/natural migration) * Horizontal and vertical progression that is exploration based * Gathering based on world material, not nodes
These are some but not all. I hope they pull it off.
It's "pushing" the envelope more-so than any other game at this time in terms of an MMORPG.
And in my opinion in a time where every single MMO has gone off of the original Everquest / WoW formula for the past 15 or so years... this one deserves all the awards it received.
Theres no question that it deserves hype and best in show versus a bunch of non-factor games, but its not my cup of tea.
Unfortunately, SOE is trying to throw as many new variables into the equation as possible, and innovating for the sake of innovation rather than improving upon what we know and love about mmos. The problem with SOE's ideas and direction is it only tends to a more streamlined, more trivial game thats as accessible and all-inclusive as possible. Though EQ Next won't mechanically be a WoW-clone, they're quite obviously following the WoW philosophy to a tee. Gone are the days of classic MMOs, gone are the days of complicated, immersive, hardcore games. Say hello to EQ Next, the next generation of kiddie games.
Theres no question that it deserves hype and best in show versus a bunch of non-factor games, but its not my cup of tea.
Unfortunately, SOE is trying to throw as many new variables into the equation as possible, and innovating for the sake of innovation rather than improving upon what we know and love about mmos. The problem with SOE's ideas and direction is it only tends to a more streamlined, more trivial game thats as accessible and all-inclusive as possible. Though EQ Next won't mechanically be a WoW-clone, they're quite obviously following the WoW philosophy to a tee. Gone are the days of classic MMOs, gone are the days of complicated, immersive, hardcore games. Say hello to EQ Next, the next generation of kiddie games.
I am curious where you find the accessibility or this just based on graphics? I have seen nothing YET that makes me believe it will be an all access pass game. In fact I know so little information still and that's the problem right now if SoE wants to keep the momentum going they need to open up more. Anyone who was expecting EQ1 reskinned was in for a shock I loved EQ1 but I did that and there is a reason I left it behind. I do wonder if they are innovating for the sake of it but haven't seen anything that would lead me to that conclusion unless I were to base it off theorycraft which is all SoE has given us so far.
Theres no question that it deserves hype and best in show versus a bunch of non-factor games, but its not my cup of tea.
Unfortunately, SOE is trying to throw as many new variables into the equation as possible, and innovating for the sake of innovation rather than improving upon what we know and love about mmos. The problem with SOE's ideas and direction is it only tends to a more streamlined, more trivial game thats as accessible and all-inclusive as possible. Though EQ Next won't mechanically be a WoW-clone, they're quite obviously following the WoW philosophy to a tee. Gone are the days of classic MMOs, gone are the days of complicated, immersive, hardcore games. Say hello to EQ Next, the next generation of kiddie games.
I am curious where you find the accessibility or this just based on graphics? I have seen nothing YET that makes me believe it will be an all access pass game. In fact I know so little information still and that's the problem right now if SoE wants to keep the momentum going they need to open up more. Anyone who was expecting EQ1 reskinned was in for a shock I loved EQ1 but I did that and there is a reason I left it behind. I do wonder if they are innovating for the sake of it but haven't seen anything that would lead me to that conclusion unless I were to base it off theorycraft which is all SoE has given us so far.
Ever since they released info on it, people have been stating it's "wownext" or going to be "for kiddies" or "going to be easymode."
And I'm in the same boat as you, how do they know this? We got a movement video, some scripted combat with no UI or anything, and some character models. Aside from that we got some tidbits here and there on combat, etc. How does any of that dictate how hard/easy the game is going to be?
People love to pull things from their rears just for the sake of arguement.
Originally posted by Vutar I am convinced at this point that the media is getting to see more than we are. It is the only way to explain why EQnext keeps winning various awards based on ideas and hype.
I think their only showing us things that are done, while media see incomplete things and explained to that this is incomplete/not ironed out and so on, media wont blow somthing out of the water that isnt incomplete but other people will despite being told its not finished yet.
Originally posted by Aelious Innocent until proven guilty so yes, until they don't deliver I'll take them at their word. With that in mind, yes, EQN is something unseen and reaches further into an "MMORPG" than any title seen or known. These are some points that accomplish this IMO:
* Smooth, voxel based world (build/break/explore layers down * Game updates that are built by the players * NPC AI (likes/dislikes/natural migration) * Horizontal and vertical progression that is exploration based * Gathering based on world material, not nodes
These are some but not all. I hope they pull it off.
Pssst. Look at this. I have about 70 acres in NJ for sale. Very fertile land to till crops and make allot of money. Dont worry about the waste disposal co to the west. They said that they had the various leaks and odor under control. Will only cost you 3.7 mil. Cash no checks please. PM me for my PO Box info.
EDIT: Fixed the word "odor" for the spell cops out there.
Originally posted by Aelious Innocent until proven guilty so yes, until they don't deliver I'll take them at their word. With that in mind, yes, EQN is something unseen and reaches further into an "MMORPG" than any title seen or known. These are some points that accomplish this IMO:
* Smooth, voxel based world (build/break/explore layers down * Game updates that are built by the players * NPC AI (likes/dislikes/natural migration) * Horizontal and vertical progression that is exploration based * Gathering based on world material, not nodes
These are some but not all. I hope they pull it off.
Pssst. Look at this. I have about 70 acres in NJ for sale. Very fertile land to till crops and make allot of money. Dont worry about the waste disposal co to the west. They said that they had the various leaks and odder under control. Will only cost you 3.7 mil. Cash no checks please. PM me for my PO Box info.
What is "odder control?"
I personally value people's opinions who can't even spell "odor." Good try trying to sound it out though like a big boy .
Originally posted by Aelious Innocent until proven guilty so yes, until they don't deliver I'll take them at their word. With that in mind, yes, EQN is something unseen and reaches further into an "MMORPG" than any title seen or known. These are some points that accomplish this IMO:
* Smooth, voxel based world (build/break/explore layers down * Game updates that are built by the players * NPC AI (likes/dislikes/natural migration) * Horizontal and vertical progression that is exploration based * Gathering based on world material, not nodes
These are some but not all. I hope they pull it off.
Pssst. Look at this. I have about 70 acres in NJ for sale. Very fertile land to till crops and make allot of money. Dont worry about the waste disposal co to the west. They said that they had the various leaks and odder under control. Will only cost you 3.7 mil. Cash no checks please. PM me for my PO Box info.
You've perfectly illustrated what is going on. It costs me nothing to get excited about the possibilities of EQN, nothing. I could spend my time being dire and jaded about it, which is harmful in any situation and is a "cost", but instead look forward to seeing what comes about. Not only am I figuratively not spending anything, when it releases as a freemium MMO I won't be actually spending anything either until I know it's worth the money. Which is also a moot point since I have an All Access Pass, heh.
Can we all agree that an absence of information in no way indicates anything about how far along they are, how easy or hard it is, and how cartoony the graphics will end up being?
From what we've seen, I disagree. EQN was little more than an idea shown at E3 and it won best in show both here and at TTH I believe. FFXIV was snubbed for a tech demo and perhaps a little extra incentive.
Hyping a game before it releases is often the make or brake point.. The gaming industry is unique as it doesn't operate like most business models.. When it comes to gaming, a company only focuses on the first 6 months sales.. That is where they either make their profit or lose their ass.. Other industries like automobile, retail stores, food and service rely on LONG TERM goals to make their profit.. The gaming industry reminds me of an old battle phrase..
"strike hard, strike fast, no mercy sir"
And that is exactly what they do.. If I see a new restaurant being build on the corner I don't VOTE for it as "BEST" in town, when it hasn't served ONE customer before it opens.. That only makes sense, so why does gaming get a free pass and exception to the rule? Can you think of any industry ANYWHERE that is awarded "AWARDS" before they even exist? Does the Oscars give out awards before it hits the theaters? Think about boys and girls..
From what we've seen, I disagree. EQN was little more than an idea shown at E3 and it won best in show both here and at TTH I believe. FFXIV was snubbed for a tech demo and perhaps a little extra incentive.
I think EQN will end up being worth the best of show nod but I can't deny that what was shown at E3 was small for the award. I think it ultimately it was just something that stood out to them. FFXIV is a great MMO but it's the standard "model" set in the FF universe. There hasn't been much in the way of innovation for quite a while so I can see how they got excited and gave EQN the nod. Should they have given it to an MMO already ready to go? Probably and I was expecting more information than we've received at this point.
Hyping a game before it releases is often the make or brake point.. The gaming industry is unique as it doesn't operate like most business models.. When it comes to gaming, a company only focuses on the first 6 months sales.. That is where they either make their profit or lose their ass.. Other industries like automobile, retail stores, food and service rely on LONG TERM goals to make their profit.. The gaming industry reminds me of an old battle phrase..
"strike hard, strike fast, no mercy sir"
And that is exactly what they do.. If I see a new restaurant being build on the corner I don't VOTE for it as "BEST" in town, when it hasn't served ONE customer before it opens.. That only makes sense, so why does gaming get a free pass and exception to the rule? Can you think of any industry ANYWHERE that is awarded "AWARDS" before they even exist? Does the Oscars give out awards before it hits the theaters? Think about boys and girls..
If the restaraunt cooked a years worth of food ahead of time for when it opened you bet they would front promote as much as they possibly could .
What is shown so far isn't a finished product but the ideas are good. Lack of information allows us to fill the voids with what we find to be a good solution... that is a great marketing tactic.
Originally posted by Kyllien Can we all agree that an absence of information in no way indicates anything about how far along they are, how easy or hard it is, and how cartoony the graphics will end up being?
That would require people to be reasonable. You're in the wrong neigbourhood for that.
Too many people bashing the game, and completely forgetting what makes an MMO successful.
From the few videos we've seen, it's apparent that the game Engine is smooth, responsive, and fast. It also looks like it can run on most machines, although "eye candy" will have to be reduced to compensate. The parkour stuff makes things altogether better, i'm foaming at the mouth pulling shiZZ like that off in PvP and getting away with it.
The reason for cartoony graphics have never been more apparent. They are taking the simple concept that >made< WoW such a success and doing the same thing over. I don't care what mechanics they have in place right now or how much is finished, Sony is going for gold and no one will stop them. TESO, wildstar...ROFL
The magic is coming, i'm getting that same feeling I was getting come 2004.
I'd say other mmorpgs competing in the same space are in trouble. EQ:N brings new things to a higher standard to the genre. Whether or not that's your cup of tea individually is another question: But for the BIG mmorpgs, it's got to have a ripple effect on the industry eg Titan?
If you have been eating rice for 10 years and someone offers you a sirloin steak, mushrooms, big fat chips and a cold beer to wash it all down of course you are going to get excited.
Yes the game deserves all the hype it has received. The idea's that have come forward are going to change the future of the genre even if EQN doesn't work out too well. The idea's of a totally interactive environment alone is worth all the praise let alone all the other things coming.
Originally posted by Aelious Innocent until proven guilty so yes, until they don't deliver I'll take them at their word. With that in mind, yes, EQN is something unseen and reaches further into an "MMORPG" than any title seen or known. These are some points that accomplish this IMO:
* Smooth, voxel based world (build/break/explore layers down * Game updates that are built by the players * NPC AI (likes/dislikes/natural migration) * Horizontal and vertical progression that is exploration based * Gathering based on world material, not nodes
These are some but not all. I hope they pull it off.
Pssst. Look at this. I have about 70 acres in NJ for sale. Very fertile land to till crops and make allot of money. Dont worry about the waste disposal co to the west. They said that they had the various leaks and odder under control. Will only cost you 3.7 mil. Cash no checks please. PM me for my PO Box info.
You've perfectly illustrated what is going on. It costs me nothing to get excited about the possibilities of EQN, nothing. I could spend my time being dire and jaded about it, which is harmful in any situation and is a "cost", but instead look forward to seeing what comes about. Not only am I figuratively not spending anything, when it releases as a freemium MMO I won't be actually spending anything either until I know it's worth the money. Which is also a moot point since I have an All Access Pass, heh.
I don't have the pass but I still agree. It's a free to play game. The only way this game could cost you, is if you let it. Getting hyped about a game isn't a bad thing, as long as you keep it in check. Hype has a way of making a game into something it's not and leaving you disappointed..... BUT.. a little hype for something new is a good thing.
My own opinion is not even close. It's almost laughable to me now considering how early in development the game turned out to be. They basically hyped it to high heaven based on a tech demo and fancy promises - which every single mmo has made before.
On this one folks im taking the view that what ive got now is 2 guys trying to sell me a brand new car they have not made yet ? One guy has a pony tail the other guy has tattoos. I will take my time checking things out before I give them a Dime.
" Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Those Who Would Threaten It " MAGA
Originally posted by Margulis My own opinion is not even close. It's almost laughable to me now considering how early in development the game turned out to be. They basically hyped it to high heaven based on a tech demo and fancy promises - which every single mmo has made before.
The hype is completely unfounded, there's no game to hype, it's a wishlist. Well, dare I say that most games sound amazing at the wish list phase. I need to see more than some jumping animations to get hyped.
* Smooth, voxel based world (build/break/explore layers down
* Game updates that are built by the players
* NPC AI (likes/dislikes/natural migration)
* Horizontal and vertical progression that is exploration based
* Gathering based on world material, not nodes
These are some but not all. I hope they pull it off.
I think so.
It's "pushing" the envelope more-so than any other game at this time in terms of an MMORPG.
And in my opinion in a time where every single MMO has gone off of the original Everquest / WoW formula for the past 15 or so years... this one deserves all the awards it received.
Theres no question that it deserves hype and best in show versus a bunch of non-factor games, but its not my cup of tea.
Unfortunately, SOE is trying to throw as many new variables into the equation as possible, and innovating for the sake of innovation rather than improving upon what we know and love about mmos. The problem with SOE's ideas and direction is it only tends to a more streamlined, more trivial game thats as accessible and all-inclusive as possible. Though EQ Next won't mechanically be a WoW-clone, they're quite obviously following the WoW philosophy to a tee. Gone are the days of classic MMOs, gone are the days of complicated, immersive, hardcore games. Say hello to EQ Next, the next generation of kiddie games.
I am curious where you find the accessibility or this just based on graphics? I have seen nothing YET that makes me believe it will be an all access pass game. In fact I know so little information still and that's the problem right now if SoE wants to keep the momentum going they need to open up more. Anyone who was expecting EQ1 reskinned was in for a shock I loved EQ1 but I did that and there is a reason I left it behind. I do wonder if they are innovating for the sake of it but haven't seen anything that would lead me to that conclusion unless I were to base it off theorycraft which is all SoE has given us so far.
Ever since they released info on it, people have been stating it's "wownext" or going to be "for kiddies" or "going to be easymode."
And I'm in the same boat as you, how do they know this? We got a movement video, some scripted combat with no UI or anything, and some character models. Aside from that we got some tidbits here and there on combat, etc. How does any of that dictate how hard/easy the game is going to be?
People love to pull things from their rears just for the sake of arguement.
I think their only showing us things that are done, while media see incomplete things and explained to that this is incomplete/not ironed out and so on, media wont blow somthing out of the water that isnt incomplete but other people will despite being told its not finished yet.
Pssst. Look at this. I have about 70 acres in NJ for sale. Very fertile land to till crops and make allot of money. Dont worry about the waste disposal co to the west. They said that they had the various leaks and odor under control. Will only cost you 3.7 mil. Cash no checks please. PM me for my PO Box info.
EDIT: Fixed the word "odor" for the spell cops out there.
What is "odder control?"
I personally value people's opinions who can't even spell "odor." Good try trying to sound it out though like a big boy
You've perfectly illustrated what is going on. It costs me nothing to get excited about the possibilities of EQN, nothing. I could spend my time being dire and jaded about it, which is harmful in any situation and is a "cost", but instead look forward to seeing what comes about. Not only am I figuratively not spending anything, when it releases as a freemium MMO I won't be actually spending anything either until I know it's worth the money. Which is also a moot point since I have an All Access Pass, heh.
From what we've seen, I disagree. EQN was little more than an idea shown at E3 and it won best in show both here and at TTH I believe. FFXIV was snubbed for a tech demo and perhaps a little extra incentive.
Hyping a game before it releases is often the make or brake point.. The gaming industry is unique as it doesn't operate like most business models.. When it comes to gaming, a company only focuses on the first 6 months sales.. That is where they either make their profit or lose their ass.. Other industries like automobile, retail stores, food and service rely on LONG TERM goals to make their profit.. The gaming industry reminds me of an old battle phrase..
"strike hard, strike fast, no mercy sir"
And that is exactly what they do.. If I see a new restaurant being build on the corner I don't VOTE for it as "BEST" in town, when it hasn't served ONE customer before it opens.. That only makes sense, so why does gaming get a free pass and exception to the rule? Can you think of any industry ANYWHERE that is awarded "AWARDS" before they even exist? Does the Oscars give out awards before it hits the theaters? Think about boys and girls..
I think EQN will end up being worth the best of show nod but I can't deny that what was shown at E3 was small for the award. I think it ultimately it was just something that stood out to them. FFXIV is a great MMO but it's the standard "model" set in the FF universe. There hasn't been much in the way of innovation for quite a while so I can see how they got excited and gave EQN the nod. Should they have given it to an MMO already ready to go? Probably and I was expecting more information than we've received at this point.
If the restaraunt cooked a years worth of food ahead of time for when it opened you bet they would front promote as much as they possibly could
That would require people to be reasonable. You're in the wrong neigbourhood for that.
Too many people bashing the game, and completely forgetting what makes an MMO successful.
From the few videos we've seen, it's apparent that the game Engine is smooth, responsive, and fast. It also looks like it can run on most machines, although "eye candy" will have to be reduced to compensate. The parkour stuff makes things altogether better, i'm foaming at the mouth pulling shiZZ like that off in PvP and getting away with it.
The reason for cartoony graphics have never been more apparent. They are taking the simple concept that >made< WoW such a success and doing the same thing over. I don't care what mechanics they have in place right now or how much is finished, Sony is going for gold and no one will stop them. TESO, wildstar...ROFL
The magic is coming, i'm getting that same feeling I was getting come 2004.
If you have been eating rice for 10 years and someone offers you a sirloin steak, mushrooms, big fat chips and a cold beer to wash it all down of course you are going to get excited.
Yes the game deserves all the hype it has received. The idea's that have come forward are going to change the future of the genre even if EQN doesn't work out too well. The idea's of a totally interactive environment alone is worth all the praise let alone all the other things coming.
I don't have the pass but I still agree. It's a free to play game. The only way this game could cost you, is if you let it. Getting hyped about a game isn't a bad thing, as long as you keep it in check. Hype has a way of making a game into something it's not and leaving you disappointed..... BUT.. a little hype for something new is a good thing.
On this one folks im taking the view that what ive got now is 2 guys trying to sell me a brand new car they have not made yet ? One guy has a pony tail the other guy has tattoos. I will take my time checking things out before I give them a Dime.
The hype is completely unfounded, there's no game to hype, it's a wishlist. Well, dare I say that most games sound amazing at the wish list phase. I need to see more than some jumping animations to get hyped.